
As Pockets is the main character, here is a loose history on her as told to a friend over Discord at 1 in the morning. Most of the story was created by myself and a friend from 2013-2015.

So basically she is part of a race of sub-humans who lived peacefully on a planet until they were invaded by the big bad guys who were known as the Ironclad. They were giant cyborg super soldiers at war with everyone else. So Pockets’ planet was invaded and destroyed when she was 6, and only a single ship of her people escaped. Her hip was crushed during the raid and even though she can afford replacements with decent technology, she’s always got chronic hip pain and walks with a limp

She was about to apply for a decent school when she was 17 but then her only living family member (her gran) died and it hit her hard. She fled and went to find her own way in the galaxy

She meets a mysterious woman who dresses sharp, smokes. And carries a big gun. She’s smitten and the woman takes big advantage of Pockets. This part is unclear, I haven’t totally fleshed it out but Pockets is with Stella for a few years where she learns a shit ton about mechanics, general space rogueishness (Captain Mal of Firefly style), sex, drugs, and rock n roll

Stella eventually betrays Pockets and shit happens (??? No idea if I ever have figured it out) and Pockets ends up with freelance prospectors

Pockets is highly hedonistic at this point, often blowing her earnings on drugs, alcohol, & sex (she claims sex makes her hip feel better but that is dubious at best). When she’s on the job she is a natural and the best at what she does however

Eventually the captain (his name is Brocherés and he looks like what you might imagine a luchador in space to look like) hires another hand for heavy lifting and combat. His name is Scrap and he is nearly 7’, muscular af, and absolutely nonchalant to the point of lazy. He sleeps constantly and eventually sinks into a rivalry with Pockets. Like they Do Not Like each other

At some point their hate just turns into tolerated contempt and eventually just a friendly rivalry (Pockets is a little ball of rage so it was mostly her getting annoyed). During one of their scouting missions they come across an abandoned bunker that lights up when Scrap enters. Turns out it’s an old Ironclad base and -drum roll please- Scrap is revealed to be an Ironclad!!

This upsets Pockets GREATLY as you can imagine and Scrap was asked to take a leave since he didn’t disclose that kinda important piece of information. Pockets falls into a depressive spiral for a good long time

Side bar: Scrap is an Ironclad defector and is actually a lot smaller than the main soldiers. He’s been on the lam from their scouts to avoid being terminated or brought back into the regime. Ironclad have synthetic bones and blood and their brains are part machine as well so they have ports for uploading and downloading and in some cases, power. We joked that Scrap just slept in weird places because he needed an outlet lmao

So they hired Buck Cannon, fighter pilot extraordinaire and  literal cowboy where everything he said was laced with innuendo. Pockets hated him but was so massively attracted to him it pained her. After hooking up a handful of times, turns out that Buck also was a certified therapist and was really positive to her mental health. This was revealed only to her as he was just a cocky weirdo to the general public
God that character was so stupid but we couldn’t stop giggling over his concept

Scrap was hired back eventually and Pockets avoided him when she could. He would try and act how they used to be but it was tense for a bit. Eventually Pockets was able to open back up and they were on joking terms again. She quit sleeping with Buck and was sober for a couple weeks before the incident

So they were sent to loot another abandoned bunker and it turns out it was right in the middle of a civil war. Caught between gunfire they didn’t notice a sniper with a rocket launcher until it was too late. The assailant was aiming for Scrap (turns out he was hired to kill Scrap) but Pockets was able to move him out of the way. The rocket exploded between them and knocked Pockets out

When she came to in the hospital, she noticed two things; one was that Scrap was there and the other was that she no longer had arms. The rocket damaged them severely when she put them up to protect her face and they had to be amputated

While she was in a coma she had a vision that she was in the purgatory of her people and she had to fight to awake or surrender to move to the afterlife. She chose to fight and this vision affected her

While on the waitlist to be fitted for some fancy new arms, Pockets and Scrap grow closer and eventually become a couple. Pockets also seeks out information about her people and becomes somewhat religious especially after the vision. She still has a temper and depression but it’s managed in a much healthier way

This is where a lot of the story ends as my friend and I didn't really speak much for a while. Eventually Pockets leaves the team and Scrap, still feeling unfulfilled. I like to think she joins a smaller ship as a mechanic and meets a nice girl and maybe a nice boy and they all settle down together.