tbn - Herba slime



6 years, 4 months ago


A "wild" Herba-element slime who lives in the Southern Windsong forests. They're less stable than the average slime and, as a result, their form is less solid than the gelatin-like consistency typical of slimes, and tends to drip and run. As slimes naturally regenerate over time by absorbing their constituent magic type from ambient background aura, this is more-or-less harmless to them as their body replaces the lost mass. As another symptom of their instability, small bubbles of concentrated praecantium vapor float inside their body, of a concentration high enough to be potentially dangerous if released.

Since the magic that composes them is Herba, their presence is very beneficial for the forest's plant life- especially the fact that they leave little bits of themself everywhere they go. Areas they've recently been tend to stay supernaturally healthy even through conditions that cannot support plantlife too well. A more annoying side-effect of this is that whenever they go to sleep, they always wake up wrapped in plants.