Application Process

You can reach me via direct message here (canvas) or on Discord (canvas#6725).


Contact me with the following:
  • Which role you are applying for.
  • A link to your OC or your OC concept.
    • ↳ All face claims are permitted, but one is not required.
    • ↳ The more detail, the better.
    • ↳ Please include your character's faction.
    • ↳ Keep in mind that firearms are rare. Choose weapons that would fit well.
    • ↳ Younger characters are iffy. Please contact me and get okayed prior to making an OC that is nineteen and younger.
  • An RP sample.
    • ↳ It should be freshly typed. Pre-typed samples can prove to be faulty and do not truly display one's capabilities. After all, literacy fluctuates over time. However, if you do have an excerpt from an RP that you have recently sent and you would like to use that as a sample, that is fine by me. (Relevant RP samples may provide you with brownie points ;3 )


Contact me with the following:
  • Which role you are applying for.
  • Your OC concept.
    • ↳ I highly recommend having your concept approved before you make an OC. If, however, you have a preexisting OC you'd like to fill the role with, you may submit a link alongside the concept.
    • ↳ The concept should include some form of backstory to explain how the character came to be in the role they are currently in. An idea for their disposition and personality would also be useful. The more detailed, the better!
  • Your vision for the role.
    • ↳ If you are a faction leader, how do you intend to run your group?
    • ↳ What are your long-term goals?
    • ↳ Do you have any plans you'd like to implement?
    • ↳ Essentially, how is your character going to fill the role they've been provided? What's their style? What makes them filling this spot unique?
  • An RP sample.
    • ↳ The sample must be typed in character for the OC you're submitting, and it must be in the Necropolis world setting.
    • ↳ Introduce me to the character. Walk me through their personality. Perhaps even write in what your vision realized would look like. This prompt should give me a good idea of what the character would be like in action.
    • ↳ If you would like, you can opt out of writing the sample until after I've approved of the character's base concept. However, a sample will be necessary to complete the application.


Special roles aren't first come first served. I will be very selective for significant roles, analyzing your character and RP sample and selecting people based on the quality of their submission.

I will not reserve anybody any spots. If you would like to take your time in making your OC, you can notify me that you are interested, but your character will take a while to complete. Because OCs are selected based on quality for more important roles, you don't have to worry about your spot being taken.

You should not be offended if your character does not make the cut. I have admittedly high standards. I might reply to your submission with critiques, and you will be added after you make revisions. I'll be putting a lot of thought into selection.

No one is required to apply for any significant roles. If nobody is interested in any given role, it will simply be filled by an NPC, and everyone can contribute to developing him or her through the roleplay or even outside of it. If there is an empty role slot, don't feel pressured to apply just because it's labeled as significant!