


5 years, 11 months ago


tw for mental disorders and other sensitive themes

Basic info
Full name: Tarisa Viktoria Annfin/Froiland
Birthday: 04.10.1857
Age range: late 30s-early 40s in the main story
Significant other: Adam
Family: Alisa - mother; Alva, Adrianna- daughters; Talvi - adopted daughter (after '98)
Height: 177 cm
Nationality: unclear, has mixed roots
Occupation: musician, singer
Status by the end of the main story: alive(?)

Short description
Taris is one of the main character in the First Glimmers story. At first sight, a charming elegant lady with perfect life, in fact - a lost traumatized being who went through too much.
Even though the fate is cruel to her, she still tries to endure it as best as she can and enjoy the rest of her life. From one side, she's brave, ambitious, adventurous and a bit controversial person, but from the other hand, she's calm, dignified and elegant woman that people can admire and be delighted of. Never wants to feel useless, so she tries to learn new things and take on some new roles, though she knows she shouldn't do it anymore. After she slowly managed to break out of the worst part of her life, she finally got a chance to live in peace and wealth - but it can't last forever. Taris would like to be seen as strong and independent, but in fact she needs a lot of attention and care. In the past she used to be a weird neglected girl who pretend to be a boy, now she's a sophisticated talented lady, much more sensible, mature and clever. Went - and still goes- through really hard,  painful things, but she'll never lose her will to be alive. It may seem like she already has everything she could wish - she has a family, money and beauty, but actually she's struggling with many problems in all her lifetime. For most time her reputation is pretty good and she's known by wide society because she became a kind of star, but it changes during the story. Taris was - and is still - able to do even the most horrible things to protect her loved ones. She never was punished for any of her crimes, though. Instead of this, people start to accuse her for things she never did, ruining her whole life, which is already ending slowly, because she is terminally ill. It's hard to stay neutral about her - people easily fall in love with her or start to hate her.

Personality + story
It's not really easy to express her personality without mentioning about her past story and all the events that happened to her, because during the whole stroy she changes a lot.


Taris is a daughter of Alisa Annfin, a prostitute who always hated her with passion and who was doing (and still does!) everything to make her suffer. As a child she was really rebellious, rude and deep inside very sad, but there is nothing strange about that - her mother treated her really horrible, she was extremally cruel for her. Taris barely endured that part of her life, she was abused physically and mentally often without any specific reason. She used to escape from home and try to live like a homeless child, but her mother never let her run away from her. The only person who was helping her in that time was a mysterious man living alone on the small island, Marko; she liked to think about him as her real father and loved him, even despite the fact that in the past he was a murderer (he belong to Yngvar Reistad's huge group of bandits). Marko saved 7 years old Taris after she almost got drown in a river, where she was thrown by her classmates, and quickly started to care about her. She was amazed by his kind nature and quickly started to admire him, even when she discovered about his past, but Marko couldn't keep her on his island, as he was afraid that when people from the village start to look for her, they will find him as well. Marko surely was a coward, but loved Taris in his own ways. She didn't mind living in a forest in rather poor conditions, but Marko couldn't let her stay with him forever, however, he really tried to help her (he was even planning to kill her evil mother). Taris kept visiting Marko for around 4 years, but finally, one day Marko got found, arrested and punished for his crimes, which was one of the saddest events in her whole life.

Taris deeply hated the music school where she had to study forced by her mother, never get on well with girls at her age, so she kept running away from there. It was a prestige school for rich children and Taris never fit there, but Alisa - somehow wanting to fulfill her own wish from the past - had given her no choice and done everything to push her there. Taris liked the idea of studying itself and had quite good grades, but her attitude was horrible and she always looked differently than all the students there. At first all the girls were bullying her, later she became a bully as well, trying to protect herself. Since the very beginning Taris was always treaten badly by women, so she started to think that she should always trust only men, idealizing them and dreaming about having a loving father. Luckily, in the school there were a few nice people who noticed her talent and at least tried to help her in some way, but Taris doesn't want to remember this part of her life.

