


  • Mid-Tail Vitral
  • All C/U Traits


  • Fin Vitral
  • All C/U/R Traits


  • Full-Tail Vitral
  • All C/U/R/UR Traits

Say hello to KB's first crossbreed, the Aquakalli! These mermaid mimics do everything that regular Kallis do, except underwater! They have a secondary land form in addition to their primary aqua form. Aquakallis also have unique features, such as a double vitral, black sclera, gills, and color-shifting hair.


  • ⊱ Their hair is duller on land than in the ocean/underwater. It has a strand/lock of color matching their tail.
  • ⊱ They have gills (Neck, chest sides, or both) in and out of water..
  • ⊱ They have webbing between their fingers while underwater.
  • ⊱ They have black sclera underwater that can change to white on land, remain black, or half and half.
  • ⊱ They have mermaid/fish tails only.
  • ⊱ They have two vitrals in both forms. In human form, one will be in the upper body and one will be in the lower body/legs.
  • ⊱ Their vitrals are filled with seawater from their home ocean.
  • ⊱ They can have scales on their shoulders in aqua form. These go away in human form.
  • ⊱ They can have mer-ears in aqua form. These go away in human form.
  • ⊱ They can have additional fins on their arms in aqua form. These go away in human form.
  • ⊱ They have tails that take up 2/3 of their form. This does not correlate with land height.
  • ⊱ They can have slightly bioluminescent eyes underwater.
  • ⊱ They cannot have tail patterns, but tails can be gradient colored (Up to 3 colors).
  • ⊱ They have their coven tattoos on their upper body only


  • ⊱ AK can only be brewed using distilled soul essence from mermaids. They must have sea water and/or other ocean-related items as part of their potion.
  • ⊱ AK belong in the sea. Straying too far for too long makes them homesick.
  • ⊱ AK are primarily solitary. They may hang out with other mermaids, but their horns and vitral make them stand out.
  • ⊱ AK are responsible for performing more complex magic that merpeople do not have access to. The average mermaid has an exceptional singing voice, high swimming speeds, some water related powers, and an empathic link to sea creatures.
  • ⊱ AK live in a city underwater called Sol. This city is extremely hard to reach as a human/witch/land Kalli.
  • ⊱ AK value their hair more than land Kalli. Touching each other's hair, particularly brushing it or styling it, should only be done by close family or partners. This goes for merpeople as well!



  • Pull String
  • Black Cracks
  • All C/U Traits


  • Hand Crank
  • Gold Cracks
  • All C/U/R Traits


  • Wind Up Key
  • Flesh Wounds
  • All C/U/R/UR Traits

Say hello to KB's second crossbreed, DollKallis! These antique marionettes serve a slightly different function when compared to normal Kalli, but desire to live a life all the same. DollKallis have unique features, such as porcelain legs, pull string/hand crank/wind up keys, voice boxes, and locks on their vitrals.


  • ⊱ They all have ball joints.
  • ⊱ They all have a voicebox pattern on their necks. Simple design going around the neck can be different.
  • ⊱ They all have a lock on their vitral. This design can vary.
  • ⊱ Their vitrals can only be on their chest or torso.
  • ⊱ They all have porcelain calves with the same pattern as their horns.
  • ⊱ They have small patterns on their lower back, where their mechanism is. These designs can vary.
  • ⊱ Specific designs of their mechanisms can vary as long as it doesn't stray from the tier.
  • ⊱ Their vitrals fill up with soul essence.


  • ⊱ DK are created for contracts that require a long time to fulfill/a large amount of soul essence. They slowly drain soul essence from one human over the course of their lifetime.
  • ⊱ DK are cold to the touch.
  • ⊱ DK become more lifelike with the more soul essence they have in them. When they're close to empty, it becomes hard for them to move around.
  • ⊱ Whenever a DK's vitral becomes full, they must physically return to their witch.
  • ⊱ DK's vitral can only be unlocked by a key their witch has. This key is created from part of a DK's potion, and if returned to them, can fuse back with the vitral and allow the DK autonomy over their vitral. The lock pattern will remain.
  • ⊱ All DK features are visible to humans (horns, vitral, legs, etc) due to the lock on their vitral. When their key is returned, DK may choose to cover their features with glamour magic once again.
  • ⊱ DK can be repaired if cracks show, but it's extremely expensive and requires some magical abilities.
  • ⊱ Since DK fulfill such specific requests, it's not uncommon for them to feel a loss of purpose once their human has died.


TIER 1: Worker

  • Arm wings
  • Short, fluffy tail
  • All C/U Traits

TIER 2: Fighter

  • Additional wings on back/waist
  • Medium-length tail
  • All C/U/R Traits

TIER 3: Showbird

  • Sky wings
  • Intangible tail
  • Human knees
  • All C/U/R/UR Traits

Say hello to KB's third crossbreed, the Harpykalli! These feathered Kalli have powerful wings containing multitudes of the sky's beauty, vivid plumage, unique facial markings, and talons that could eviscerate a normal human. In addition, they are part of a hierachical society of workers, fighters, and showbirds.


  • ⊱ They have feathered ears (can be any length).
  • ⊱ They have plumage on their necks extending onto their face/jaw area. These feathers can reach to their shoulders/chest if desired.
  • ⊱ They all have colored sclera (any color).
  • ⊱ They all have undereye markings. These don't need to be individually unique.
  • ⊱ They all have colored inner hair (two tone). This usually matches some color of their wings.
  • ⊱ Their claws can be two, three, or four toed. Their nails are naturally sharp, but can be filed.
  • ⊱ They have designs on their leg. Can be matching with their horn patterns or not.
  • ⊱ Vitrals are typically in the chest/torso, but it's possible to have a neck vitral. The neck feathers would be at the base instead.
  • ⊱ Coven tattoos can appear anywhere on the upper body.
  • ⊱ T3 tails are made from any intangible material. This can include cloud, smoke, stardust, or anything else!
  • ⊱ T3 'Sky Wings' are themed based off natural or unnatural phenomenons in the sky.


  • ⊱ Harpykalli were created before the Witch War, Venebellum. Their initial purpose was to be messengers for a newly developed magical postal service. During the war, witches began to create some HK for aerial combat and spying.
  • ⊱ Harpykalli communities operate on a social hierarchy of Workers, Fighters, and Showbirds.
  • ⊱ Workers are your basic HK, very commonly found in the RIP Postal System.
  • ⊱ Fighters are displaced HK now that the war is over. Some work for RIP or find other jobs, but it hasn't been entirely easy for them to reintegrate.
  • ⊱ Showbirds are a major status symbol for their owners due to the complexities of brewing them and the uniqueness of their Sky Wings.
  • ⊱ The nature of Sky Wings is influenced by the current condition of the sky when a HarpyKalli is being brewed. The patterning within them moves and is 'alive'. Witches or wealthy individuals have been known to commission weather witches to temporarily influence the sky in order to create their ideal HK.
  • ⊱ HK have a strong sense of individuality and are not typically close with more than a couple other people. However, they enjoy parties/celebrations/festivals.
  • ⊱ The majority of HK hold negative views toward DracoKalli, viewing them as an outdated class of winged Kalli. These two CB have very opposing views and believe themselves to be better than the other.
  • ⊱ HK have excellent vision.
  • ⊱ HK wings hold special properties that can be used in potions and spells. The most popular usage is to create a magical seal for sensitive mail.
  • ⊱ HK can disguise their wings, but most choose not to so they can show off. Wings are as important to HK as hair is to a regular Kallitrix.
Code by Aurorean