Species Info

32794177_U1t3Neoz4pdt3Wp.pnglesser demunny — - - : 

The Lesser Demunny is easily domesticated into a guard-rabbit or familiar for any spellcaster seeking a carnivorous companion.
One part flesh devouring demon, one part adorable bunny, these fluffy beasts are so cute you’ll just die! Feed them a steady diet of raw meat and high quality veggies to ensure shiny pelts and scales, and remember to be gentle with their horns around shedding season.

Watch your fingers! Both ends bite, and one is venomous. You can never really be sure which, though.

And, don’t forget, if a Demunny brings you a gift it’s best to check it for curses, malevolent spirit attachments, or any lingering miasma which might negatively affect your health!

higher demunny  — - - : 

The Higher Demunny is significantly more difficult to domesticate than their lesser cousins. Win their loyalty, however, and you'll have a companion for life! ( And possibly also the there-after. )

These bipedal cousins of the Lesser Demunny require less hands-on care, but significantly more socialization. Be sure you're equipped to care for them during both their shedding seasons and don't forget to keep snacks on hand for when they get peckish.

Unlike their smaller cousins, Higher Demunny are capable of their own magic and are generally happy to help you with your spellcasting! They require a foci of some kind, which they will likely already possess when you meet them. The exception to this being when a Lesser Demunny achieves ascension!

Every so often, a Lesser Demunny will grow so much in the care of their companion that they'll become a Higher Demunny, at which point it's up to you to provide a foci.
