
eef.png?1554002423 -Birth-
When two Birgons (gender does not matter) decide to have a hatchling of their own, they will each pull one feather from themselves. They will bury the feathers in soft ground, and then cast a spell on the spot where the feathers were put. After a few days, an egg will emerge. The two Birgons will care for the egg for up to three weeks before the egg finally hatches.
Hatchlings are small and fragile, often requiring constant care and protection of the parents. Most of the areas that are supposed to be covered with feathers are instead covered with soft down feathers, and don't get replaced until they grow older. The colors of their feathers are usually very dull versions of their adult colors. The wings are tiny at this point, and fail to assist them with flying. Their horns are very tiny nubs.
eeff.png?1554082683 -Fledgling-
Around the age of 12, hatchlings begin to grow into fledglings. Fledglings are bigger than hatchlings, but not quite at their full height yet. Most of their down feathers have been replaced, and now show their true colors. Their wings are at their full size, and this is around the time that Birgons begin to learn how to fly on their own. Their horns are bigger, but still not fully grown. Fledglings begin to experiment with their element type, often causing a bit of damage while doing so.
Birgons reach adulthood around 20 years. This is where they reach their full height, and their horns are at their full size. Adults have more control and knowlege over their element type. They begin to contribute to their community, and will sometimes even choose to travel on their own to explore the world.
swDY3OM.png -Elder-
Birgons are considered elders when they reach the age of 90, and will usually live until around 150. Elders start to lose their feathers, and their colors start to gradually grow dull again. Most elders will decide to settle down in an area of their choosing, whether it be within a small community or by themselves, and share their knowledge to younger Birgons.