This is a CLOSED world. Only me and very close friends are allowed to join and submit their characters.

NOTE: This world is under heavy construction.

The Twisted Realms




Demons, Angels, & Monsters

Slice of Life




Religion may be painted in a bad light

Here be monsters

a supernatural world parallel to ours

The Twisted Realms are a world parallel to ours where supernatural beings make up the majority of the population. However, their world is not as stable as ours, some parts will phase in and out of existence like an oasis (thus the plural realms). More stable regions have settlements oe even whole civilizations.

As the earth began to populate with organisms the energy released congregated together and eventually formed a mirrored dimension. Energy from animals split or grouped together and formed new creatures with enhanced abilities. As the first humans appeared on earth, their energy split into the angels and demons, or better known as the Benevolent and Malevolent in this world.

This is a very old universe that I have been working on since middle school, its gone through many changes and will continue to evolve and change. The biggest issue I have right now is the classification and naming of the diffrent species. My biology background is making this way harder than it should be...


War Eternal

they try to change you, crush and break you

MOre Information

Layout of the world, like a site map or table of contents. It has links to all the pages relating to this world

An introduction to everything. All the information about this world will be summarized here. I highly reccomend starting here.

A masterlist of all the words used here and in character profiles. This list includes species and city names.

Another table of contents but for the sapient species. It includes a quick summary about what the sapient species are and how they are classified.

A collection of all the major regions in the world with links to their respective pages.

An in depth introduction to the magic used in this world. Includes laws created to control its users and links to several spells.

The Beastiary is a compendium of the non-spaient species of the Twisted Realms. It descripes their life history, habitat, diet, etc.

Similar to the Beastiary this book covers all the floral species of the Twisted Realms.

Code by AviCode