Character Creation

To participate in this ARPG, you'll need a character of course! Almost anyone works, they can be brand new or years old. The only requirement is that they're a Pyrrhian tribe, although if your character has any special traits or powers, you may have to buy those first.

While you don't have to change anything on the main profile, to get your character approved you'll have to create a Tab for them. It doesn't matter if it is Full, Basic or Split, as long as they are visible to at least logged in users.

Copy the Character Approval form and put your character's info in it. Don't add or remove any fields above Personality, if there is anything important, add it below.

Add your character's (fullbody) reference to the tab. It has to show the entire dragon in colour! Headshots, sketches and dollmaker images are not allowed for this! Don't add any other images to this gallery either.

It should look something like this when finished.

While not required for approval, a KN Tracker can be made at the same time.

When you're done with this, just submit the character to the group! It's your own choice if you want to submit the main character or the ARPG tab.

For some traits, like mutations, special powers or special hybrids, you need to have certain items. To add these to a new character put the used items in the submission reason.

Free Traits

These are always free and can be given to any character.

-Hybrids of two Pyrrhian tribes
-Stylized Designs
-Unusual Names
-Unusual Colours

Limited Traits

These require an item before they can be applied.

-Colour Mutations
-Red Mudwing Eggs
-Moon-hatched Nighwings
-Pyrrhian/Pantalan Hybrids
-Animus Enchantments

Banned Traits

These are never allowed on any character.

-Pantalan Tribes
-Fantribes/Fantribe Hybrids