Culture (BF prompts)

{Minimum requirement: 700 words or 1 art piece (fullbody, flat color with simple scene minimum)

C(b) 1: How difficult or complicated is it for one individual to 'rise through the ranks' or to 'fall from grace'? What situations and what requirements are there for someone to be given a different role/job within the society? Are they bound to their role from the moment its decided?


C(b) 2: What sort of cultural creative outlet does the group have, and how did it develop? How does it impact them and what does it mean to them? (Song, dance, art, painting, sculpture, conversational groups, ect)


C(b) 3: How does the general populace of the group interact with the leader/highest ranking member? How does the leader view the people, and the people view the leader? Is there respect, fear? How has it changed since former leaders or how has the current one shaped this view? Do they wish it could change?


C(b) 4: Who is next in line to inherit leadership if something were to happen to the main 'leader'? How is this determined, and what makes this individual suitable? What would have to happen for this individual to be bypassed, or for someone to 'steal' leadership? How does the passing of leadership happen?


C(b) 5: What sort of education/training system does the group have? How do they teach their cubs/kits the basics of their lifestyle? How effective is it?


C(b) 6: Who is the leaders most major detractor and how do they interact with the rest of the group? Are they admired for standing up for themselves, or written off as being difficult? Is it one cat/lion/hyena, or an entire opposing political group? Do they pose any legitimate threat to the group as a whole?


C(b) 7: What sort of 'homes' do the members of the group have? Where is their 'personal space', or do they have any? Is everything communal? How are homes created/given out as individuals come of age? 


C(b) 8: What sort of doctors/medic/medicine role exists within the group in case of dangers? What sort of tools do they use? Who helps them if they need it, and what sort of cases do they usually deal with? What are some of the worst things they've faced?


C(b) 9: What is the division of time within the group? Do they have actual days, months, years? Actual clocks? Something like a sundial? Do they divide time by the sun's position or by seasons? How accurate is their method of measuring the time of day? 


C(b) 10: How does the group respond to members who don't pull their weight, or cause problems/aren't good at their jobs? Are they exiled? Retrained? Limited in their food or supplies? How does the rest of the group respond to them? How long would this have to go on before they faced punishment or being moved elsewhere? Is the group forgiving of this?



**BONUS** 1-10 prompt set completion:

Award: +1 additional silver feather after completing C1b-C10b (all prompts) 

*Can be claimed once per set completed.
