Hey guys, all the images aren't working on the site since I accidentally deleted the source images.

I haven't had the time, energy or motivation for a few years to keep up to date with my species or the site, but will try to update and fix the site when I can.
In the meantime, if you need any info about the species there is this google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_64UCQjqihtb3rAM5taMsD86B-CMSYnHjbvfBpcoAG0/edit#heading=h.xqu91my5ue5x

Here are the images that accompany the traits and types:

I will be closing MYO tickets for the time being for both Bunny Wish Snails and Cutiefloofs.



df23b7l-95e0fec5-0fcb-4dc9-8684-b93baa3b Welcome!df23b7l-95e0fec5-0fcb-4dc9-8684-b93baa3b

Bunny Wish Snails are small creatures that are spawned when wishes are made. They are known to bring luck, posses magical powers and attract positive energy. 
df22xpq-7b337b04-768f-4a0a-a06f-7afb885bEvery time a wish is made, the universe responds by gifting a Bunny Wish Snail life.
df23b7l-95e0fec5-0fcb-4dc9-8684-b93baa3bThe Bunny Wish Snail will appear somewhere close to where their wish was made and can either be adopted by the wish maker or by somebody else. Their appearance and shell filling often resemble the wish they were created from.
df22xpx-3cdba555-8a20-455f-a908-6c9849b8To find out more, please look at the World pages on the left hand sidebar. MYO tickets and customs can be found in the Shop section.

You don't need to own a 
Bunny Wish Snail to join!
