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Aqui você encontrará informações sobre a origem dos squidishs e sua trajetória no mundo, seguindo uma que lore descreve os principais acontecimentos nos 300 anos desde a chegada do D-orito. Se estiver interessado em informações extras sobre datas e eventos históricos, você pode checar a pasta "cronologia".

Algumas figuras históricas citadas aqui não possuem perfil de descrição, mas serão adicionados posteriormente.


Old World

In the Old World there was only one species that dominated all species and prevailed on most continents: humans. They lived relatively peacefully, but at a certain time, at the height of their technological development, they faced a crisis of organic and material resources. Which gradually led them to destroy their own world.

Much of life on the planet has become unsustainable, exacerbating the despair of government entities and forcing them to "close the doors" of their territories to outsiders. Some considered escaping into space, but it still wasn't enough. They would have to return to Earth from time to time to resupply, which at the time would have been practically impossible. Some even considered taking refuge or seeking resources on the most dangerous and inaccessible continent on the planet: Amargor. What a futile attempt. This continent, despite being gigantic, was home to several species that were dangerous to humans, not only animals, but plants as well. In addition to having highly unpredictable terrain.

The Erased Past

Sometimes fate can be pretentious, arranging an unexpected turn. It is not possible to have access to the documents from that time, when the arrival of the Meteorite that would change everything was recorded. That event was the fall of humans and the rise of the world, which took back everything that was stolen from it. And not ironically, its landing site was precisely the last "pure" continent, free of human ambitions. Armargor was also known as "Heart of the World".

The impact of the meteorite was not felt by humans until its mysterious roots began to spread across the world. They brought with them abnormalities in the climate and caused "natural" catastrophes, driving humans out of their homes. But what would be most curious about the Meteorite is the fact that it reversed the roles of the continents. Those that could be inhabited became inaccessible, while Amargor became the refuge for humans, blessed by the Meteorite. His nature had changed after the Meteorite fell, even animals considered dangerous had become tame. But this "salvation" did not bring comfort to the human species, which had lost almost everything. Coming to almost retrograde their technological advances.

Refuge in a Prison

Amargor no longer seemed to be a suitable name for the continent, considering that continent had become a place of peace, so the humans renamed it "Serene Land, the Domain of Peace". But a new name did not hide what was happening at the time. There were still many doubts about the cause of all these changes, which led to the creation of the OPSM (Meteorite Research Organization) which had the objective of investigating the nature and origin of the Meteorite. In a way this Organization served as a consolation to the human population that there was some hope of restoring what was lost.

Seven years after the meteorite fell, a democratic government was set up to organize and administer part of the population. It was called "Lucius", in honor of the scientist responsible for a special investigation into the meteorite, who was the President's younger brother. The objective of Lucius (the scientist) stirred up the population at that time, making them believe that there was something that could solve all their problems: the Meteorite. Even though he was the cause of human destruction and its near extinction, he could also bring some blessing, just as he did with Bitterness.


When humans migrated to Terra Serena, it took a few months for them to find the Meteorite, which had fallen into a mountain in the center of the Continent. But the biggest surprise was its appearance, it looked like a giant seed, which spread immense red roots that crossed the oceans and rivers of the world, carrying in its interior several mushrooms similar to the “amanita muscaria” that already exist on our planet. But what differentiated them was a type of pollen that was expelled by them. It didn't seem to affect humans or other living things, but strangely, these pollens were attracted to nearby food, sticking to it.

With this curious interaction of mushrooms with food, scientists and especially Lucius, considered the idea that the Meteorite could bring some solution to the shortage of food that was occurring on the Continent, since this was one of the major problems faced by the population on the Continent. So began several experiments with mushrooms, looking for any possible reaction. And on a certain day, one of the scientists left the door open in the laboratory where the experiments were carried out, allowing the entry of a cat that was just walking around. There was no one in the room, so curiously and perhaps another work of unpredictable fate, the little kitten ingested one of the mushrooms that was on a table.

The Chance to Change

When Lucius and his team of scientists returned to the laboratory, they glimpsed the greatest discovery of the century: the kitten had become a "cake cat". It belonged to Lucius, who after seeing the recording of the cameras in the laboratory and in the whole building, realized that before the cat ingested the mushroom, she had eaten a piece of cake that was in Lucius' office. Consequently starting a series of investigations, to find out if this happened only with cats, only with cakes or there were some greater possibilities. And the result was: any and all animals that ate a Meteorite mushroom would mutate and mix with the food it had ingested before the mushroom.

This discovery was effective in suppressing the food shortage for a while, but it did not solve the problem. The transformed animals could not survive for long and therefore could not reproduce, as well as the Meteorite mushrooms, even after numerous attempts by scientists for 4 years. Which led the President at the time to pressure the CPSM into a dangerous, unethical and inhumane attempt: testing the effects of mushrooms on humans. The aim was not to test whether food mutation occurred with humans, but to discover any mutation between humans and animals that would cause the human species to suddenly “evolve”. This proposition was so preposterous that even Lucius didn't recognize his brother. Which led him to demand that this experience be kept secret, so that it would not cause even more problems.

