[ World rules ]

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follow the basic rules 

hate the cat, not the user

this is a safe space for all genders, orientation and races, all are accepted in the roleplay world and the real world :>

only admins can introduce prophecies and plotlines.

When you make a rp thread, say ORP for open roleplay, where anyone can join, or CRP for closed rp and list the character/user you're rping with.

 Link your character you're rping with so others can know.

if you're joining a rp, ask if you can join first, and link your character.

anything your cat does is normal, if you (as a user) are saying it, put it in parenthesis or something. {like this} <or this> [this works] (...and this too)

To make things less confusing, please use past tense words and quotations 

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If you don't rp for over 10 days, you'll get an inactivity notice. 

Over 14 days (2 weeks) and your character will be deleted.

People with important roles (leader, deputy, med cat, etc.) need to be active weekly.

leaders, deputy’s and med cats need to attend the gathering or give a notice that they cannot 

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