When she was 8, she attempted to run away for the first time and ended up in the city called Hillade, still regularly visited by Yngvar's ruffians. In that moment she met Adam, but they didn't become friends immediately. When they firstly met, Taris told him she's an orphan, and, most important, a boy, for sure. Even though they were mostly teasing each other, they already started to feel some bond between them.
Taris got caught by her mother after a few weeks later and got heavily punished for this. For next 4 years she had been thinking about Hillade a lot... and about the people she met there. Actually, some of them were thinking and secretly worrying about her too. About him, to be exact, as Adam wasn't aware of her gender for this whole time.

Taris ran away to Hillade again when she was 12 and since that time she never came back to her cruel mother (though Alisa tried to take her back several times). She also dropped out of the school and got her first job. In this time, the leader of the old team fighting ruffians, Albrikt, tried to take her in, but he quickly understood his wife doesn't want to see a "homeless" child in their elegant, rich house. He decided that (almost) each member of his team will take her in for some time - so she lived with many different families for long time (from age 13 to 19). She rather enjoyed it, even though sometimes it was hard for her, because not every members of these families liked her, she was often forced to work for free. Most of Albrikt's friends cared about her though. She was doing everything to prove she is worth something and has a right to stay alive. She was heavily depressed, but Albrikt and his team protecting the city + the group of boys she met there became a big support for her. Taris wanted to fight with ruffians as well, even though the idea of a poor tiny girl fighting with bandits seemed funny to everyone. She never was accepted as a member of Albrikt's team, of course, but she and the boys decide to create their own group. She became a fighter and robber, and led to something unusual - something positively significant for the whole city.
She eventually decided to try coming back to school, encouraged by Albrikt who payed for it himself, but she didn't care about it and didn't even think about her future. She only wanted to become a strong girl who can fight with the bandits. Well, she was looking so fragile and weak, but it turned out that she is really bright, fast, skillful and good at shooting. It was her way to cope with trauma and angst, but in fact she always felt completely worthless and hated everything about herself. In that time she haven't resembled her graceful, elegant adult version at all. Taris was stubbornly claiming that she is a boy until she was around 15, despite others were making fun of her; after that moment she slowly started to accept she is a female, but she was keeping her tomboyish, messy appearance for almost next 10 years.

In her late teen years-early 20s it seemed like it's a bit better with her, she was rather easy going, loud, brave, cheeky, slightly interested in dark occultic things, but deep inside - still very broken; making friends with the local boys helped her to recover mentally a bit, but let's be honest, she wasn't always treaten right and she wasn't even always aware of that. She was really sensitive and depressed, but still looked for adventures, just like it was the only thing that kept her ensured her life has some sense. Had quite a lot of energy in these times, but also already some health problems, what was making her feel embarassed - due to that she was very neglected as a child, she was never physically strong. She had a lot of allergies, was really underweight and often got sick. Though she had such tomboy-ish appearance, she was starting to wonder if she actually maybe would like to wear pretty dresses, maybe act more girly - however, she never cared about her look in these times and preferred torned oversized clothes. She had no respect for her own body and even though she was trying to hide this, she truly hated the way she looked. No one really knew what was going on in her head, with the only exception for Adam, who was like a sibling for her. At least, she used to think this way.
 It was impossible for her to fall in love, although she often was somehow urged to play with men and wasn't confident enough to stop them.  She never was in a relationship and was thinking it's just impossible for someone like her, until Adam made his first move - it really took them some time to get it right (they knew each other from early childhood, she also liked him in this way, but wasn't brave enough to admit that - it might seemed weird for others, such a courage girl, but shy about her own feelings).  It was still easy to offend and provocate her when she was around 20, but she avoided sharing her deep feelings with others. She didn't want people to care about her, she always wanted to show that the's strong enough, but actually - she was never the best at hiding her feelings; if there is a serious reason, she gets really emotional. In fact she was quite depressed and lost since all that time and she was finding fighting with robbers a great way to not focus on her own problems. Though she always had to be very independent as a young person, she hadn't matured so quickly in a typical way.
The most important things in her life start to happen after 1878 - Amaralf's team meeting Alfard Kallevig, her killing the leader of ruffians, her trying to protect Adam and killing someone for him, the incident with Vivril, marrying Adam and finally getting a real home. Taris is a protagonist of additional prequel story showing the Hillade and Braivada's past, as she was the witness of all the most important events there, such as disbanding of the Yngvar's group, Alfard's arriving, discovering the halcylian people, running the mine in cursed undergrounds and creating Braivada.

