Sigrún Brynjarsdóttir



8 years, 6 months ago


The character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.


Name Sigrún Brynjarsdóttir
Alias Sigrún
Age 17
DoB October 3rd (Libra)
Gender Female
SO Joshua
Height 164 cm
Build content
Race Caucasian
Origin Ísafjörður, Iceland
Role content
Demeanor Pragmatic, argumentative

"I would have had something smart or witty to say, but let's be honest; You can't fail by not trying."


  • Gaming
  • Scarves
  • Coffee (Life would be impossible without it)
  • Rock and alternative music
  • Dumplings/Chinese food


  • Being abruptly awoken
  • Cooking (it ends up burned anyways, so why bother?)
  • Public display of affection
  • School work (or any type of work, actually)



Alignemnt Chaotic Good
Sign Libra
Enneagram 7w8 or 9w8.
HS God Tier Rogue of Rage
Element Fire
Street smart Articulate Nonchalant Lazy Unhurried Disorganized

Let's start off by discerning one thing; being smart doesn't neccesarily mean you're smart. You might know a little about everything and have a decent memory, but it doesn't make you the next Einstein.

Sigrún would fall into this category. She only attends school because it's mandatory (and that she happened to make friends there helped to tie her down), but she has no real drive to strive for good grades, only passing ones. If she had had any interest in it, like with her games and car reparations however, she'd probably be able to do fairly well. She'd rather spend her time doing something she likes than something that will only bring with it more and more work. Which is exactly what she does.

Despite not being as book smart as others, she more than makes up for it in street smarts. Knowing who did what in the past might help steer people away from repetition, but if you'd just open your eyes and actually see the world in front of you, you would get pretty far too, in Sigrún's opinion. She's keenly aware of the world around her, despite her seemingly disinterest and nonchalant attitude towards it. Which, when she adresses it, throws some people off their balance.

From her growing up rebelling against her parent's wishes for a more "girlier" daugther, she got to train up her articulation skills (and a quicker negative reaction towards people trying to get her to change who she is). A skill that has surprised many of her teachers after moving to the US, as well as her peers who only thought of her as a disorganised slacker. Which isn't entirely wrong. She is disorganised, mainly concerning her stuff. From having a room "without a floor", to suddenly finding weeks old candy in her backpack hidden underneath books and whatever else was thrown into the backpack. And sure, she is can be a slacker, mostly when it's concerning a chore/job she isn't particularly interested in.

TLDR: She's lazy. She knows she's lazy. Does she care? No. Does it help that others urge her to something? Absolutely not. But when she actually cares about something, she'll able to do it pretty well. Despite her lazy, nonchalant and unhurried appearance, she'll surprise peers and adults alike with her street smarts and articulate skills. If they aren't lost along the way by how disorganised she is and keeps things.


She was born into a family with two elder brothers, a mother and a father, in Ísafjörður, Iceland. Growing up in such a small place, she mostly hanged out with her brothers while they did their hobbies, be it video games or car mechanism. As a result, she grew up to be somewhat tomboy. The other girls in her class did try to label her as such, but it never really bothered her.

During the summer the year she turned 9, she and her family moved to Craydon, Michgan, where her mother had gotten a job. All seemed well, until Sigrún discovered that her parents had signed her up to another school than her brothers, in the hopes that she would grow up to be a little more girly without their constant influence. Angered by this, she used the rest of the summer to "rebel": she began wearing her brothers' clothes, she refused to clean up her room, she threw away the vegetables during dinner... When summer ended, and she began at her new school (still dressed up in her brothers' clothes), she "befriended" another new girl, Lorelei. Sigrún didn't get along with her at first, seeing as Lorelei was the natural opposite of what she herself was, but after some weeks they grew tighter (that, and Lorelei stopped complaining about her choice of clothing).

