Welcome to Astralys!

Thanks for stopping by!

Astralys is a fantastic roleplaying universe waiting for you to come and be part of its unique story.
Join the many clans and races that roam Astralys, visit glorious cities, explore forgotten ruins or rise to the challenge and fight legendary creatures - the choice is all yours!

This universe's creator is the artist Kaosyn.
All German texts are translated by the lovely Wildwhisper!

How can I join?

First of all, you'll need a character that will act for you on your travels through Astralys. You can either purchase an original design via auction, OTP, DTA/WTA and the likes or create your own character by purchasing a MYO-Slot.

After that, you report to the Adventurer's guild to calculate your combat strength. Once you accepted your Astralys-pass and finished your character's profile you are finally ready to delve into this world's fantastical story - congratulations!

The Species

The Pure Species









The Hybrids

The members of the following Species are hybrids and cannot be purchased via MYO-Slot. They can, however, be acquired with Soul Fragments or by purchasing an original design.

  • Lemuria
  • Arcaneri
  • Pica Demons

NPC Species

The following species are NPC only and cannot be created by players:

  • Astari - Children of the Anima Mundi (cosmos) that are seen as Gods by most of Astralys' population
  • Magion - the supposed progenitors of the Titans

Living in Astralys

World Map

in progress

Adventure Guild

in progress

Battle System

in progress


coming soon


coming soon


coming soon

Recent Forum Activity

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