
Radrians have a unique culture that revolves around their love for music and dance.

They don't have songs, words are merely a tool for them to make music. Radrians dance to the rhythm of drums and stomping, their bodies covered in jingling jewelery are telling the story though the graceful movements and complex foot work. Theirs bodies are moving fast and rhythmically or slow and peaceful like a flowing water, one time dangerous and loud, other time slow and beautiful. 

The Dance tells the story, it tells about their daily life, their struggles or a successful hunt. They celebrate happiness and that they got to live another day. 

They believe that music is a way to express their emotions and connect with others.
Music is an integral part of their daily lives, and they believe that it has healing powers, both for body and mind. 

Radrians are also known for their intricate and colorful clothing. They use natural dyes to color their fabrics and each color has a symbolic meaning. For example, red represents strength and courage,
while blue represents peace and tranquility. Their clothing is often adorned with intricate embroidery, beads, and feathers.

Family is also an important part of Radrian culture.
While don't don't have strict gender roles it's often the oldest female who acts as a head of the family. It might comes from the more dominant nature of females. 
Family members often live together in large communal houses, and the entire community takes part in raising and educating children.

Radrians also have a deep respect for nature and the environment.
They believe that all living things deserve to live and it's wrong to kill without a reason. While one must die for other to live, death shouldn't be meaningless. 
They live without damaging the enviorment. Their homes are easy to take with them when they migrate and they just leave stone buildings and constructions that they can't take. All buildings and tools they leave are then used by next group that stays in this place while they search for other place to stay for longer. 

In terms of technology, Radrians have a basic level of technology, such as basic tools and weapons. While they don't focus on improving they're can be familiar with modern technology due to human impact on their lives. 

Radrians are very skillfull craftsmen, they can engrave complex ornaments on the daily life tools and create beautiful embroidery on clothes. They're also very skilled with metal work and they often use precious metals they find on the surface. However the rarity of the material doesn't really matter for them nor has any value. 
