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01. extended f.a.q (q&a)

Do you have a question or doubt that isn't answered here?
you can join our discord server to ask in the questions channel or DM ware-jomyu with your question!

general F.A.Q!

Can I make my own Ware-Jomyu?

Of course! We are an open species, which means you do not need any sort of MYO ticket or permission for this. Have fun!

Does my design needs approval?

Not exactly. Although if you are unsure about your design for any reason or simply want to have a record of an "official" approval, you can send it to our Discord server in the #check-center channel or you can comment in our official check-out center bulletin!

Can we make adopts? (BTAs, OTAs, raffles, etc.)

Of course! As long as they are properly tagged as such, credited or are in the world, that should be fine!
We only ask you to not advertise them as "official" or "guest artist" adopts.

Am I allowed to co-own a Ware-Jomyu?

You are allowed to co-own, however the staff team will not handle any conflicts you may have with the co-owner, so please make sure it is someone you trust.

Can I mix them with other / my own species? / Is CB (crossbreed) allowed?

As long as they are CB compatible / the other species allows it, it's totally fine. If the species belongs to you, there is no need to ask! Even so, the mandatory Ware-Jomyu's traits need to be present at all times.

Can I turn my pre-made character into an Ware-Jomyu?

You are! If the design was not made by you, always ask for permission or look at the designer's T.O.S before doing so.

What species the Ware-Jomyus can be?

Ware-jomyus can be anthros, humanoids, ferals, even monsters or mecha, and so on!
They can be anything you want as long as their main traits are present.

Can I make my Ware-Jomyu based on an existing media character?

We do not allow characters based on already existing media such as "kinsonas", "dekudogs", etc., as per general toyhouse (Rule 5.1.) & copyright rules. inspiration is fine, however it cannot be an 1=1 (exactly the same character) in terms of design.

Am I allowed to void my Ware-Jomyu?

You are! Although no approval or permission is required for this process, we ask that you always ask the designer (if not made by you) if they are comfortable with the changes.

In the same way, any type of traits that identify the design as a Ware-Jomyu must be removed for species distinction.

staff related F.A.Q!

How can I apply as moderator?

At the moment we do not need any more additions to the team, but a general announcement will be made if that's the case!

How can I apply for (monthly) guest artist?

Monthly guest artist applications open the 3th of every month, unless stated otherwise!

How can I apply for (permanent) guest artist?

PGA applications are closed until further notice, however, just as moderator applications, they will be announced if needed.

How can I apply for an affiliation?

You may contact the owner (butchery) via Discord so we can discuss this and decide faster if you can affiliate! Even so, we have certain requirements to affiliate:
  • Both a Discord server & a Toyhou.se world.
  • An active community (at least 100 members on either).
  • A clear trait guide / ref sheet for your species.
  • Compatible for CB (crossbreed).
However, meeting these requirements do not mean a guaranteed affiliation!
We will also be participating in your events and your species will be allowed to join in on ours. Please note that we are allowed to unaffiliate at any time whether it be inactivity, controversies, and the latter.

Ware-Jomyu related F.A.Q!

What are the Ware-Jomyu's mandatory / obligatory traits?

The mandatory traits for a Ware-Jomyu should be: The stitches, the extensions (both for the ears & tail) and the open chest area. The pointy legs are optional!

Can the Ware-Jomyu have any other type of legs other than the pointy ones?

Yes, they do! The Jomyu's legs can be either paws, pointy, hooved, humanoid, and so on! There is no limits for that.

How many Ware-Jomyus am I allowed to make?

As many as you wish! There is no limits for that.

Is their lore mandatory?

Not at all! The lore is there as an emphasis for your story or to simply have fun, but it is not mandatory.

How do you pronounce "Ware-Jomyu"?


What are the extensions for? Are they optional?

Ware-Jomyu's extensions can be "used" by several things, it depends on the designer (that is, you!). Sometimes their extensions (in the case of the ears) make them hear better, in other cases, it may be for mere decoration and aesthetic!
The extensions are mandatory for their design, as they are a Decomimi-type (deco = decoration, 耳(mimi) = ears) species.

Is the open-chest area optional? Can it have different designs and shapes?

The open-chest area is not optional, but their visibility is. Likewise, these are free to customize as you wish! Whether be in shapes, internal content, colors, etc.

Do all Ware-Jomyu need stitching?

They do! (They wouldn't Frankenstein-themed species otherwise!) However, like the open-chest area, these are free to customize and their visibility is also optional.

What kind of filling / interior they can have?

They can range between objects as well as living beings in general!

In the case of inanimate objects, the filling must be related in one way or another to the jomyu in general, whether its personality, aesthetic, work, among other things!
An example would be— librarian with books filling, butcher with meat filling, etc.!

Can a Jomyu be made of any material in general? (leather, metal, elemental...)

Yes, they do! Feel free to mix & match as you wish with it.

Do the Ware-Jomyu "reproduce"?

No, they are incapable of doing so by being reanimated beings made from scratch.
All Ware-Jomyus are made by an assigned doctor, and this doctor in particular may be considered a parent for the Jomyu in most cases!

Likewise, a Ware-Jomyu can be created if someone has all the necessary elements for it, but without the knowledge and appropriate help from another Doctor, it can end in unimaginable disasters.

Can they have multiple limbs?

They do!

Can the open-chest area be covered by glass or similar?

It is possible! Although this glass (or any other material) still needs to open like a door to access the interior easily, in the same way, it still needs to show the interior / open chest.