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The beginning
  • According to the results of current geographical research and exploration, in the early days of the continent; Virsys, the central and the cold northern regions were the main civilized settlements.

    Today, within the inner parts of Novaluleia, and near the borders of Iophrys, there are still historical relics left from the old times. It is worth noting that there were also scattered traces of ancient settlements around the Eleison Tundra. After most of the ancient tribes fought for hundreds of years, the ancient civilization eventually founded the Eleison Glacier Town.

    Dynasties Timeline
    -Reynamios Dynasty
    -Nocidya Dynasty
    -Resuris Dynasty

The Reynamios Dynasty

Due to the expansion of the living spaces, conflicts rose between historical tribes near the end of the Ancient Centuries. Fighting over claimed territories became more often.
  • Remarkably, most of the tribes located in the land that became Novaluleia today; had the upper hand in the wars. In the end, the victory was claimed by the "Reynamios" tribe led by Leatherpher Luleia. He occupied most of the land in Virsys, ranged from the Central Plains to the northern tundras. The land was later renamed the "The Luleian Empire”, and later known as "the beginning of Novaluleia" by historians.
  • The Luleian Empire entered its first dynasty, the Reynamios Dynasty.
  • However, the birth of the biggest Empire was faced with many challenges. In the northern part of the modern Kingdom of Iophrys, somewhere close to the Eleison tundra, was the tribe led by "Ruel Evreza". They moved from central plains to northern tundra after losing the war against the "Reynamios" tribe. Here, they had several small-scale conflicts with the residents who had not yet developed civilization. They called them "tundra people" by later generations. The tundra residents who still used stone tools did not have the ability to defend their land against Ruel and his weapons, most of the inhabitants were slaughtered or enslaved. Only a small number of people far from the center of the conflict survived. Ruel built his own sovereign, Iophrysia on his newly claimed land.
  • Ayramere -A small nation between The Luleian Empire and the Sovereignty of Iophrysia.
    With the trading system across the Virsys continent began to shape quickly, Ayramere became an important trade path for merchants. However, due to Ayramere’s unusual terrain, sitting between the Empire and Iophrysia, the small port nation faced pressure from its larger neighbours. Also, the disobedience of trading rules by most foreign travelling merchants, and the scarcity of its permanent citizens caused Ayramere to be called the "chaotic jurisdiction" in ancient centuries.
  • At the same time, Vespers Island did not have any local tribes. Criminals from the Empire would usually be onto the island, and they would continue the rest of their lives there.
    The Expansion of the Empire
  • Battle of Cultivation
    Duration: 1 year
  • This battle was initiated by the Luleian Empire, with the aim of seizing Ayramere together with Vesper Island.
  • The battle provoked the resistance of most of the merchants rooted in the "chaotic jurisdiction", thus leading to the earliest "commercial war". However, since the dynasty was still in the era of the early peasant economy, its self-sufficient nature did not affect the joint commercial sanctions of merchants significantly.
  • Therefore, the main cause of chaos was still the combined armed attacks of merchants and other members of the chaotic jurisdiction.
  • The attack was launched in an orderly manner for several brief periods within the Empire, with small groups of combatants. This created massive chaos in the border area for the Empire.
  • The two factors that determine the Empire’s victory:
    1. The largest group of merchants defected - under the bribes of the dynastic nobles; the outlaws were not willing to follow the orders of the merchants for long.
    2. The powerful Imperial Army of the Empire

The Nocidya Dynasty

"A notable event was known as the War of Rortha, which lasted for 5 years"
  • A continental war, was initiated by the Iophrysia’s leader, King Evreza IV, during the Ruel Dynasty. The sovereign was dissatisfied with the expansion of the Luleian Empire. However, it was said that the real reason was that the Iophrysian King envied the vast fertile lands of the Empire.
  • Turning point: The internal changes within the Luleian Empire resulted in a situational change with the war.
  • The Reynamios Dynasty ended
  • The Nocidya Dynasty was founded
  • Taking this opportunity, the Sovereignty of Iophrysia expanded its territory, and its borders gradually resembled the modern Kingdom of Iophrys. Rage from the Empire’s citizens risen, causing them to overthrow the Reynamios Dynasty and it’s incompetent late ruler.
  • The Nocidya Capital; St Irie – The “Dawn”Era
  • In the past few years of the war, the defeated Empire reflected on its mistakes, which resulted in the promotion of "power theories"
  • St. Irie was the capital of the empire during Nocidya Dynasty. Back then most scholars gathered there while attempting to promote their own doctrine. The power of the church was slightly weakened by the defeat.
    Gradually more academic masters rooted in St Irie, forming one after another university.

