🌱 Traits


df23b7l-95e0fec5-0fcb-4dc9-8684-b93baa3b Traitsdf23b7l-95e0fec5-0fcb-4dc9-8684-b93baa3b

Bunny Wish Snails are a closed species, you must own a MYO ticket before making your own.  
Before designing your own 

please make sure you:
♡ own a MYO ticket
♡ read the species TOS
♡ read all the rarities, traits and details
♡ read the MYO and Design Guidelines
♡ follow the traits and rarities
Rarity of each trait can be seen by the color key on the trait sheets and the background color of the trait.
Please use the rarity calculator for rarity limits.

df23b7l-95e0fec5-0fcb-4dc9-8684-b93baa3bSimplified Calculatordf23b7l-95e0fec5-0fcb-4dc9-8684-b93baa3b

5 or more uncommon traits = Rare

5 or more Rare traits = Ultra Rare
5 or more Ultra Rare Traits =  Legendary
3 or more Legendary Traits = ??? (to be added)

A BWS must have at least one trait of a rarity to be considered of that rarity, for example, if a snail has 3 common traits but one rare trait, it is considered a rare. 


df23b7l-95e0fec5-0fcb-4dc9-8684-b93baa3bRarity Calculatordf23b7l-95e0fec5-0fcb-4dc9-8684-b93baa3b

This shows how many traits you are allowed to have in a particular rarity category.

 Any number of common traits but no higher rarity traits

The design can have up to 4 Uncommon Traits and any number of lower rarity traits.
Any greater number of Uncommon Traits will be considered rare.

The design can have up to 4 Rare Traits and any number of lower rarity traits.
Any greater number of Rare Traits will be considered Ultra Rare.

Ultra Rare
The design can have up to 4 Ultra Rare Traits and any number of lower rarity traits.
Any greater number of Ultra Rare Traits will be considered Legendary.

The design can have up to 3 Legendary Traits and any number of lower rarity traits.
No rarity of a greater number of Legendary Traits currently exist.

df23b7l-95e0fec5-0fcb-4dc9-8684-b93baa3b Traitsdf23b7l-95e0fec5-0fcb-4dc9-8684-b93baa3b

  • Body Types
    Currently there are 6 main body types.
    These apply to just the body form of the snail. Some of these traits can be stacked (ie, glass filled mer-snail body, this will take up two rare traits though)

    Standard (common)
    A solid body type. This is the normal body type for the snails.

    Gummy (uncommon)
    Semi-Transparent with an jelly-like quality to it, objects or shapes are also possible inside the body. If there are also wings or tail and some other body forms (fins, fish whiskas etc) on the snail, it can also affect the texture of these.

    Glass Filled Body (rare)
    A glass body either emtpy or filled with a liquid or objects, similar to the glass shell. If there are also wings or tail and some  other body forms (fins, fish whiskas etc) on the snail, it can also  affect the texture of these.

    Slime (rare)
    A Slimey semi-transparent body, but it still retains a normal body shape beneath. Objects or shapes are also possible in the body. Often leaves a slime trail. Can affect tail texture, will not affect wings or other body features.

  • Mer-Snail (rare)
    A Mermaid tailed body, not to be mistaken for a normal tail. This body has the front two feet with the bottom half of the body being the tail. Often these are water or ocean themed, but any theme can be incorporated. This can also be combined with glass filled, gummy or slime.
  •  Ghostie/Misty (ultra-rare)
    Ghostie (pictured) is a semi-transparent spectral body. The entire snail is spectral includng the shell. This type of snail can dissapear, float and move through walls.
    Misty type has the same appearance as a standard body, with the only difference being it is semi-transparent, the transparency doesnt affect the shell, ears and other features and only applies to the body.
    Shell Types
  • Shell types can vary with multiple types being possible at the same time.

    Glass Filled Shell (common)
    The most well known trait of the Bunny wish snails. A glass like shell which can be filled with anything that represents the wish they were formed from, from candies, to liquids to even their own mini worlds, the possibilities are endless!
    The shell may also have print or paint on the glass.

    Solid shell (common)
    A solid colored shell, can be any color or pattern.

    Accessories on shell (common)
    Decorations on the outside of the shell, or wrapping around the shell.  

    Broken or open shell (rare)
    A shell which has an open hole or is cracked with an opening. Can be either Glass or Solid.

    Orbiting objects (rare)
    Small objects floating around the outside of the shell.

    Cloudy (rare)
    Small clouds or mist on the outside of the shell similar to orbiting objects.

    Cracked (rare)
    A shell that has cracks or damage, but hasn't been broken open.

    Seashell (ultra-rare)
    Currently the only other shape of shell with a design similar to a spiralled seashell. More shell shapes to be added in the future

    Pierced (ultra-rare)
    A shell which has been pierced and an object is partially inside/outside of it, this can be a glass shell or solid.

    SnowGlobe (currently no examples on sheet) (rare)
    The shell is a large round snow globe. Must have some form of liquid inside the shell and floating particles. These particles can be snow, sparkles, or any other shape but there must be at least 5 particles inside the liquid in the shell.

