
❋ The Whacky World of Clowns! ❋

Adventure Comedy

open to rp/making ocs


About Setting

Pandemonium is the Ferris wheel-shaped planetary system home to the clowns of the Funny Business World. The clowns have diverse and whacky characteristics, and the world perfectly reflects that by offering a space that accommodates them perfectly. While they love their home, many clowns like to commute to other worlds to share their one-of-a-kind culture and silly skill sets. This collision of worlds, more often than not, leads to complete and utter Pandemonium.

Funny Business is a webcomic based on this world of clowns traveling to new places, setting up shop, and getting into shenanigans along the way. The main story follows three clowns and their elephant running a bakery. The comic's joke is that while people assume the restaurant is Clown themed, they're an entirely different species, leading to silliness.

They aren't the only ones, as numerous other clowns are trying to make lives for themselves in these ordinary worlds. This Toyhouse World was created with that in mind! Here, the Pandemonium lore is kept as well as information on how to make your own clown. If you feel your clown OC could make a home here, or if you want to make your clowns specific to the verse, go ahead and submit them to join in on the whacky fun! The webcomic will be updated every Wednesday!

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the cast

Miss.Tootie Pebbles

Jokester Adult Lawful Good Silly

Miss. Tootie Pebbles is the Owner of the Whoop-Di-Doodle bakery! A professional chef as well as a professional Jokester, Tootie works very hard to make sure that every sweet she produces brings smiles to all those who eat them!

Pogo Puddy

Jack Young Adult Neutral Good Anxious

Pogo Puddy is the Caterer for the Whoop-Di-Doodle bakery! He specializes in making his customers' days brighter than ever by delivering them tasty sweets and treats! As a Jack of all Trades, he's an incredibly sweet and fun loving clown even if he's a little skittish.

Frizzle Frazzle

Jester Child Chaotic Good Mischievous

Frizzle Frazzle is the Lead Decorator for the Whoop-Di-Doodle bakery! She displays her artistic abilities on cakes, confections, and public property alike. Even though she is a Jester, a type of clown known for their mischievous nature, she's a lover of good fun and will go out of her way to make sure others are laughing alongside her.

Bertram Boo Bap

Elephant Adult Lawful Neutral Persnickety

Bertram is the Transportation for the Whoop-Di-Doodle bakery!. He is big enough to carry everyone on his back to take them where they need to go! He is not a clown but loves fun as much as the next person! Though he also knows when too much fun is too much!!

the setting


The Whoop-Di-Doodle is a cupcake-shaped bakery that is owned by Miss. Tootie Pebbles. The building was originally Tootie's home, but she built the bakery into the lower part of the structure. The sweets are unlike anything you've seen and will always bring a smile to your face.

Notable Business Locations

There are many Funny Businesses to be found outside and in Pandemonium. From Gyms to Pet Shops to News Stations, every clown has found a unique way to support themselves and share their extraordinary skill sets. You can guarantee that these businesses will be as whacky as the clowns operating them.

Planet Directory

Pandemonium is a solar system! And with a solar system comes vastly different planets that house many different kinds of clowns. There’s the bouncy Jokester world Jubilance, the underground Jester world Hullabaloo, and the rainy mime world Frowsy. All planets are accessible to all clowns. A clown could even visit the moon and sun if they desire.

The Story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat venenatis eros, venenatis laoreet felis rhoncus convallis. Donec sodales nunc sed ipsum laoreet, vel tincidunt urna fringilla. Etiam viverra elit at aliquet vehicula. Donec sodales neque egestas semper convallis. Suspendisse eget velit lacus. Phasellus vel suscipit quam. Nulla hendrerit luctus nibh vitae varius. Donec ac magna sed diam facilisis dapibus ut at arcu. Proin massa orci, aliquet in condimentum sodales, imperdiet venenatis nibh.

Aenean ut turpis porttitor, suscipit eros eu, euismod nunc. Duis non ex ut quam condimentum viverra. Ut laoreet lorem ut mattis semper. Aliquam viverra laoreet dui in congue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam vulputate, elit vitae malesuada egestas, elit mauris facilisis nulla, quis condimentum tellus nisl eget eros. Nunc pretium justo vitae mattis vestibulum. Nunc eros velit, gravida in urna a, imperdiet faucibus velit.

Sed neque lacus, semper ut augue eget, bibendum hendrerit purus. Sed pharetra aliquam ligula. Curabitur ac elementum eros. Morbi pharetra venenatis justo dictum finibus. Aliquam id neque orci. Donec placerat dui sit amet magna laoreet maximus. Proin pellentesque orci eros, ut sollicitudin tortor aliquam in.


The Event occurs due to an unknown supernatural cause. Everyone goes through a life-altering experience with no clear memory of The Event. Some kids went missing, but were later found.



[Late 1999] Strange people assumed to be working for the government appear in the town years after the initial investigation of The Event. The local rumor mill is trying to tie it to some Y2K conspiracy panic.
The Event occurs due to an unknown supernatural cause. Everyone goes through a life-altering experience with no clear memory of The Event. Some kids went missing, but were later found.



[Late 1999] Strange people assumed to be working for the government appear in the town years after the initial investigation of The Event. The local rumor mill is trying to tie it to some Y2K conspiracy panic.

content warnings

Contains blood & gore in visual and written depictions. Gore may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Contains violence in visual and written depictions. Violence may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Semi-explicit sexuality in visual and written depictions. Depictions may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Subjects such as trauma may be present in visual and written depictions. Please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Contains blood & gore in visual and written depictions. Gore may not be extreme, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

RP Guide

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat venenatis eros, venenatis laoreet felis rhoncus convallis. Donec sodales nunc sed ipsum laoreet, vel tincidunt urna fringilla. Etiam viverra elit at aliquet vehicula. Donec sodales neque egestas semper convallis. Suspendisse eget velit lacus. Phasellus vel suscipit quam.


  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria
  • ❋ This is a list for rules or other criteria

Aenean rhoncus, justo et tristique convallis, mi metus pulvinar nisl, non pharetra diam tortor ac nisi. In a lobortis nunc. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum non arcu turpis. Curabitur ipsum sem, efficitur viverra tempor at, finibus in urna. Aenean aliquam neque non porttitor finibus. Quisque suscipit neque vel placerat ullamcorper. Morbi pharetra mi at imperdiet rhoncus. Maecenas id dignissim ex. Donec volutpat cursus congue. Cras pretium suscipit nisl quis vestibulum. Cras blandit massa quis fermentum.


the crew


21+ they/them INFJ active rp

Graves { satvrnixne } plays Ian & Jamie. Graves is open to RP and is the admin for the World. Any questions you have about joining the world you can send a DM to their personal account! If you are looking to connect with them as an RP partner you are also welcome to send a DM. Their RP criteria and limits can be found listed here.


21+ they/them ENTP closed rp

Clove { @clvnhvs } plays Jules & Reggie. Clove is not open to RP at this time and is a moderator for the World. Please do not send them DMs! You may ping them in the World forums if you need any questions answers or any applications approved.