Taris changed a lot when she got married and started to develop her carreer. She was no longer homeless, the ruffians stopped being so vile, she had a loving husband, so she could try focusing more on herself. After she finished school, she got noticed by retired opera queen, who decided to make her more known. She could play a lot of instruments and was really talented in singing, so she quickly became a frequent guest in music projects. Though at first it didn't really fit her - she actually liked this. People started to see a lady in her, not an immature weird girl. She was still helping Amaralf's team, but became more focused on her own life. After some time she had to stop being involved in Hillade's matters, as her health started to get worse. Taris was thinking that she is unable to have children, as she miscarried 5 times (though the first child actually wasn't her husbands'), but she eventually gave a birth to a healthy daughter. Neither she or Adam were supposed to feel happy for long, as the baby was kidnapped literally day after birth. It was Alisa, who decided to steal her granddaughter and take care of her own horrible ways. Taris went through a heavy depression for three years and had to give up on her roles and occupations. Everyone was looking for Adrianna, but no one was able to find her. Taris already had Alvain that time, despite that the doctors told her she's not going to make it if she'll ever get pregnant again, but the whole situation with Alva was different (it might sound overly dramatic, but yes, someone tried to kidnap baby Alva as well, what made Taris killing another person). Surprisingly, one day Adrianna appeared in front of their doors, brought by Alfard Kallevig himself, three years after the grandmother took her. Taris was able to overcome her horrible condition and in next years she started to feel better, trying to be the best mother for her two daughters, getting slightly involved in freshly created society, Braivada, encouraged by her very first female friend, Ester Landsverk. In these times she became really graceful, calm and reasonable lady, also she got more popular in different places. Her health was still bad, but she has her better and worse times. The five years between getting Adrianna back and Alisa's coming back in autumn '97 was probably the calmest period for her, but after that time, so many scandalous, irrational things started to happen that the Froilands started to believe there might be some curse casted over them. This is where the main part of the story begins.

The very important thing is that Taris is, in fact, a murderer. Her first victim was... the bad ruffians team's leader, Yngvar. The evil majestic big guy. Many strong men from other team were trying to get rid of him, but they couldn't do it, a young skinny girl did it. It caused many changes in both teams and the rivals finally had to stop their actions for some time. So she should be seen as a hero - but no one besides her friends knew about it. Currently the secret stopped being a secret. Anyway, she helped to save the city. It was in January 1878, a month before Alfard arrived to Hillade for the first time.
Her second victim was a man who treated Adam really badly, a guy named Ellon who had his own conflicts with the old Froilands, both father and grandfather. It happened even before these two were a couple, Taris secretly always cared a lot about him even when he used to "ignore" her, and vice versa. For this one technically she SHOULD get punishment, this guy did nothing wrong for anyone except Adam. But it never happened. Suddenly people found the murderer. It was completely different person, one of the bandits, who actually didn't commit this exact crime. But why? It's all because of Alfard and his magical tools which could change perceptions of some things in the world. Alfard wanted her to be free from sins, wanted her to live in peace. He literally made all the people forget about Taris' crime, without the only exception of him and Adam. He did it despite that his Master who he got the Wheel from had forbid him using this tool for anything other than fulfilling his own Mission. Alfard was also forbidden literally using his heart, doing something for others with love, so he sinned two times at once. Alfard got his first punishment, stucking into another curse, but he never regretted it. Of course Taris wasn't aware of that.
Her third victim was one of the ruffians' (Ulrich's) lover who attempted to kidnap her younger daughter. Ulrich forced Katerina to do this in a form of his revenge on Taris for killing Yngvar (the boss who promised him that he will take over his role after him, but Ulrich never managed to make actual contract with Yngvar, and the ruffians chose Vivril for their new leader instead of him). Taris went absolutely mad in this moment, because someone had already kidnapped her first daughter - and now she just gave a birth to another and someone also tries to take it away - she couldn't let it happen again. She killed Katerina in June 1891, not even knowing that there actually were some witnesses of this event. Why she hadn't got punished for that? Alfard, Alfard's magical Wheel again. Taris told Adam about this incident and they buried the body on the meadows, but quickly after this Adam completely forgot about this. Taris couldn't understand why and she even thought that he's just messing with her, not accepting the fact she killed for the third time, but the truth was much different. This time Alfard made everyone forget, with no exceptions at all. Taris can tell Adam what happened that day and he'll always accept it, but he'll forget about in in next 24 hours.
In the main part of the plot Taris commits her fourth crime. This time she just tries to protect her husband from the vengeful halcylian people. She got falsely accused of killing three people - accused by Saida Prydz  and Agata Lommen, two halcylians who were trying to start a revolution and rebellion in Braivada. When it finally became clear that she didn't kill anyone and it was all Agata and Saida's crimes, Hilissan made a point that they should arrest and punish Adam for an attempt to kill other halcylian (Everard Hagelin). This is what made Taris completely furious and unstable. She shots Agata's husband, Frans Lommen, when he only tries to fulfill the demand of Hilissan. In front of at least 50 people. Quickly after it became 100% clear she is not a murder and she never killed a halcylian, she actually killed a halcylian.
Taris always hates the fact she became a murderer, but for some reason she can't force herself to regret these crimes, any of them. Especially the Frans Lommen one, even though she is aware that technically it was pointless (Adam wasn't in such a big danger + there were members of Amaralf's team who could save him anyway). She was always killing to protect someone. When she starts to be falsely accused AGAIN, for the fourth time, in March'98 (Belinda Lommen's body found on the Froilands' estate), she slowly starts to believe that it's not a coincidence. She killed four people, but NEVER got punished for any of them, so it's like... the world wants her to be punished for something different, something she never did. She doesn't understand it. Until... some inconspicuous, a bit familiar looking girl... reveals to her much more than she should.

