Marieyna Rendón Del Bosque



8 years, 10 months ago



Name Marieyna Rendón Del Bosque
Age & D.o.B. 16 y/o, December 18
Build [info]
Height 165cm (approx. 5'5")
Species Human
Origin Spain
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Occupation Student
Personality Gentle/Bashfull
Enneagram 6w5
Design Notes

  • Her headpiece has three "threads" coming off of it; one in the middle front, with a small, blue/turquoise gem/pearl dangling from it, and two on each front side, which ends up at the back side of the headpiece. All of them are connected to the headpiece by two thin "threads", before converging into their main "thread" (almost like a Y shape).
  • Although the original reference image shows her with a nose piercing, she does not have one.

A gentle and quiet soul, Marieyna feels most at ease when she's in the company of those she trusts and relies on, which isn't many, or on her own. She tends to stay quiet unless spoken to, or if the situation calls for it. According to her, it's because she enjoys the silence, but the truth is that she's really shy, and fears she would only make a fool out of herself if she did anything that would be considered wrong.

Marieyna is very timid, and will go out of her league to avoid strangers and large groups of people. If she was suddenly ambushed by one of these things, she would, in most situations, turn straight around and get away from them as fast as possible. Or hide behind the closest person that she trusts (which usually ends up being Sadie), regardless of how silly it might look ("I can't see you, so you can't see me").

It takes a lot for Marieyna to lose her temper, and she can tolerate much. However, when she first loses it, she loses it. Her anger takes fuel from everything that should have angered her up to that point, sometimes even past events brought up from similar memories, making it hard to calm her down. Which usually takes quite some time, with or without help. She's also the type of person who can hold grudges for a very long time.

She is a very careful person by nature as well, and would rarely, if ever, be the first person to try out something new, or jump into unknown places and/or adventures. If someone she didn't really know were to ask her to do something for them (assuming she didn't try and get away from them), she would be the type of person to ask about details upon details so as to not encounter any surprises.

TLDR: Gentle, quiet and timid person, who is very tolerant towards others. Avoids talking and encountering people/strangers if she can. When first angered, she is like a wildfire, which isn't easy to tame. She is also very careful by nature.


  • Ghosts and other spirits are somehow attracted to her, and she can often be seen quietly communicating with them. She tries to hide this ability from others, though. Strangely, her fear of other people doesn't include the dead...
  • She's right handed.
  • She's a huge fan of "Welcome to Night Vale", and likes to bring up quotes and proverbs from there to Sadie, even though the latter rarely, if ever, understands them.
  • She is able to speak fluent Spanish, but is also able to use English to a near fluent level. She still has a noticeable accent, though.
  • Marieyna was originally planned to be a more typical "cool girl" character, who hung around people and who others looked up to, including Sadie. However, while trying to develop the character, she steered more towards what she eventually became today, a timid and shy person.
  • Her birthday (December 18th) corresponds to the day which I adopted her from M1ssNautilus, in 2014.

Old Castle [Secret Messenger]
Dream [Imagine Dragons]
Waving Through a Window [Dear Evan Hansen]

She was born in Spain, but moved to America when she was 5 years old. (TBA)


  • Empanadas
  • Welcome to Night Vale
  • Supernatural/fantasy elements

  • Winter and snow, as well as the coldness that follows
  • Being in social situations with strangers and/or large group of people. She's also terrified of strangers.

Charisma 30%
Kindness 60%
Temper 40%
Integrity 70%
Courage 30%
Humor 50%
Attack 50%
Defense 40%
Magic 45%
Resistance 30%
Speed 30%
Stamina 40%
Appeal 40%
Confidence 25%
Intellect 50%
Manners 40%
Optimism 35%
Luck 50%

Sadie Lambert | Friend

Sadie is one of the few persons Marieyna have ever been able to properly call a friend, and she values her as a close and very important friend. Sadie has helped her work on her fear of other people, but Marieyna still struggles to keep up with Sadie on the social arena; where Sadie loves meeting and interacting with new people, something Marieyna is terrified to do herself, Marieyna prefers the supernatural world, which Sadie is terrified of.

Despite their obvious personality crash, Marieyna wouldn't skip a heartbeat to call Sadie her best friend, though she is still hesitant to tell Sadie everything about herself, in fear of a repeat of history.

TBA | Father

A gentle and kind man, who raised Marieyna alone after her mother passed away. Upon moving to America, he got a job within the police station in the little town, where he works with the records, as well as helping with interrogations where a translator is needed (he speaks Spanish, English, and basic French). He doesn't have any field work, though, as he wants to be certain that he'll return home and not let his little girl be all alone. He's a fairly decent cook, and his empanadas are well known among his co-workers (and Marieyna) as something to look forwards to.

Noriko Todoroki | Acquaintance

The two never really interact, due to Marieyna and Honora's... current relationship. Marieyna is a bit miffed at Noriko for having befriended Honora just after Marieyna and Honora's falling-out, but she doesn't really have anything against her. Marieyna knows, despite Noriko's often display of clumsiness, that the latter is quite capable, and seems like a tolerable person. After all, how could she not be, having to tolerate Honora all the time...

Honora Dempsei |

Marieyna's feelings about Honora are... difficult, to say the least. When Marieyna moved to America, she and Honora grew to become friends, always hanging out with each other. The two of them did almost everything together; walking to school, building pillow forts at sleepovers at each others house, tagging along on some family trips...

However, during the summer vacation the year they turned 11, Marieyna confided a secret she had held to herself for almost her entire life; her ability to see ghosts and spirits. She hoped that her best friend would help her, comfort her, as she had to witness things no child should ever have to see. But Honora dismissed it as a mere fantasy, telling Marieyna to start growing up and leave behind such childish delusions. Hearing this from Honora, the only one who she'd ever let in this close to her, Marieyna's trust in her shattered. She began distancing herself from Honora, never being able to forgive what she viewed as a sign of betrayal.

The few times they interact, Marieyna is critical and cold towards Honora, always expecting her to let her down again.