Magic System


Magic System


Astra is a planet created by God called "Kosmos". She wanted to give a live to creatures, show them how to live peacefully and good. at first she created God called "Life" and God called "Death" to help her creating this wonderful planet. It was a Life's duty to creating a new canines and felines called astrimals to help Kosmos with the planet. Death's duty was taking astrimals' souls when their live has to end. When Life created a new astrimals she always gave them "magic energy". The magic energy is a needed thing because thanks to this astrimals could do magic. Every astrimal has it and they can learn any type of available magic.

An available types of magic: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Nature, Dark, Light, Illusion.

Magic in this world isn't a bloodline thing, the kind of magic depends on your interests and personality. If you don't like a fire magic, you probably fail an every spell so making magic you don't like is pointless. Everyone learns at their own pace so if an astrimal likes to learn new spells but it takes a long time, there is not need to worry!

The astrimals can learn all types of magic at once but if they would start learning all types magic at once, they won't be good in all of them. They only would know the easiest spells. The most common thing in learning magic is learning one type of magic or two of them. The more types of magic you would to learn the worse will be your skills.

Crystal necklaces are like wands, it's not necessary but it's helpful because crystals produce the magic aura around them. That's means your magic will be stronger than before. Some of astrimals are thinking that crystal necklaces are cheating and think it's dangerous. The other astrimals think that crystal necklaces are good to use because magic is easier. There's a belief among the astrimals that crystal necklaces protect from losing control with powers. To obtain Crystal necklace an astrimal has to prove they are wise and skilled enough to carry a crystal necklace. Every region has different way to check if you're ready for it.

The Demigods Association

The most powerful magic users are Demigods. They have cosmos energy from Kosmos' blessing. Cosmos energy is needed to stronger spells than average astrimal can imagine. Their duty is protecting astrimals against danger. Demigods together form a Demigods association that everyone knows and respects. They're helpful and some of them choose to teach other astrimals their whole knowledge about magic and world, but not all of them. Some of them doesn't know how to teach others or they just like spend time alone. They're responsible for judging astrimals who broke the magical law. They can decide to kill you or just punish your actions in other way for example they can curse your soul into a necklace. The Demigods association has a meetings once a month. The meetings are on Dragon Island, nobody except Demigods know this place. It's a safe island where live only small dragons which won't bite anyone without reason. The main reason why Dragon Island is called "Dragon" it's because of its shape, an island is Dragon Shaped. There's a lot of cosmos energy, so it's perfect for Demigods association. On this island are underground jails for the most dangerous astrimals, they're often without any magic because their magic was trapped in an item and hidden away from them.

Training and Education

On the Astra an astrimals don't have school like in our world. They learn magic from their mentors. To became a mentor you have to be an adult with years of experience. Magic mentors have their own rules, every mentor has a different way how to learn magic. They often teach around 10 to 20 young astrimals. Ofcourse you can find also a mentor who thinks 10 astrimals is too much to teach them properly so they teach 1 to 5 astrimals. Some of young astrimals have as a mentor their parents or older siblings. Not every mentor would do it for free, some of them wants a payment for a lesson but you can find also a free mentors.

The astrimal can start training from young age, the most common age for starting training is 5-7 years old (kid). amount of lessons depends on methods of the mentor but the average amount of lessons is around 4-6 times in a week. Lessons usually last from one hour to three hours. Here don't exists an exams, quizzes or class. The mentor's duty is to learn their students magic, if a mentor see that their student has a problem with spells, he wont let them learn any more difficult spells. The only exam in astrimals' life is a moment when they want to obtain a crystal necklace.


On the astra you can find events that are related to magic. Every type of magic has its own Festival at different days of year. Demigods loves to watch it or even help in organizing it, especially if the festival is related to magic that kind what demigod uses. These festivals have to remind why every kind of magic is important and of course, astrimals have a lot of fun by participating in it. at the festivals are traditional dishes of regions, so at every region the same special day has different dishes but some of them are in almost every nation.


Magic is casted from the heart of magic user. Magic is flowing over the body so you can cast it by using your paws, head, horns, tail and other body parts. To use magic spell you don't have to screaming name of the spell or know "lyrics" of magic spell. You should feel the magic energy by your body and just know how to use it properly. To cast magic you don't have to use crystal necklace or any staff, the crystal necklaces only are to help cast stronger spells. The more crystals doesn't mean more power, it has the same power but your spell reach is greater. The stronger spells need a cooldown which depends on your physical condition. With magic you have to be careful because if you ignore your fatigue of the body, magic could easily kill you. So it possible to cast many weak spells without being tired at all, there's also common in strength spells which you should watch out when you're too much magic for at the moment. The most dangerous are powerful spells because it needs magic and sometimes life energy to use, the only astrimals that can use many powerful spells without being exhausted.