Taris' role in Braivada's rebellion, accusations
Around 1894 Ester asked Taris to become her deputy in Braivada. She agreed, however, not everyone approved this. One of Braivada's guest, halcylian woman named Agata Lommen, was always against Taris having this role and stating that the deputy of a halcylian leader should be a halcylian as well. It wasn't only because Agata was jealous about Taris. Actually some time earlier Taris had discovered Lommens' dark secret about Agata and Frans - married couple - being brother and sister. Taris didn't want to cause a drama and never share this secret with many people, but Agata was constantely scared that one day Taris will reveal everything about their incest relations and ruin their reputation. That's why Agata hated Taris since long time.
Agata Lommen, heavily influenced by Saida Prydz, decided to make her first move in order to cause a revolution in Braivada. The plan of revolution was mainly done by Saida and Hilissan, halcylians who had never belong to Braivada, but wanted to create, or rather, improve Braivada's group of halcylians. They approved the idea of halcylians living gathered together in one place, but they claimed that what's Braivada offers is just not enough for such mighty beings and the whole village underestimates them, treating them like free workforce. Even if halcylians in Braivada never used to complain, Saida and Hilissan strived to make a rebellion there, wanting halcylians to fight for better conditions for themselves. It went completely under control, because Saida and Hilissan started some kind of rivalry between them, like they wanted to see which one of them will have more impact on the society. Hilissan was organizing secret gatherings for halcylians, trying to manipulate them and make them think that Braivada's people uses them way too hard. The very important point of the rebellion was to make halcylians stand against the Amaralf's team, group of people who were the most responsible for the whole village. Everything had started when Ester disappeared from Braivada (because of Silorind), so Hilissan and Saida had just free space to start a huge mess in Braivada. Saida's main mission was to prove that Ester shouldn't hire non-halcylian people for such significant roles like Taris, she wanted to show everyone that only halcylians should rule Braivada, so she started from making people hating Taris Froiland. Saida slightly persuaded Agata Lommen to make up something that would suggest Taris is dangerous for Braivada, so Agata decided to make her move. She kidnapped other halcylian named Efiel Seledis, a guest from Sweden, who Agata Lommen had also some private affairs with (actually, for similar reason as she had with Taris before) - and she used naive and fearful Marianna to announce that it was Taris who killed Efiel. The news has quickly spreaded around the village and Hillade city, but it seemed like it's just not enough to accuse Taris for serious crime (as there wasn't even an actual body). Saida loved the idea of blaming Taris for everything, so she decided to get involved in this personally. However, until Saida saw Taris for the first time and until she got some informations about her, she wasn't so obsessive about her. Saida became weirdly obsessed with blaming Taris and slowly ruining her life, and later, torturing her as well. Neither she or Hilissan had planned it before, but the plan had already started to live its own life. Saida believed she does the best she can for the halcylian society, just like her Master wanted her to do, but in fact, she was unnecessarily obstinate about everything regarding Taris. She made her being accused of TWO other crimes, though the victims weren't even halcylians. Saida killed Alrik Magnusson, a man from the orchestra that Taris used to work with, and later, Marta Froiland, wide of Adam's brother Brandon. After the third crime, Hillade started to see Taris as a monster - it was already too much for the people there, even if they didn't want to believe their local star could do something such horrible as this. At some point, only a few people were still trying to defend Taris. Some time later, Efiel Seledis was finally found alive, so she could tell the whole truth about her kidnapping, meanwhile Adam had already know from Hilissan that all the crimes in Hillade were committed by Saida herself. When the halcylians led by Saida organised a huge gathering far away from Braivada and Hillade, wanting to make their official judgement on Taris, suddenly the members Amaralf's team arrived there and explained the whole situation. Everyone understood that Taris was innocent, the one who kidnapped Efiel was Agata Lommen and the one who killed two other people was Saida Prydz, what was