


1 year, 2 months ago



Name Sharon

Alias little rhea

Age 21

height 174

birthday 1st December, 2181 (1990)

Occupation singer, model

originally created in 2010

general info

Charming and elegant lady admired by many, far from becoming a drama queen. Armin, Charlie and Elliot's childhood friend. Calm and reasonable, sweet but quite distanced, it seems like the more appreciation she gets, the more introverted she gets. Nowadays she doesn't meet with her old friends as often as in the past, but she misses them a lot and still wants to collab with them. Tries to fight with injustice and gets involved in social actions. Secretly has huge problem with accepting herself. 

a bunch of fun facts

- Her parents were neigbours with Armin's parents, though her parents weren't that rich as Armin's; her mother tried to make some impact on Armin's mother, but it never worked and these moms hated each other
- She loves dogs, always had a lot of them; she also used to had one cat named Pantsu, but he ended up really bad. Sharon's dog had puppies with Armin's dog
- She has the most elegant clothes and avoids wearing true ravers outfit; she still wears the hello kitty bag sometimes though
- In school she was quite good student
- She has high and subtle voice
- As a child she loved Armin's weird stories so much that she started to believe she sees the same things as him - adult Sharon doesn't know what was real and what was not anymore
- Around 14 she had her emo/goth phase
- She may look quite proud and dignified, but in fact she thinks low about herself
- She used to be chubby as a child and other kids were laughing at her
- That's probably why she has severe eating disorders now
- She's bad at expressing deeper feelings and doesn't want to necessarily get in a relationship, but she's quite afraid of living all alone forever; despite this, she refuses to think she could get in a relationship with ANY of the people she knows from school
- Her father was obsessed with pigeons, just like Trausie's father is obsessed with bees. Ah these papas
- Just like Armin, she's also vege, but she actually likes the bio 'n healthy stuff, she thinks his diet is horrible and repeats he's gonna die because of it
- She might be asexual
- Looks like the type of person who is afraid of bugs, but actually she likes them (she was the best from biology); the only animal she dislikes/is scared of is bear and she has serious reasons for it
- Enjoys reading books
- She had her first kiss with Armin in kindergarten, that was their first and the last romantic interaction; they're more like siblings  
- She was the prototype of Tarisa Froiland, they have a few common features
- When Zefir finally comes to life and appears in person, she's not afraid of him, in contrast to Elliot and Charlie


Armin has met Sharon even before he met Charlie and Elliot, since they used to be neighbors in early childhood. They always were like siblings for each other and knew all their darkest secrets. As for now, they don't have that many opportunities to spend time together, also Sharon changed and became much more mature, but they're still quite close. Armin suspects that Sharon and Charlie's relations harm both of them, but he no matter how much he'd like to, he can't help them.

They also know each other from school, but their roads kinda parted. Charlie has always been enchanted by Sharon, but was never courage enough to confess it directly. Even if Sharon may feel something back, she also will never do it, she just keeps claiming him as her friend, so it's a neverending friendzone. Sharon didn't trust Charlie in their school years because once he lost a bet and got forced to date some crazy girl, she used to think that it was just unfair to treat a girl like that. Currently they don't meet each other that often like in the past, but it only makes Charlie miss her more and more; he's aware that he might lose his opportunity if he won't make a first move, but it's getting complicated, as Sharon seems to be interested in someone else. Someone who absolutely hates Charlie, by the way.

Sharon didn't like Elliot during their first school years, but later she changed her mind about him, noticing that all of them, him, Charlie and Armin, are quite talented and full of motivation. Currently Elliot thinks that Sharon used to be more cool and easy going in the past and advices Charlie to finally get a different love interest. One of the main reason of the quarrels between the boys was if I should tell Sharon about you Chorli, They tried. It never turned out good.

People often tries to set some rivalry between them, but they don't see each other as rivals at all. They're total opposities and when they first had met, they highly doubt that they will get on well, but they were able to find a common language.

Sharon states that Emil is the worst producer she had ever worked with and she thinks that he treats women very badly, as she is aware that he had like 2137 lovers before. She threats him that she will tell the world about his darkest secrets, but he doesn't really know which secrets she thinks of. They can't understand each other and simply have wrong impressions of each other.

Axel has a slight crush on Sharon and wants to record songs with her, but doesn't persuade her to anything.  When she and Charlie finally got a bit closer and maybe started to getting aware of their feelings, Sharon notices that Ariel is clearly very much interested in Charlie - and assumes he also might feel something back, so she desperately forces herself to flirt with Axel. Of course it only makes Charlie completely broken, but he doesn't even try to fight with Axel. It takes some time for Sharon to understand how cruel it was, but it actually helps all of them to get some things right.

Ariel, who is hopelessly in love with Charlie, describes Sharon as her biggest enemy in her hannah montana diary, but when they meet face to face, they act neutral. Both of them agree that Axel is an idiot.