Introducing the Twisted Realms

The Twisted Realms



As the Earth began to populate with organisms the energy released congregated together and eventually formed a mirrored dimension, the Twisted Realms. Energy from animals split or grouped together and formed new creatures with enhanced abilities. The parallel world continued to develop, with more and more advanced creatures starting to populate.

Appearance of the Ancients

Around the time humans appeared and started forming their own ideals and religeons, their energies that seeped into the Twisted Realms created the first species, the Transcendent . These energies split into 2 types that are classified by its inhabitants as "good and evil" or the "Benevolent and Malevolent" species. As humans progressed, more species started to appear. The societies started out with one individual from each species, these are known as the Ancients. Eventually as the species continued to develop each sub-species had their own Ancient born. But regardless, they are immortal, some have a large presence in their communities (ex. the Vampires "Father"), and some are only remembered from folktales passed down through bedtime stories (ex. The first of the seafolk: Leviathan).

War idk

WIP. But pretty much the diffrent species continued to grow and aimed to be the "superior" which stated a war. It ended with an agreement created by the Ancients of each species. There would be a central city built with no alegiance towards any species. After the agreement was signed on all ancients were to enter a deep slumber. Some however found loopholes in the agreement and maintained their power from the shadows, (ex. the Father of the Vampires).

Present Day

Today the parallel society is similar to ours i guess


The laws of physics are nearly the exact same as earth's. However, some of the energy transferred from earth is intangible - in the form of magic. Diffrent types of magic depend on the original source of the energy. When you burn firewood both fire and earth energy is released. The difffrent types of magic can be described within 4 categories:

Basic catabolic and anabolic? the simpelest but most misunderstood form of energy. Used in creation (i.e. combining materials) and destruction (i.e. breaking apart materials). Any magic user can learn this magic type.
Spiritual The control of spiritual type magic. Includes light, shadow, life, death, necromancy, emotions, and some other intangible sources. This magic type is exclusive to those in the Transcendent species.
Elemental The control of natural phenomenon. Water, earth/rocks, flora, fauna, fire, lightning, etc. This magic type is exclusive to the Elementals.
Metamorphosis The ability of transforming to a specific animal and gaining their abilities. This magic type is exclusive to Zoomorphs.

All magic uses energy. However, during the casting energy is lost. Ex. you cannot completely fix a broken vase - there will be some lines left behind. Stronger users are more efficient at energy transfer, if you use too much energy you die. For more information, visit the Spellbook.


There is very large diversity of organisms living in the Twisted Realms. The organisms will be divided into two groups. High sapience and low sapience.

Amongst the high level of sapience there are four species. Overlap will exist since crossbreeding is possible. To avoid any issues the groups have been ordered alphabetically. In no way does this order signify superiority.

Elemental Element based. dryad, nymph, faries, etc. use elemental magic. For more information, visit the Elemental info page.
Transcendent The first sapient species to apprear consisting of two sub-species: The Benevolent (positive or "good" energy) and the Malevolent (negative or "evil" energy). A lot of internal conflicts caused them to split up. For more information, visit the Transcendent info page.
Undead For more information, visit the Undead info page.
Zoomorph animal-based. lycanthrope, seafolk, other beasts. For more information, visit the Zoomorph info page.

Information about the species with lower sapience can be found in the Beastiary.

Geography and Climate

Their world is not as stable as ours, some parts will phase in and out of existence like an oasis. More stable regions have settlements and even whole civilizations. Regions usually are created around a specific race or culture but you will find other races intermingled. The temperature varies depending on locations but all follow a similar seasonal pattern. The year starts off with spring, it marks the rebirth of plants from the previous winter. Each race has its own "master city" + other settlements. There is one "main" country/state which is not dedicated to a specific group known as Metropolis.

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For more information, visit the Atlas.