  • Antennae
    There are multiple types of Antennae, but here are the general shapes and types, some designs may be altered slightly or not have a category yet, please ask if unsure!

    Stars (common)
    Star shaped, can have any number of star points.

    Flicks (common)
    Small comma like flicks which can either face backwards or forwards.

    Back-Curl (common)
    A small backwards swirl.

    Flower Shaped (common)
    Shaped like flowers, but not actual flowers.

    Bubble (common)
    Small round balls with a solid color, often shiny.
  • Tall Curl (common)
    A Tall forward facing curl, these antennae can get quite long, and may vary in shape slightly. longest length is to the tip of the ear.
    Hearts (common)
    Heart Shaped

    Actual Leaves (uncommon)
    The ends of the Antennae being actual leaves, or the antennae with leaves on the stem. These can be any type of leaf.  solid colored shell, can be any color or pattern.

    Arrow Tip (uncommon)
    An arrow shaped tip, sometimes appearing like spear tips or crystals.

    Pom Pom (rare)
    Small to large puffs on the tips.

    Fluffs (rare)
    Fur tipped ends that come in various shapes and lengths.

    Double Fluffs (rare)
    Like Fluffs, but with a small furball on the upper middle part of the antennae.

    Mini (rare)
    Super small antennae, like an ants.

    Planets (rare)
    Planet shapes on the tips.

    Bushes (rare)
    Small plant bushes with either fruit, flowers or objects growing on them.

    Feathers (ultra-rare)
    Feather antennae, can be any feather type or shape. 

    Swirls (rare)
     Big swirly antennae.

    Tear Drops (rare)
     Hanging drops, often with a translucent, liguid or glass type appearance.

    Radio (rare)
    Small radio like antennae with coils around the stalks, can generate electricity or pick up radio waves.

    Flowers (rare)
    Actual flowers or buds.

    Mushrooms (rare)
    Mushroom capped antennae.
  •  Straws (rare)
    Small straws, often seen with a combination of a glass body.
    Other Objects (ultra-rare)
    Antennae that are shaped as particular objects not mentioned in the listed traits.
    This trait also refers to antennae in any other shape not in other listed traits, such as zig zags etc and completely unique antennae.

    Mismatched (rare)
    Odd colors, can be applied to any type of antennae.
    Mismatched  can also apply to two different types of antennae (such as 1 bell  antenna and 1 star antenna) this will still take up a rarity slot, but the rarity type of the antenna will also be applied if one of the  antennae types is higher than rare.

    Glass Filled (ultra-rare)
    Orb glass shaped filled with the same filling found either in the shell, or body.

    Bells (rare)
    Jingle bells at the end of the antennae, can be different shapes (ie star shaped bells, etc)

    Produce (rare)
     Previously was "fruit only"
    This trait has been changed to produce to include both vegetables and fruit.
    Other types of food will need to use "other objects"antennae.

    Double Feathers (rare)
    Two feathers on the end of each antennae.

    Here are the general ear shapes.
    Some designs may be altered slightly or not have a category yet, please ask if unsure!

    Standard (common)
    The normal ear type.

    Jelly/Glass (uncommon)
    Semi-Transparent with either glass Gummy, or jelly like appearance, if glass can have liquid inside.

    Double (ultra-rare)
    A normal ear with a smaller semi transparent flap.

    Frills (uncommon)
    Frilly or lacey along the edges.

    Bells (rare)
    Bells on the tips, can be any shape or color

    Slime (ultra-rare)
    Slimey ears, can be transparent.

    Long (legendary)
    Super long ears, up to body length. can be any texture, ie fluffy, slimey, transparent, solid etc.

    Leaf (common)
    Ears that are actual leaves.

    Thorns (rare)
    Spikes coming from the edges of the ears.

    Shaped Tip (uncommon)
    A small shape at the end of the ear, such as stars, hearts, flowers, etc.

    Decay or Damaged (rare)
    Holes in the ears or tears, also includes partially torn or missing ears.
  • Leaf Tip (uncommon)
    A leaf attached at the tip of the ears, can be any type of leaf.
    Fluffy (ultra-rare)
    Ears that have a short coat of fur or fluff.

    Double Long (ultra-rare)
    A double set of super long ears, up to body length, can be any texture, ie fluffy, slimey, transparent, solid etc. Up to two different textures.


  • Tail Types
    All Tails are considered rare or above and are not commonly found!
    All tails can come in any color or pattern or texture, as long as it resembles the tail type.

    Tails cannot be combined with Ghostie or Mersnail bodies.

    Bun (rare)
    A Small puffy bun tail.

    Feathers (rare)
    A formation of feathers, can be any arrangement in the tail area, feathers can be up to body length.

    Squirrel (ultra-rare)
    A fluffy squirrel like tail.

    Deer (rare)
    Deer like Tail, can either be spotted, plain or another pattern.

