Acquiring a Kofling



So you want to dive in and join the community. You're welcome to request membership already - no need to own a Kofling to join, take part in events, and earn Koins! But if you're really after your own toothy friend, there are more than a few ways to acquire one...

The easiest way to grab an official Kofling is via an Offer To Adopt. These designs have a single fullbody, plus art of their ear and source items. Prices typically range from €20 to €80. Notices about new designs are posted in the Discord server (where you can grab the 'adopt hunter' role for a ping). You can leave a reply here to receive pings on Toyhouse. Owners of adopts bought without a full refsheet can purchase a refsheet commission for Koins at any time, or EUR when available.

Occassionally, Make Your Own (MYO) slots are released for sale in different manners. They may be raffled, so everyone has an equal chance to be the buyer, or individually selected based on the prospective buyer's idea for the design. You can check if there are any available, as well as the pricing and full information, here. You can reserve your idea in advance, reserve a slot to be paid once it gets released, or even buy a slot itself, with Kofling Koins at the Mart.

Community events are held every 1-2 months, and have previously included opportunities for participants to own a Kofling. This could be a randomly-drawn raffle, an art or creative writing contest, or a number of other activities. Previous prizes given out have been (a choice of) existing official designs, as well as (free or reduced) MYO slots. Read about events at the bottom of this page. Notices about community events will shared via bulletin.

Just like regular OCs, Koflings owners sometimes wish to trade or sell their characters. These notices can be found on the forum, the promotion channel on the Discord server, or by searching Toyhouse marketplace. Don't forget to check if the seller is listed as the rightful owner, and to update the masterlist after the trade!

An adoptable in the classic Kofling format, a full refsheet, is fairly rare. They may be designed by Oakiel or by guest artists, and prices typically range from €50 to €200. AB1 (autobuy 1) is present from the start. This is a high buy-it-now price that ends the auction immediately. A cheaper option, AB2, is added roughly 18 hours into the auction. If you would like a notification when AB2 is added, just say so in your bid! EUR via Paypal invoice is the only accepted payment. Notices about new adoptable auctions are posted to the group's bulletins and in the Discord server (where you can grab the 'adopt hunter' role for a ping). You can leave a reply here to receive pings on Toyhouse.

Sometimes guest artists are invited to design a few Koflings (check if applications are open here). In case the creator designs two or more adoptables, they can choose to pay the price of an MYO slot to keep one of the designs, even if MYO slots aren't currently open.