MYO Guide



"Hiya there! I see you're here to make your own Birgon! I'm Plushipon, and I'm here to help you create your Birgon!"

"Before proceeding, please be sure you have all of the items necessary to make your Birgon! This includes the proper MYO slot and any mutation items you want. When you have all of those in order, read below for the guide!"

Welcome to the MYO guide! This guide will go in-depth on what is allowed for Birgons, what the species standards are and what subspecies can use what traits. If you have any issues, are confused or need clarification, feel free to comment on the world or DM BirgonsList for help!

Here are some quick links to get you started! These can be referenced at any time during the Birgon creation process.

Lore - A history of the Birgon species, as well as their social life, hierarchy and their present day life.

Anatomy - The in-depth analysis of your standard Birgons, as well as important information including required traits!

Subspecies - A look at all of the available subspecies and their required traits.

Lifespan - The lifespan of a typical Birgon!

These are the species standards for Birgons! This means that all Birgons regardless of subspecies must follow these guidelines, unless you have a mutation item.

  • Eyes
  • Wings
  • Clawed fingers and toes
  • Shin scales
  • Hock Claw
  • Mane
  • Tail
  • Ears
Eyes - All Birgons must have eyes! They can be any color, shape or style. The sclera can be colored, the irises or pupils can be any color or entirely missing as well! The eyes can also glow or change color if desired.

Wings - Wings are a Birgon's pride and joy. Without wings they're seen as 'cursed' and often cast out from society. A Birgon can have up to 4 wings without a mutation, and must be located on the back.

Clawed fingers and toes - Birgons must have claws on their fingers and toes. They can be separated like normal claws, or they can be merged for a seamless fingerclaw.

Shin scales - Shin scales protect a Birgon's legs from hazards such as small animals, dangerous terrain and the weather. They can be any color, size or shape, but a Birgon must have at least 1 scale per leg.

Hock claw - Birgons must have a claw on their hock, which is the back of the ankle joint. This claw is thought to be vestigial, but still appears in modern Birgons.

Mane - The Mane is one of the defining features of a Birgon! Not only is it used for keeping warm and protecting against the elements, some subspecies have specialized manes that are adaptations for their environment.

Tail - The tail is used for balance during flight. A Birgon cannot fly properly without a tail.

Ears - Without ears, a Birgon can't hear! A Birgon's ears are below the eyeline on the skull.
Now that you've read up on the required traits, let's look at what is untraited! Untraited means you can customize as you like, as there are no requirements for these!
  • Eye shape and color
  • Wing size, shape and type
  • Horns + size/shape
  • Ear size/shape
  • Tail size/shape
  • Fur, feathers or hair for mane
  • Colors
  • Body type/shape
With these, you can get creative! Things like glowing markings, color changing and shifting are allowed without the need for a mutation item. As long as you have the required traits, you can ultimately customize your Birgon however you want within reason!