Scotch Whisker Ardbeg



6 years, 4 months ago




A stripclub owner longing for a peaceful life.

  •  Name                                                              Scotch Whisker Ardbeg
  •  Nickname   Whisky/Whisk
  •  Birthname   Nicolas Kervel 
  •  Age   35
  •  Gender   Male 
  •  Occupation   Strpiclub/Jewelry store owner 
  •  Hobbys   cook, wood carving, sing, guitar 
  •  Homeworld   Oasis
  •  Hometown   Hebe 
  •  Residence   /Doc's HouseStripclub
  •  Species   Albino Oasian Bloodrat 
  •  Religion   Independent Belief
  •  Headcanon voice (German)   Marios Gavrillis
  •  Headcanon voice (English)   Anthony Kiedis

 About his Personality

Generally, hes unfriendly and easily annoyed. Hes direct and says what he thinks, which is either not smart or rather harsh sounding. If you get to know him, you'll eventually understand he's a caring person, who uses aggressiveness as emotional protection. Hes warmer around family and friends. Even though he's protective, he tends to hurt people, physically and emotionally. Theres alot of toxicity in his actions hes trying to avoid.

All the horrible world wars, losses and emotional struggles piling up the past 6 years scarred him. Hes longing for a better day, knowing the bad days will end. He suffers from PTSD due to his childhood. Hes still able to enjoy his time but makes hisself a fool while joking around, knowing the good days will end. Constant extreme up and downs balance his mind.

About his Fighting Style 

•>The old Stripclub owner, Lady Paula Ricarda, gifted him aCrystal which is able to shapeshift. It grew next to a Rootseed and absorbed its magic. He called it 'Krissi'
•>Its main Shapeshift form is a Scythe, or a knife form. The more it expands, the more transparent it gets.
•>He used to carry simple knives with him just in case, but he doesn't anymore.
•>He had Hebe's Blacksmith forge him a knife out of the anntimagic of rootseed-affected flowers. It could protect them from magic-based immortal beings like Karo.

  •  Optimist 

  •  Rude 

  •  Peaceful 

  •  Playful 

  •  Creative 

  •  Lethargic 

  •  Follower 

  •  Brave 

  •  Insecure 

  •  Intelligent 

  •  Wise 

  •  Forgetful 

  •  Impulsive 

  •  Neat 

  •  Curious 

  •  Awkward 

  •  Patient 

  •  Liar 



  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim

art by username

  •  Natural Hair Color   White 
  •  Eye Color   Red 
  •  Height   1,95cm/6"5 

Design Notes

  •   His ears are white and thin. They're not really rat ears.
  • He dyes his hair green. He thinks it matches his name.
  •   His left fang is made out of gold. His original tooth got punched out. 
  •   His left index and middle finger are missing. His scars are explained here.


Overwhelmed by the responsibility of taking care for emotional beings, his father had to choose to care for either his son or his wife.
The Maclura Covens Mistress adored his Mother so much, that she offered to care for their son. They left him to the Mistress, but on his way to Maclura he lost his way and found himself in Parrotias hands. After having to accept Parrotias rules, the Mistress found another way to keep her loved one close.

After being rescued from Parrotia, he never saw his parents nor the Mistress again. In Hebe he was taken in by the former Stripclub owner, Paula Ricarda. The Girls grew to be like a family to him and they teached him simple things like reading and cooking. Ricarda on the other hand teached him how to fight and protect himself, he became a relatively young contract killer due to her criminal influence.

He took over the Stripclub after Ricardas death, but never stopped his criminal deets.
After Demonias Destruction 4172, 6 years ago, he met Naila, May, Billy and the rescued demons for the first time. After meeting them, his life got increasingly worse, but he found his closest friends and loved ones in the process.

Present Day, Year 4178

After the years passed, he found himself and stopped killing. He repents his past and feels guilt for everything he took. Now hes trying to live a peaceful life, but to do so he has to go through endless wars and scarring events his friends carry with them, so he could find peace eventually.
He met his children who grew up in Maclura and struggles to be a good father.



Doctor Carter: Lover

Time known each other: 15 years
Doc resembles the peace he's longing for. He respects no one as much as he respects him. But he's not sure if Doc actually loves him.

Naila: Best Friend

Time known each other: 6 years
He feels guilty for all of her support. She cares more for him than he deserves.

Ephyra: "Casual Lover"

Time known each other: 4 years
He met Ephyra while going through a tough phase, giving Whisk all the care he needed. Ephyra threw him away after meeting Naila, leaving Whisk with more despair.

Edna: Daughter

Time known each other: 1 year
Edna doesn't accept him as her father. She still lives in Maclura, ignoring his existence.

Midgard: Daughter

Time known each other: 1 year
She left Maclura after finding out about her fathers existence. Even though she was looking for him for many years, Edna was the first one to find him. She loves him. 


Alex: Teeny Rival

Time known each other: 4 years
Alex is way younger, yet they constantly fight and get into arguments, since Alex won't let any of Whisk's stupid behavior go. They care about eachother alot though.

May and Ana: 
Like Daughters

Time known each other: 6/3 years
Long before Whisk met his actual children, he always had fatherly feelings towards these three. Especially Ana and May are like little Angels to him.

Salem: Son

Time known each other: 1 year
Since he's always hidden inside his sister's shadow, Whisk couldn't find out much about him.

Kevin: Personal Foe

Time known each other: 4 years
Whisk hates his actions and won't forgive him hurting his friends, but he still relates to Kevin's loneliness. So much, that he tries to be there for him in a weird way. 

Karo: Rivals

Time known each other: 6 years
Karo had alot of chances, but fucked all of them up. He physically hurt his friends and constantly kept up to be a threat. Whisk tries to avoid him entirely. 


Big Daddy: Friendly Rivalry

Time known each other: 1 year
One day, Big D just opened a Brothel next door and robbed Whisk of all of his customers. Luckily, Big D is a generous man.

Billy: Friend

Time known each other: 6 years
They had a rough past. Whisk used him and his Stockholm Syndrome while both where in a darker place. After the years, their relation got way healthier, but they're not yet there.

Sina: Old Friend

Time known each other: 28 years
Sina and him used to be best childhood friends. She's the reason he's alive and well. Their ways parted as Sina moved to live near Sorbus 11 years ago.

Mother of his Children

Time known each other: 18 years
Seeing her triggers flashbacks. He avoids her and any memorys of her.

Pane and Panuchen: Parents

Time re-met each other: 1 year
He doesn't have much memories of them. Pane wasn't caring for him and doesn't want anyone to know a Stripclub owner is his son. Panuchen doesn't remember him.


 Rootseed They're magic stones filled with Thujas magic. They're very common and can be found inside the ground. They exist to replace batteries and are used to power gadgets.
 Hebe - Its a little town inside the Albizia Starsystem. Heres a Pinterest Board for reference.
Similar to normal rats, but feed themselves with blood, like vampire bats.
Its a cult-like town, full of discriminating Oasians. They treat Humanoids with animal features like slaves.
Its a Coven inside the Nandina-Starsystem. Kapunga are a witchlike Species.
A Starsystem is a group of near towns and villages. Together they build a 
Starsign-like System. Most Starsystems have one Mayor.


 Artfight Page
 Rough Spotify Playlist


profile html by Hukiolukio