Elidra Gerathos



7 years, 4 months ago


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Elidra Gerathos




Chaotic (Balancer)



Elidra Gerathos is the First Balancer of Chaos, formed at the very beginning from the wayward chaos energies produced by the newly-formed Librix. As a Balancer and the deity of chaos, her purpose is to seed Chaos, neutralize excess Ordos, and help keep the balance of the two critical magics in check. Fortunately for her, she does this mostly passively by just existing, giving her plenty of time to explore the universe...and get up to mischief, of course! Elidra is an energetic, playful prankster who always loves a good bit of discord, and will take just about any opportunity to do something stupid with her Chaos magic if she thinks it'll be funny. To her, life is best lived with a bit of energy and a healthy dose of humor. Her signature loud cackle is pretty well-known among the other gods.

Her ability to manipulate and aberrate the fabric of spacetime on a much stronger level than mortal Chaomancers gives her an ability to essentially poof things into existence for the sake of a joke- or as a weapon if needed- but her constructs will dissolve into Chaos praecantium a short while after being created. As well, she constantly has a high-level Chaos Hands spell active, giving her a second pair of shadowy arms made of Chaos magic sprouting from her back. She is able to shift these into any shape she needs, but defaults to arms. Wings are her favorite to use other than arms, though.

Despite her typically-jovial and mischievous nature, Elidra is far from incapable of being sincere or otherwise serious. She's got a caring heart (under a layer or two of joke-itude, of course), and is just as willing to love, care for and protect her friends as she is to play practical jokes on them. She's very good friends with Shihab and dated Khalid before his unfortunate demise.


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Khalid Alumi

Elidra and Khalid were very close while Khalid was still alive- boyfriend-and-girlfriend close, in fact. Indeed, it was the death of Khalid in that fateful attack on the Temple that led Elidra to finally realize the sheer danger that the Xenomagi posed, and led her to "get serious" about things, as it were.