
4,992 AS

The Sandwing Queen was killed by a scavenger, who stole a large part of the Sandwing Treasure. As none of her three heirs had challenged her, no one was sure who the next Sandwing queen should be.

They argued and fought between each other, eventually bringing other dragons into it as well. Tensions rose, and many dragons expected a war as the princesses allied themselves with other tribes.


They disappeared.

All Royal and High Ranking dragons vanished overnight, including those of other tribes. Even the few Animi were gone.

Dragons were confused and unsure, blaming the other tribes, but there were no real battles, as many feared that if they tried to take leadership and fight, they'd end up like their former leaders.

Some left their homes, to try and figure out what happened, but many try to keep living normally.

The current year is 4,994, two years later. Rumors have started spreading about an Animus appearing, which caused many more dragons to start traveling. While many want their queens back, plenty of dragons also simply want to use them to gain special powers.


12 AS

498 AS
All dragons suddenly change appearance, so that all tribes share the same traits. A young Animus is revealed to have caused this, who had accidentally discovered her powers when she wished it was easier to tell the differences between each tribe. When asked to undo her enchantment, she refused, saying she already tried, but it didn't work. No other Animi were able to do it either, likely because she had snapped her charcoal while saying the enchantment, making the spell more powerful.

512 AS
The Beetlewings lose the war and are driven out of their territory by the Seawings. As they are too weakened to fight any other tribes for land, they decide to cross the ocean. Many Rainwings follow them. Neither group is heard from again.
The Mudwings take advantage of the Rainwings smaller size, and expand their territory further south, taking over part of the rainforest.

3006 AS
The last Animus heir of the Icewings is kidnapped by the Nightwings, starting a war between the two tribes. The Sandwings ally themselves with the Nightwings due to past conflicts with the Icewings, all other tribes remain neutral.

3011 AS
Most of the Seawing royalty was killed, after their Animus was driven mad by his own power.

3012 AS
The kidnapped Animus is revealed to have been alive for the last 6 years, but is shortly after killed by his own son, a Nightwing/Icewing Animus blessed by the three moons. The Animus takes over the Night kingdom and declares war on the Icewings and uses his magic to kill hundreds, before suddenly disappearing. Shortly after the Night kingdom is abandoned.
The Sandwings and Icewings end their war after the Nightwing's disappearance. The Sandwings get land of the Ice Kingdom up to the Great Ice Cliff. Communication between the Ice kingdom and the rest of Pyrrhia decreases, as the Icewings begin to isolate themselves more.

3143 AS
The new Icewing queen declares war on the Sandwings to try to get the lost territory back. The Sandwings, with help from the Skywings, invade the Ice kingdom by flying around the Great Ice Cliffs and kill the Icewing queen, leaving her sister to take over the kingdom.

3145 AS
One of the Icewing princes announces he is engaged to the Seawing heir, and leaves the kingdom.

4992 AS
The Sandwing queen is found dead outside of her palace, with a scavenger spear stabbed through her eye. None of her heirs had challenged her, so it was unclear who should take her place. As none of the heirs could agree on what to do, councils were made to decide, but all were found to have been bribed by one of the heirs. The heirs formed alliances with the other tribes and were threatening war.
A few months after the queens death, all royal dragons disappeared overnight, with no clues to indicate what happened. All known Animi appear to be gone too.

4994 AS
Unnatural weather appears in the old Night kingdom, and dragons in the Sand kingdom report strange events, like unnatural creatures appearing, or the landscape suddenly shifting before their eyes. Rumor quickly spreads through the continent that these are caused by an Animus, and many dragons start leaving their homes to look for them.