PSA: Discord isn’t an image host

Posted 3 months, 8 days ago by Pinky

Discord is changing the way images work so the links will expire - this means if you host your images there for your layout, it will eventually stop working/the image will break over time

i feel like a little silly goose cuz i never realized so many ppl used discord to host images, but apparently a lot of people’s layouts are getting messed up as the image links expire. if you use discord to host your images you need to switch to something else. they made this announcement a while ago but i guess ppl didn’t get the memo or didn’t take it seriously LOL

please don’t ask me what to use cuz idk LOL for my layouts i use toyhouse, you can grab the image straight from the gallery just make sure the image is properly credited in the character gallery !

here’s a nice bulletin someone made with a bunch of options and more details in general if you wanna put your reading glasses on:


I see. . . .that really sucks, this + their new mobile update is enough for me to stop using them tbh. oh well

I have seen this happen as well. We've been using a character as an image hub for a bit now, so we'll probably transfer all the discord items we had to this place.

Thank you for the PSA Pinky! discord really woke up and chose violence today LMAOOOO

Some of my stuff were broken thanks to my laziness to upload somewhere else like a hidden char on TH or gyazo or something. Rest in peace everyone's profiles that used images from discord 💀

Thanks for saying something, been noticing that with some of my images and was wondering what the hell was happening lmao 

I learned this the hard way with a few of them since I wasn't aware of the change with discord- thankfully the images themselves were easy to recover. time to try and hunt for a replacement site/

I heard about one called FileGarden going to try and use that for image hosting. :0 But I didn't get the memo either until I saw it being posted on TH

jaja that made me realize that the css I use, the creator used a discord link, luckily I managed to save the background so I could just re-add it

Very necessary PSA!!! I just learned it the hard way yesterday when my profile's background pattern was gone HAHAHAH I now use my neocities domain instead :D

I'd recommend not doing that! Neocities does not allow hotlinking, so you're risking losing your whole site.

aw shucks... I'll look into alternatives then!

I used to use Imgur but I think that's technically in their policy, too, just not generally enforced unless the website has large traffic. I'm moving over to FileGarden since people recommend it a lot!

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Ommggg I just started using it recently for image hosting because Deviantart does the saaaamme aaaaah...

I honestly just have an invisible character I use for cropped images. And have basically always done so, so I'm good but thanks for the heads up!

Same as someone below in comments, I just realized that all my layouts are messed up because I always used Discord, so from now I’ll upload cropped images to separated gallery in „only me” view  here on TH

I learned recently that imgur is not the best host to use for this either, as their TOS disallows "hotlinking". I've switched to Postimages cc which is similarly convenient to use, has a great TOS, and is apparently a decade+ old and thus unlikely to just go belly up.

i use toyhouse and just make a "only me" profile and upload them to that jsdhajskd

I'd been slowly switching over to using Tumblr as a host (I know it's not the Best option but it works well for me 😭) but couldn't get to every profile before the change happened 💔💔💔

Filegarden is a very good option. Easy to organise and it's free. It's what I've switched to before this happened.

seconding filegarden as a host! I've had zero issues since switching to it and it has so many great options for organizing. Imgur is an ad-infested nightmare these days and is only good for one-off uploads but fg is the bomb for hosting a lot of images at once