shocking for all the halcylians from Braivada, as they were unaware of the truth. Taris quickly saved Adam, who was imprisoned in the dungeons by Hilissan. Hilissan placed him there some weeks before, as he brought him some troubles when the halcylian tried to arrest him. Hilissan didn't want to kill him, but he was stating that Adam should be punished, because he tried to attack his mate - Everard Hagelin, one of Saida's siblings, trying to protect himself. When Hilissan saw Taris getting her husband out of the prison, he, even after understanding that halcylians should feel extremely ashamed of what they have done to the Froilands, told his people to stop them and arrest Adam again. The one who tried to do it was Frans Lommen, Agata's husband and brother, a halcylian who actually didn't support the idea of making Taris guilty for everything. Taris, who was already completely furious, exhausted and despair, couldn't control her emotions anymore, and when Frans only attempted to arrest her husband, she shot him in front of around fifty people - proving that she, in fact, IS a murderer of halcylian. She became one just in that moment.
After this, all the people already knew WHAT made Taris do this and they didn't want her to be punished, they were willing to defend her. Most of Braivada's halcylians apologized the Froilands, Hilissan changed and apologized as well, but but Saida, Hagelins and Lommens COULDN'T accept the fact Taris REALLY killed a halcylian. They stopped dreaming about making Braivada "a heavenly place for halcylians" and left the idea of rebellion, but started their revenge on Taris. They were still trying to convince other halcylians that Taris' sin is absoutely the worst and she deserves damnation. Saida kidnapped her and tortured for a few days, and in the end, she organised her last gathering where they were supposed to kill Taris by hanging her on a tree. Surprisingly, something weird happened during the gathering - all the halcylians that decided to come there started to lose consciousness and faint. In fact... not only these few halcylians fainted in this moment. Everyone did, everyone around Braivada and Hillade. Alfard Kallevig used Arevalte's Wheel to "remove" Taris' guilt. Actually, he was aware that the price for using it again might be the live of his daughter- Arevalte told him that if he'll do it again, Talvi will die. However, Valte also gave him a tiny glimpse of hope that there's a chance he could finally break the bond between them, if Alfard will finish his mission in quick time, because something extraordinary happened to Arevalte's spirit in that moment. Alfard, desperately wanting to save Taris, decided to do everything to break the bond and become independ from Valte, so he started to... kill much more people than he usually did to gain the Energy for his Master. Only this way he could save Taris and not sacrifice Talvi's life as well - at least, he believed so. So he did it. He helped Arevalte recovering and releasing from the undergrounds. And then used the Wheel, not being sure if the bond between him and Master had really stopped existing. After that moment... suddenly NO ONE remembered that Taris killed Frans Lommen. With a few exceptions. Of course, herself and Adam, as it should be. Alfard - responsible for this miracle - and his mates and daughter. And... unfortunately, something went wrong, because Agata Lommen also remembered everything. She was deeply surprised and indignant when she noticed that no one besides her seems to remember how her husband really died, thinking that maybe it's a brutal joke, but even Saida Prydz didn't remember anything about it. Taris was saved by Alfard's Wheel for the third - and last time, but Agata Lommen still wanted to have her own revenge. She was aware that when she tries to accuse Taris again, NO ONE will ever believe her again, especially that Agata's reputation was already ruined in that moment. She desperately tried to use her own daughter, Belinda, to remind Taris that her sin will never be forgiven, despite that Belinda didn't understand her mother's behavior at all and never wanted to hurt Taris, because for her there was no reason. Belinda was forced to do some vile stuff on a party in Braivada, only to make Taris feel threatened again, but Agata was still furious and it wasn't enough for her. She was so angry at Belinda that the girl decided to run away from her, but when she did it, a lot of bad things happened to her. Feeling enough of her mother's madness and becoming humiliated in the worst way, hopeless Belinda decided to kill herself. Just like her mom would want to make Froilands guilty again... exactly in front of their house. And this is the moment when Taris... gets accused of another murder.

