Vio Rankings and Info

The five rankings for Vio are as followed:
Lowest 5th- Viatium Lowest starting rank. No basic magic. This is reserved for new born and Vio under the age 100. This is a training rank

4th Arcania
Vio at this rank can start using basic magic and the ability to fly within a certain radius of the capital. Magic include levitation under a certain weight, simple morphing, basic skills like cooking etc.

3nd Decius
This ranking a Vio can fly anywhere and use basic destruction magic. They serve as an ambassador for the Divine Ruler

2nd Morcia
These Vio serve as the jurors over the Decius rank while out on the field. They serve as judges in place of the Divine Ruler out on the field. They don’t serve as her personal body guards and are mainly out in about in the world. They have access to higher level destruction magic.

Highest - 1st Tia
These are the sacred knights to the Divine Ruler
They have high level magic spells and access to things to like petrify. Etc. They serve as a way to deliver the Divine Rulers punishments and uphold justice in their place. They mainly stationed in the palace and protect the Divine Ruler, serve as advisors, etc.

Vio who commit "sins" (greed, lust, killing, rape etc) either become Tainted or exiled.
Tainted Vios are given a second chance by the Divine Ruler to still serve them. If the tainted still fails to serve the Divine Ruler, they become Exiled. It it possible for a Vio to become Exiled immediately before Tainted.
When a Vio becomes Tainted, they de-rank down to Decius and can never rank up to Morcia or Tia.
Tainted Vios are distinguishable due to the color tints of their wings. All Vios are naturally born with white wings, so tinting their wings is an easy way to let other Vios and people know that the Vio committed a sin.
If a Vio becomes exiled, their wings are cut off in a public display in front of other Vio and their wings are used for decoration in clothing, art, etc as to be reminders to other Vio to be righteous.
Different color tinted wings deduce what the Vio had done.

Examples are:
Red/Pink - Lust, love etc
Blue - Greed, thievery etc
Black - Death, rape, (rarely seen as most are immediately exiled for their crimes - tainted vio with black wings still around are due to not saving another vio or causing an accidental death)