Q: How do I get a Cutise?

A: Cutise are a closed species, meaning the only way to get your own is through either adoptable or a MYO Slot. You may also receive one from trade/sale but make sure they are the correct owner on the Master List first.

Q: How do I get a MYO Slot?

A: We will have MYO Events each month where they will be available for sale. Otherwise, you can try and get one from someone else who has one for trade/sale but make sure they are the correct owner on the Master List. We also offer several ways to earn free slots, such as leveling up in the server or participating in event prompts, and for your birthday via a tracker in the Discord.

Q: Do Cutise have a trait sheet/rarities?

A: We have a two “main” rarities: Common and Rare. There are also Mutated traits that only Noa is allowed to use. (unless special permission is given) We have a written trait sheet and visual guide.

Q: Do MYO Slots expire?

A: Nope! None do and never will.

Q: Can I make a Cutise form of an already existing OC?

A: Yes, as long as you have a MYO Slot to use for it and the original designer is ok with it. 

Q: Can I remove my Cutise from the species?

A: Yes, you can. After contacting a Mod about this, we will ask you redesign them to not possess Cutise-like traits. They will be voided from the Master List afterwards. A design may be re-instated later.

Q: Can I redesign my Cutise?

A: To an extent! They must remain recognizable to the original design overall but stuff like clothing, hair color/style, etc. is easily changeable. Just send a Mod or Cutise a message if you need help with this process. We are open to most changes as long as it doesn’t change their main traits.

Q: How do I get my MYO approved?

A: Make a post in myo approval channel in our Discord, or send a DM to Cutise with your design and proof of owning the slot.