[ How to roleplay ]

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To start off, head to ‘non-cannon chains‘ in the form and start or join a roleplay


’ORP’ at the beginning of a roleplay means ‘open roleplay‘ meaning anyone can join, just make sure to ask


’CRP’ means ‘Closed roleplay’ meaning unless you were invited To the chain, please don't join it :)


Next to ORP/CRP, it should also say where the roleplay is taking place, that way no one gets confused.


And make sure to link ( or ic ) the character you are using the first time it’s used in the chain


So, when starting a roleplay you should format it like this:

ORP } Roseclan Territory } Starpaw sat in the medic den sorting, herbs


To avoid confusion with roleplaying, please use past-tense verbs


When a character speaks, please use quotations 


If you as the person needs to say something, put it in parenthesis ( like this! ) to avoid confusion 

If you are roleplaying with two characters at once, separate the characters with two lines, for example:

Starpaw sat on the Roseclan border || Darkstar glared at her from across the border 

or two separate paragraphs, for example: 

Starpaw sat on the Roseclan border 

Darkstar glared at her from across the border 


when replying to someone, be sure to hit the ' reply ' button so your chain will stay in a nice thread instead of filling the whole forum.


when beginning a roleplay with someone, please at least glance at their character's stats/profile so you get pronouns right, and so you know their personality and relationships. ( so your cat won't accidentally flirt with a queen who currently has kits or smth like that pff )


Please follow all these rules to prevent confusion during roleplaying, remember, hate that character, not the user. :)

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