The Calamity of the Heir – “Dusk” Era

“Irina the Treacherous”
  • The Calamity of the Heir happened several decades after the Dawn Era. The cause was the arranged marriage between the two nations. The King of Iophrysia sent his daughter Irina to marry the prince of the Empire. Princess Irina was extremely smart, she took the power into her own hands by provoking the relationship between the Luleian royal family which caused a series of disastrous events. The Empire’s hereditary system prevented her from becoming the queen, but she was the person manipulating the system from the shadows.
  • It was mentioned in the history books that before the Iophrysian princess left her homeland, she stated, "If you really send me to the Empire, I will make all of you regret it." The words that no one cared about became a fact under the control of the princess. Using the information, she deliberately collected during her decades of experience in the palace, she betrayed the Iophrysian royal family. The princess took the opportunity to connect her mother to The Luleian Empire under her care.
  • Lands were taken amidst of the chaos in the Sovereign of Iophrysia, ultimately ending the Evreza Dynasty. Its regime fell apart, the sovereign became several small nations standing on the territory it once owned.
  • End of Nocidya Dynasty: The Great Avian Plague
    A plague carried by birds began to spread on the continent of Vyrsis, killing many of the people. Birds are regarded as sacred symbols throughout the continent, and the people believed that they are messengers of the god - thus cannot be killed. This occurrence brought the church back to power. The Patriarch told the crowd; that the betrayal and turmoil that happened on the lands angered the Avian Creator, and only sincere repentance could be forgiven of all sins. Many people who had once questioned their religion put their faith back in the Church.
  • The royal family members of the Nocidya dynasty were infected by the plague and died from the lack of effective treatment. It was said by the Church that they had paid the price for the horrible things Irina the Treacherous had done in her lifetime. With no heir to the throne, the Nocidya dynasty ended.

The Resuris Dynasty

"Graceful as the swans, gliding across the silvery lake"
  • Idis the Wise, a scholar with a high reputation was able to end the Avian Plague with the discovery of antibiotics. Supported by the Church, he was appointed by the Patriarch as the new Emperor. During his reign, Idis Resuris renamed the empire to “Novaluleia” as an indication of a new beginning. He greatly supported the development of technology and science, therefore starting an industrial revolution.
  • St Aeryn
    The Capital of Novaluleia was moved to St Aeryn from St Irie. Emperor Idis built the Resuris Palace upon a cliff, one side facing the ocean, and one side overlooking the great mainland down below. St Aeryn became the heart of Novaluleia, the safest city to live in, and the one with the most advanced technology.

—Contemporary and Modern History—
The House of Resuris was known for its wisdom. Their coat of arms features white roses and a white swan. The monarchs of Resuris dynasty had brought the Empire to it’s most glorious days. They had gain popularity through the first century of their rule, supported by the people and the Six Noble Houses of the Empire. Their technology had developed rapidly, bringing many conveniences to their citizens. More importantly, the Resuris rulers valued friendship, they had reconciled with their neighbouring kingdoms through diplomacy and trades.
However, during the reign of Cygnus Resuris IV things began to change. The environmental issues began to surface, and the living qualities of the people lowered due to pollution. Industrial water that flowed into rivers without being processed properly turned the once-fertile lands almost barren. Sandstorms were more frequent, and the sky was filled with smog from factory smokes. The Attempted Assassination of Cygnus Resuris IV
Cause: Resources in the Empire were strictly controlled by the Six Noble Houses, leading to deep corruption. More and more dissidents protested those unfair monopolies, as the wealth gap widened.
"During a Sunday service at the Cathedral, an assassination of the emperor was attempted by a group of dissidents. Even though the plan failed, Empress Felicity died protecting the young prince, and the princess was also wounded." Cygnus soon fell into a deep state of depression afterwards, relying heavily on medication to continue his daily life. Vespers Island Complications
Regis Fable from one of the original six Noble Houses, a high-ranking general, started an insurgency against the emperor. He was defeated and fled to Vespers Island with the members of his house.
Regis Fable later declared the independence of the Republic of Luleia, with the support of his followers.
Learning from the past, Cygnus knew war would only bring misfortune upon the land. He focused on rebuilding the economy instead.
The Regency
In the Emperor’s middle ages, his depression eventually worsened, leaving him unable to attend those national matters. The emperor’s daughter, Serendipity Resuris became the Princess Regent.
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