  • Shrimp (rare)
    Shrimp like tail that curls at the end.
  • Tentacle (ultra-rare)
    A single tentacle tail.

    Snake (rare)
    Snake Like Tail, usually as long as the body. Can either be scaled or the same texture as the body. 

    Big Puff (ultra-rare)
    One big puff or fluff, can be up to shell size.

    Shark (ultra-rare)
    Shark Shaped tail with small gills on the sides. Shape can also be slightly adjusted to match other shark species and fins may be added. 

    Dino (ultra-rare)
    A dinosaur style tail with other variants possible. Tail musn't be longer than body, shapes of horns or plates on the back of tail can also vary.

    Power Plug (ultra-rare)
    Tail that enables the snail to be charged or provide electricity. 

    Mega Floofy (ultra-rare)
     A super long floofy tail, at least double the body length, these snails are extra cuddly and like to curl up in their tails.

    Fox (ultra-rare)
    A fox like tail, can be up to body length, any pattern or style, does not need to have white tip on end.

    Flower or other object (ultra-rare)
    Either a flower or another object.This  trait can be used to add custom tails but cannot be longer than body  length or larger than the shell. 

    Galaxy (legendary)
    A swirly galaxy tail, which has a misty cloud type appearance, and can be very sparkly, giving off its own glow in the dark.

    Double Neko (ultra-rare)
    Double cat tail, up to body length.
    This trait has been updated and now includes a single cat tail but no more than two cat tails.

    Long Tuff (legendary)
    A long tail with a tuff of fur the end, may also have fur along the spine or other things coming from the tail such as fins or spikes . 

    Orb (legendary)
    A long dragon like tail with a glass orb on the end, often containing the same filling as their shell or an object inside. The tail may also have other features such as spikes, fluff or fur, a mane, no mane, feathers, objects, etc.
    The orb can have some other shell types: glass filled, solid, cracked or broken, orbiting objects, cloudy or with accessories.

  • Wings
    Currently there are only 6 wing types with more planned, including legendary forms. Winged Bunny Wish Snails can  fly for short distances. Can take on body texture.

    Bird (uncommon)
    Bird or angel style wings. Can be up to body length. Style can vary but must have feathers. 

    Bat (uncommon)
    Bat type wings, can be up to body length, wings can have horns or vary in style.

    Bee (rare)
    Round bee style wings (two on each side), can be any color or pattern. no bigger than ear size, semi transparent.

    Double (ultra-rare)
    Double wings are a single pair of wings, either bat or bird style with a set of slightly smaller wings below them. 

  • Butterfly (rare)
    Can be any butterfly or moth shape/pattern or completely unique. No larger than shell size or longer than body length. May also be semi transparent. 

     Dragonfly (rare)
    Two long dragonfly styled wings on each side. Can be any color or pattern. no bigger than body length, semi transparent.
    Other Rarities
  • A few other traits, Bunny Wish Snails may have multiple of these stacked.

    Unicorn Horn (uncommon)
    A horn in the center of the forehead, no longer than antennae.

    Antlers (uncommon)
    Small antlers, no bigger than the ears, they can be any antler shape.

    Fins (uncommon)
    Fins can be found on any part of the body, with no limit as to how many can be used.

    Neck Fluff (uncommon)
    Long fluff or fur around the neck, usually hiding the front feet.

    Single Antenna (rare)
    One Antenna in the center of the  head. This is counted as an extra rarity, on top of the type of antenna type.

    Halo (uncommon)
    This trait has been updated to include any shape or type of halo. A halo can be a traditional circle or another  shape or object that floats above a certain part of the body (different  to orbiting shell type).
    Halos can be placed on any part of the body including head, tail or around the antennae.
    Up to 4 halos can be used on one snail.

    Embedded Gems (rare)
    Can be found on any parts of the snail, they are embedded into the body and stick out slightly, they  have a natural glow and may emit sparkles. Embedded gems can be any shape.

    Fish Whiskas (rare)
    Small fish like whiskas coming from the cheeks. 

    Long Fish Whiskas (ultra-rare)
    Extra long fish like whiskas coming from the cheeks, can get up to body length.

    Glow (rare)
    If the snail has a glowing form or partially glowing form, can be individual features or the entire snail. This feature can also give off light particles.

    Masked (ultra-rare)
    A Snail with a fixed mask to their face, the mask can be any shape, pattern or color, but cannot be removed.

    Nose Horn (rare)
    A single nose horn, can be shaped and up to antennae length.

    Horns (rare)
    A set of horns, can be any shape or type, no bigger than ears.  

    Multiple Eyes (ultra-rare)
    Extra sets of eyes on the face,  up to 10 in total.

    Extra Wings (ultra-rare)
    (currently no example on sheet)
    Extra sets of wings that are not double wings. These can be placed anywhere on the body, ears or tail. Up to 6 pairs of wings.

    Crystal Growth (ultra-rare)
    (currently no example on sheet)
     Crystals growing on the body, ears or tail.
    Crystals can also take in the shape of wings. Crystal growth are always partly transparent and can emit light and particles.