One for all

Details of what happened to humans when they ingested the mushrooms is a mystery to this day, which makes many contemporary historians assume that someone had hidden them. But the only information we have about the Experiment is the statement that humans do not mix with food. This knowledge was passed on by Valery, who was part of the small secret group of scientists. She had an assistant named Sara. Both were geniuses in the scientific field, always working together. But the Experiment would be closed due to the lack of Meteorite mushrooms, leaving only 1 to be used.

And it was at that moment that Sara volunteered to be the last “lab rat” of the experiment. Then hugging her best friend (a pale octopus she had as a pet) she ingested the last mushroom. But what nobody expected was that this attempt would generate the biggest change that occurred after the fall of the Meteorite: the birth of the Squidishs. Sara had transformed, starting a new Era in the history of the World, but it cost her something very precious: the memories of her human life. Currently the ancient scientist named Sara, known as Amanita, the Progenitor of the Eternal and mother of all Squidishs.

The Beginning of a New Era

After Amanita's transformation, something strange was happening. The mountain on which the meteorite had fallen and which was next to the CPSM building, began to shake. It seemed to announce change, exploding and scattering several Fragments of the meteorite across the Continent, which upon contacting a surface, generated impulses so powerful that they could be felt from anywhere on the Continent. But these impulses, instead of frightening the population and animals of the regions, it sounded like a calm and serene sound, a consolation for the afflicted.

Some people were able to witness the impact of one of them in the region that is now known as Dulçor, specifically in Forja dos Vales. Ancient records say that it was a vision from another world, a magical explosion that completely transformed the region, as one of the observers reports “As it fell, everything and everyone turned their eyes to the Meteorite Fragment, which contorted one of the mountains and created the silhouette of a 'tentacle trying to reach the moon', really, a divine transformation”. And humanity at the time, could hardly imagine that was just the beginning of the transformations.


Shortly after the Meteorite explosion, people discovered that the Fragments not only changed the appearance, but the composition of what existed around them. Because in its surroundings a food biome was born, which affected the plants, animals and the surrounding terrain. Providing better life in the human population and, later, in the Squidish population. And obviously, humanity would not make the same mistake again. They went out of their way to preserve these sites.

But not everything was going well, as Amanita's transformation could cause a certain turmoil in the population. And afraid of that possibility, Valery takes her hidden to a shack near a beach, where she stayed for a few months until Amanita became aware of her situation. And in the course of that time there were some surprises that would completely change the situation in the world. For one of the greatest discoveries of this century, was Amanita's ability, first observed by Valery, who was in the kitchen when suddenly, Amanita trips and drops a glass of milk on her tentacles. In moments, a small “explosion” of smoke filled the space and a 2.10 tall figure emerged in front of them. This was the birth of the progenitor of the sanguines: Milk.


One of Valery's first analyzes was the nature of the creation of the Squidish, which were initially born at random ages. Which did not influence their maturity, because regardless of their more adult appearance, they still contained the maturity of a child. The proof of this was Milk's personality, which was very curious and did not seem to understand the language spoken by Valery. Just like Dagr, who was born just a few days later, when Milk was playing with a pepper jelly and decided to hug Amanita, grabbing her tentacles with her hands.

Milk and Dagr weren't the only ones created by Amanita at that time, but they were the only ones who inherited her ability to create. Although Valery studied why this happened for years, she never discovered the cause. But she could understand some recurring characteristics in each one, both in appearance and in capacity, which could be classified into 3 levels of rarity: common, rare and legendary.

The rarities were divided only by their recurrence, since it was possible to observe more frequently the common ones, later the rare ones and hardly the legendary ones. But the denominations became insufficient to characterize these three divisions, because over time traits beyond appearance were discovered. Considering its history and its physical abilities, Valery proposed new denominations, which persist until the present day: which are the eternal, salamander and sanguine classes. Being justified by its recurrence, characteristics and capabilities.

The Journey

For 22 years the process of acceptance of humans with the presence of Squidishes in the world, although it was not so turbulent. At first the population was astonished, but over time they found similarities between the two, which facilitated relations between them. And the capabilities of the Squidishs were used as a starting point for exploring the outside world, influencing the creation of the Êxo Empire, responsible for achieving this goal.

But what about the squidish? Well, in the beginning there was no “dissociation” about what a squidish was, they were treated like humans, despite being different. And for that reason, they felt solidarity to help the human species in its return to the world. But over the years, the squidish began to create their own culture, their own cities, their own principles. Moving away from the idea that they were just “another type of humans”, they came to personify a new civilization, which today occupies the world's space as the dominant species.

And so the lives of humans and squidish went on, living side by side. They built several cities, some with the structural aspects of humans and others with the "face" of squidish. Inside Terra Serena, as its name suggests, life is more peaceful for any inhabitant. But outside of it, there are challenges and mysteries that attract many individuals on adventures, who seek to discover new people, animals, plants and foods.

Code by Aurorean