To cast spell you need of course only your body, but there's an other way to use your magic. It's called "glifs", it's often a circle drawing on the ground or a sheet of paper. Drawing while fighting isn't comfortable so before fight you should be prepared with glifs in your pocket. Why it's used when you can use magic without that? The reason is simple, glifs are used to setting traps for monsters and animals. The glif is drawed by using a stick in the ground at place, when your enemy or animal steps on it, the trap will be activated. It's helpful when your village is surrounded by monsters. Sometimes instead of drawing in ground you can use magic powder, it's even easier when everywhere is high grass. But it's uncommon to use because of the wind which can take your powder away from a certain place


Potions are mainly used to healing potions, on astra is pretty normal that not everyone knows magic which can be used to healing injuries. To create a healing potion you need different ingredients, it's always flowers and herbs which you can find in woods or other places. Potions are also used as a killing poisons that you can put into your enemy's food or to kill monsters. The last type of potions are skill potions, skill potions are illegal because it's too dangerous and disturbs the magic balance. Thanks by skill potions you can gain any type of magic you want but it cost a lot of money. These potions aren't perfect, the users of skill potions are dying from losing control with magic. The most strongest and experienced astrimals can handle with it so they don't dying from losing control, they dying from slow wasting of the body.


How is magic used, and what is it usually used for? Is it used for offensive purposes (ex. War) or otherwise healing purposes? Is it used in everyday life such as lighting up a room, cooking, obtaining clean water, etc.? Are magic tools/ magitech a thing? Is magic easy to come by and readily available to the masses? How dependent are the people to magic?


Curabitur sed magna id odio convallis pharetra non ac libero. Aliquam id justo ligula. Ut tristique laoreet turpis. Etiam vel rutrum mauris. Ut vel felis id nisl mattis blandit quis ut lorem. Donec ex lectus, tempor ut auctor ut, pulvinar vel sem. Suspendisse sed egestas felis.


Fusce nunc eros, ornare at sollicitudin vel, ultricies a nulla. Donec consequat, quam et aliquam elementum, eros purus egestas tortor, sit amet venenatis neque felis sed nunc. Sed ultricies lorem vitae mattis pulvinar. Integer dignissim condimentum enim fermentum accumsan. Mauris eget nunc mi. Morbi vitae nulla suscipit, congue arcu nec, blandit libero. Donec ultrices rutrum massa, luctus maximus diam fringilla vel. Suspendisse vestibulum aliquam elit, a rhoncus ligula. Praesent scelerisque, neque ac consequat venenatis, velit dui pharetra dolor, id tincidunt quam tellus non est. Etiam ac lectus maximus, porta diam vitae, malesuada sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque at vestibulum eros.

Forbidden Magic & Restrictions

Are there any kind of magic that's considered "forbidden" or is otherwise banned, whether officially by law or otherwise an unspoken rule? An example of this can be magic dealing with life-death. Is necromancy possible to do, and if so, is it allowed by the law/ societal morality? What are some laws set in place to deter people from using these kinds of forbidden/ restricted magic? What are the consequences of it, whether a legal consequence or otherwise cause of consequence? What are the moral issues that come from such forbidden magic/ restrictions?


Curabitur sed magna id odio convallis pharetra non ac libero. Aliquam id justo ligula. Ut tristique laoreet turpis. Etiam vel rutrum mauris. Ut vel felis id nisl mattis blandit quis ut lorem. Donec ex lectus, tempor ut auctor ut, pulvinar vel sem. Suspendisse sed egestas felis.


Fusce nunc eros, ornare at sollicitudin vel, ultricies a nulla. Donec consequat, quam et aliquam elementum, eros purus egestas tortor, sit amet venenatis neque felis sed nunc. Sed ultricies lorem vitae mattis pulvinar. Integer dignissim condimentum enim fermentum accumsan. Mauris eget nunc mi. Morbi vitae nulla suscipit, congue arcu nec, blandit libero. Donec ultrices rutrum massa, luctus maximus diam fringilla vel. Suspendisse vestibulum aliquam elit, a rhoncus ligula. Praesent scelerisque, neque ac consequat venenatis, velit dui pharetra dolor, id tincidunt quam tellus non est. Etiam ac lectus maximus, porta diam vitae, malesuada sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque at vestibulum eros.

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