
Genre: High Fantasy

Different races of beings live on the world: Humans, Elves, and Magia. Humans and elves are the standard typical races while Magias are beasts race. There are various Magia races which include Amphias (lizards), Vios (winged/angels), Dios (horned/demonic looking)

The Divine Ruler is always a Vios. The common races see the Vios as divine beings (they're not a common race of Magia) and humans and elves hold them in high standard. The Vios are servants to the current Divine Ruler and have a strict ranking system, growing up in the palace from birth to death. The previous Divine Ruler had a wife who was a Dios and followers of the Divine Ruler were against this pairing. Due to backlash, they parted ways and the King kept the Vios twin sister, Miae while the Queen took the Dios twin, Raine. After the king passed, Miae took her place at the throne. Raine became upset at all the great treatment that Vios and her sister got and decided to start her own small ruling with Magia of all races and started a war against Miae.