Modariums [WIP]

Aka "Walking Terrariums"
If you are interested in co-owning this species and are willing to make a group for them and add lore, please DM ChimeraTeeth
Modarium Designs

Are there MYOs?: only for the open portion of the species
Are customs available?: yes, ask ChimeraTeeth

Open: human (1.5m-2m) to small mountain (300m) tall
Closed: large mountain (500m) to satellite (30km) sized

-Man-made machines made to preserve and carry nature.
-They are genderless but be more masculine or feminine presenting.
-They can be robotic/automated/programmed (default), or have their own AI/personality and quirks which a hidden code in the original program allows it to develop one on their own.
-Can be named or 'nameless' (the name is is literally the unique model ID code).
-Range from human sized (small plants/bonsai trees/seedlings) to satellite (houses full sized trees, used for space travel).
-Humanoid or humanoid hybrid in shape.