Era (Braids)



When Era is upset and in need of comfort, she goes to those she trusts most and lets them braid her hair while she talks over her problems with them or lets them distract her. She will also just let them pull it up when she feels like doing something more than her usual ponytail. One can usually tell whom she’s gone to by the braids they weave.

  • Amber tends to do several tiny braids, as it allows her to take more time to cheer up her sister-in-arms. They can be a bit messy, but Era appreciates the love and intention behind them.
    • Once, during an extra-long braiding session, Eula walked in, looking for Amber. As soon as she realized the situation, she asked, in her way, if she could do Era’s hair. The result was an incredibly elaborate braided updo, one that Eula claimed was meant to be used exclusively by the old nobility, and a newfound understanding between the two women. Now, Era barely needs to show a hint of tears in her eyes for Eula to (with permission) drag her into a quiet room to do the same style, as an act of rebellion and a sign of friendship.
  • Sucrose likes to gather small sections of hair to pull up into a braided headband. She does this facing Era so that she can keep an eye on her facial expressions to make sure she’s not causing any undue pain. Which Era swears is impossible because Sucrose is as gentle as a warm summer breeze with her hair. The intricacy of the headband depends on how much comfort Era needs.
  • When some simple silliness is needed, Era goes to Klee. The Spark Knight is always overjoyed to be allowed to play with her honorary big sister’s hair. Klee’s preferred style to make is twin braids, to match her own two ponytails. They carry the hallmarks of a child inexperienced with doing anyone’s hair, but Era always wears them proudly afterward. She can handle the tugging as Klee does them up, anyway.
  • The Traveler, when asked, will always do Era’s hair in a simple long braid down her back. At most, they’ll do a fishtail or French braid. For Aether, it’s the style he’s used to doing on himself, so he plays it safe. For Lumine, it’s because she’s used to helping her brother with his hair, and it brings her some bittersweet comfort to style Era’s hair that way. Era will also return the favor for them, should they wish it, and often it turns into a mutually-comforting braiding session.
  • Venti loves to braid Era’s hair. He’ll sit behind her in a branch of Vennessa’s tree and weave whatever braid he wishes at the moment. These have ranged from simple plaits to elaborate patterns worthy of a gala. His favorite style to do with her hair is four small braids, two on each side, pulled back and merged into one larger one.
  • Kaeya, for all of Era’s annoyance at his incessant teasing, is something of an older brother to her, and so is also granted the privilege of braiding her hair when needed. He nearly always makes sure it has no choice but to fall over her shoulder towards the front, like his own hair often does. During longer sessions, he likes to add embellishments, such as smaller braids woven in, or small trinkets and flowers.
  • Albedo was surprised the first time he was asked to braid her hair, but agreed to it after realizing what a show of trust it was. He’ll take his time experimenting with what style looks best on her when they have the time, and he has often come up with styles that almost rival Venti’s. Most often, though, he’ll settle on a copy of his own signature style: two braids pulled back into a ponytail.
    • And the people of Mondstadt think it’s the cutest shit that they match when he does this. Albedo is confused; it’s only a hairstyle. Era has had to train herself not to be embarrassed beyond belief. And both of them consider throwing decorum to the wind and decking Kaeya when he starts making comments about it.