Alisa had disappeared from the Froilands' life after she kidnapped newly born Adrianna, perhaps being afraid of getting punished for what she has done with her granddauhter, but in autumn 1897, she finally comes back to Hillade. She blackmails Adam that if he doesn't let her live with them, one day Alva will suddenly disappear and this time no one ever will find her. When Alisa moves in, for Taris it's like the biggest nightmare reoccuring, even though she tries to stay strong as much as possible. Alisa wouldn't even have to do anything to make Taris feel the worst, as the mother had been hurting her the most, just like no one else, for her whole life - she made her deeply traumatized, starting with the horrible childhood, following by purposely causing an accident and leading Taris to miscarrying a child, ending with kidnapping Addie. But when Alisa appeared again, of course she had to make her own moves, ruining their relatively calm life. Actually she gave apologizes to Taris, but it was obviously fake, just as her promises that she had changed a lot. Both Adam and Taris were absolutely terrified with her. She started to interfering in their children's life as well, making Adrianna remembering WHO used to treat her so harshly during the first three years of her life. She was constantely shouting at Taris and blaming her for raising a little devil, meaning Alva, who started to hate her grandma since the very beginning. She got rid of all the housemaids there and tried to force Taris to take care of the house only by herself. Adam was considering killing her, but he was too afraid, for what he deeply blames himself later - he feels like he should to this at some point, maybe even years ago, since he always knew what Alisa was doing to Taris since she was born. Alisa eventually disappears from her own will, but it's only because she's afraid of the consequences of her recent action. The horrible old lady never gave up on having her granddaughter. She made another attempt of taking Addie with her while she was visiting the Svindals' house. Alisa kidnapped Adrianna again, but Titotried to save his friend. When he started to follow Alisa and telling her to stop, she went completely mad and focused on hurting him, throwing him to a frozen lake at the end. Realizing that she probably just killed a child, Alisa decided to run away from Hillade as soon as possible, before everyone will start to look for the person who murdered Tito. Actually Adrianna managed to save the boy.
Alisa appears again when the Froilands move out from Hillade, trying to follow them even in different country.

