Souls and the Afterlife

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Souls are plant-like crystals that imps and the corva tend to in Expiry's plane, specifcially in the area known as The Soul Garden. These crystals are very unique to the corresponding individual and will change as they live through their life. Things that may cause the crystals to change are major life events, the use of arcana, bodily harm, and much more.

While the main soul buds reside in Expiry's plane, the physical body contains a structure on the sternum known as the soul root. These are link the individual to their corresponding soul. The soul roots may change just as their larger counterpart does, but to a lesser degree.

Reincarnation is a lesser-known reality of Karserus. This practice clearly shows in the souls residing in Expiry's plane. While a fresh soul is a small bud, a soul that has been reincarnated multiple times will have branches off of the original soul for each life lived.

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Expiry, Imps, and the corva

Expiry is the deity of death and judgement. They tend to stay out of direct work and only interact with a select few imps that they trust. Otherwise, most correspondence is done through a middleman

Imps are the main workforce in Expiry's plane. These creatures work to keep the souls tidy and safe, doing regular checks to make sure there are no irregularties that would call or intervention. These irregularities would include souls that have signs of neromancy interference, or other strange anomalies.

If an imp isn't working in The Soul Garden, they are most likely hunting down mortals who are commiting acts of necromancy, or the results of necromancy. They don't often persue small indvidual cases but instead go for large scale operations that can lead to disaster.

The corva, which are avian-like creatures, often work in tandem with the imps. However, they are more likely to be stationed to guard any "rouge" souls who were deemed unworthy of moving on to the proper afterlife.

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The Afterlife

The main afterlife is known as The Tower. The Tower is made up of 9 tiers, each corresponding to the main deities, sans Expiry. Depending on the culmination of one's actions as well as the deity you worshipped in their life, they are sent to the plane that best fits them. The order is as followed: Saciri, Vendrea, Tarolin, Trekca, Avinas, Efulpest, AEsentra, Mincino, Kare- Ranked from morally worst to morally best.

Each tier is based around the corresponding deity and has a large "living" area that it's inhabitants can stay in for as long as they please. In addition to the living area, there is also an exit, which is usually a challenge of some sort. Upon exiting a tier, the individual will enter the tier below. Once one clears all tiers, they will be given the choice to be reincarnated or return to any tier of their choosing.

Those who are caught by an imp committing acts of necromancy do not get to go to The Tower, but a prison-like area where they are left to rot, eventually turning into a hellish creature that is released into The Maw.

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