
★ W E L C O M E ✦ S T A R K I N ★
This is the directory for Galaxia Populo. Galaxy People are alien entities made out of stardust. They are a closed species by Owlhana. This group offers a community that not only enjoys Galaxy People, but that enjoys space, art, and stories. This species will be featured in various story telling medias created by Owlhana. If you like interactive communities and stories, join our group and check out our discord server.

NOTE: Please note that we are currently copying everything from our DA world over to the toyhou.se world. We are still active on DA, and for now, the Toyhou.se world serves as a storage/backup system for all our files, information, and characters! Should DA groups become unusable in the future, we may move here entirely!

★ S T A R ✦ D U S T ★
Join us on Discord, Toyhou.se, and DeviantArt!