As she got to her 15th birthday, she began bumping into a strange guy at school. It seemed that whenever she tried to get away from others to get some more playtime on her game, this... person would also end up in the same place as her, always with a new book in hands. Of course, it began bugging her, to the point that she asked him to stop following her around, at the same time he also asked for the same. After some laughing at the sheer coincidences, the two sat down, and began talking to each other. She learned his name was Joshua, as he also learned of her name. This encounter, as well as many more after that, eventually made her develop a crush at him. Not knowing what that feeling was though, she seeked advice from Lorelei, who immediately dragged her to him (after Sigrún pointed out where and who he was), and encouraged her to just confess, and be over with it. What she didn't expect, was that Joshua felt the same for her, and accepted her feelings, marking the start of their relationship.

With Joshua, she also befriended one of his friends, Michelle, who turned out to already be a friend of Lorelei from the get-go, which formed up their little "gang" of four.



Charisma 50%
Kindness 60%
Temper 50%
Integrity 70%
Courage 100%
Humor 80%


Attack 90%
Defense 30%
Magic 40%
Resistance 40%
Speed 50%
Stamina 40%


Appeal 50%
Confidence 90%
Intellect 80%
Manners 10%
Optimism 70%
Luck 60%




She's able to use and understand Icelandic perfectly, as well as English. She tries to hide her Icelandic accent when speaking English. However, it slips through when she's upset or when she isn't actively thinking about it. She's able to read Danish with few hiccups, and by extension, Norwegian and Swedish (with most difficulty), but struggles to speak it.

In school she's taking German, but is barely able to use it more than asking for an apple or a chair. Lorelei tries to help out, but Sigrún's only interested in getting a passing grade in the class.

Northern Acclimatized

Being used to colder climates, Sigrún can more easilly manage under lower temperatures, usually finding the temperatures between -7 and +10 °C the most comfortable. However, Sigrún cannot stand temperatures above 25 °C. When summer passes around, she's usually hiding inside her room (with air condition), and awaits colder days/seasons. She can, however, be in the sun for extended periods of times without being sunburned, but as she really doesn't care for sun bathing and the likes, she just hides in the darkness of her room (or visits Joshua, if he isn't already visiting her).

Skill Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum molestie ipsum. Morbi sit amet libero velit. Maecenas ut metus molestie, malesuada erat ultrices, sagittis nisi.


  • Originally, Michelle was supposed to be Sigrún's best friend. However, as Joshua and Lorelei got into the picture, Lorelei became Sigrún's best friend instead, and Michelle became Joshua's childhood friend.
  • Her first name means "Victory" and "Secret"/"Rune", whilst her last name means "Armour", "Warrior" and "Daughter of".
    • One possible sentence with her name could be: "Secret victory/rune of the armoured warrior's daughter"
    • She's named after the norse valkyrie Sigrún.




Joshua L. Wilson

Although she prefers to spend her time playing video games alone, she enjoys the company of Joshua whilst playing games whilst he reads a book. The two are a couple, a pairing few of their peers could imagine, and though they do occasionally go on dates, it's mostly just to enjoy some food outside or going to various stores.

Joshua, despite being much more affectionate than Sigrún, does respect her personal boundaries and general dislike for public display of affection, whilst Sigrún does try to extend these boundries when they hang out in private, though usually never more than holding hands or cuddling. Whenever Joshua gets lost in one of his books, it's usually Sigrún who reminds him and helps him get some rest. However, the two can be equally bad at time management, especially when it comes to cooking.



Lorelei von Bonn

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.

Early friendship song: Popular - Wicked w. Lorelei as Galinda and Sigrún as Elphaba.



Michelle Campbell

The two don't really know each other that well, and most of the time they spend time together is a result of either Joshua or Lorelei also being there.

Part of this is because Sigrún hasn't really been that engaged in improving their relation. She's somwhat afraid that she'll only discover that Michelle is just like any other girl inside, just like one of those that Sigrún's parents wants her to be more like.

Michelle, on the other hand, has tried to reach out to Sigrún, wanting to get closer to the one person that actually managed to tear her childhood friend away from his books. She has tried numerous things, even gotten Sigrún to become the substitute class representative for their class whilst she became the class representative, just so they had to spend more time together. This, however, didn't sit well with Sigrún, and just like many of her other attempts, hasn't really improved their relationship.



Marieyna Rendón del Bosque

Somehow, despite living completely different lives, the two seem to know eachother...

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