Personality facts
Taris may seem to be such dark badass, but in fact she has really fragile mentallity, it's easy to make her cry, in contrast to Ester. Taris, despite her ambition, doesn't want to be a crazy adventurous girl anymore - she enjoys the peaceful parts of her life. It doesn't mean she got completely lazy or fell into listlessness. She knows she can't be so active anymore, yet she really wants to remain alive and enjoy the rest of her life as much as possible. She's rather possessed and people can't make her really nervous (though she gets more nervous about her own personal problems). Still has a lot of will to take actions, but it often doesn't come out good for her. Though in general her self-esteem is way higher than before, she still consider herself as a weak person and often blames herself for many things. However, a lot of people think that she must have a big mental strenght, as she endured all the horrible things that happened to her and is still able to live. She tries to look like reserved and tough person in public places, but it's not always so easy for her. She express her feelings and often can't hide them even in face of strangers, but usually she tries to stay as strong as possible. Now it's not so easy to make her angry, she is not a drama queen. She's much more calm and doesn't argue with people if it's not necessary. She is way softer than it may look on a first sight.

She is usually quite busy, but always tries to find some time for her loved ones, as they're the most important thing for her. Especially Adam. In other people's eyes they look like the most perfect couple ever existing on Earth, and while it seems to be right, their obsession with each other might be also seen as a bit unhealthy. Taris doesn't care that much for everything that happens outside her home anymore - at least she doesn't want to. She likes to be admired by people and treats everyone nicely, she's very gentle and lovely and definitely doesn't have such sharp tongue anymore - but actually it's hard to make friends with her now. At least close friends. Especially if you're female. She's really mistrustful, due to all the bad experiences with women in the past; she feels better with men. She also seems to deal pretty good with men that are romantically interested in her, she doesn't let anyone treat herself like a toy anymore. In general, it's rather easy to make a contact with her, but she avoids talking about her private life with people she doesn't consider friends; she can be a good listener though. She feels that she doesn't really need a lot of friends, but she is not rude or unfriendly; she has a very nice demeanor, she's just really mistrustful, and the fact how deeply traumatized she is doesn't help it. She still can be quite badass if there's a need, still can make people scared sometimes, but not as much as in the past. She's still very good at shooting, can use every kind of weapon, she seems to be very agile. And still often carries a gun with her, though she doesn't want to hurt people anymore. She just feels more safe. If it comes to protecting her loved ones, she would do everything, literally everything, even the most horrible thing.

Despite that for young Taris the concept of having children was unimaginable, adult Taris wanted to have them. She thinks about her daughters as a truly miracles, as for long time she was thinking that she just can't have children, during to her multiple miscarriages. They're absolutely precious for her, but if you look closer at what happens in this house, you can see she is not perfect at raising them. Especially when it comes about Alva. Alva is like embodiment of satan. She acts really strange and some people say she might be possessed by devil. Not sure if it's truth, but she definitely needs a lot of attention from her mother. Taris lets her for everything and does just nothing to stop her from doing awkward things.  It's like she has the ability to prevent this, but she literally doesn't even try, because she completely can't yell at children, punish them on even just rebuke them. She is aware that she is too soft and lets her children for too much, but cannot discipline them in any way. It's all because of that Taris is so afraid of becoming such a cruel mother like Alisa was to her. Personally she sees herself as a rather bad parent, though in the fact she doesn't deserve to be called like this. She also feels guilty for that her health often doesn't let her spend as much time with children as much as she should, but she loves them and really tries her best. When she can. Other people sometimes criticize the Froilands for not being able to raise their children properly, or that they're too selfish and care more about each other than about daughters, which always makes them really annoyed.

Taris isn't a type of a very romantic soul, she's rather down to earth, but secretly has quite big need of attention from her friends and family. Despite having a rather introvertic nature, she hates being left completely alone for longer time. She wants to give her loved ones everything the best out of her, but often feels like she is just not enough - and will never be. She can be very caring - and usually secretly wants the other person's care too. Doesn't need romantic words and poems, but enjoys kissing and cuddling. Maybe looks like a cold and reserved lady, but actually she's quite warm inside if it comes to relations with her closest friends. She had a few lovers when she was young, not like romantic partners; but she never truly enjoyed that and in a lot of cases she was just urged to do it, as she wasn't confident enough to object.  Before getting in relationship with her husband, she even had a fake romance with the new leader of ruffians' team, Vivril, because she was trying to discover some of his secrets important for the whole team of rivals. She was forced to play this role, even though she didn't like it - Adam tried to stop her from this, but she wanted to become useful as much as she could. Taris was never aware of that she accidentally made Vivril truly in love with her, so she basically broke his heart when she ran away from him and all his hidden secrets. Currently Taris doesn't even sees other men as potential partners and sees her husband as the biggest luck that happened to her in her life. It might be messy, painful and hard sometimes, but at least, she has someone hundred percent trustable who would kill the whole world for her. Like she would for him.

She needs comfort and tidiness now, she also really cares about her own look, what is completely different from Taris from the past. If she's in a good mood, she often has a tendency to spend huge amount of money, what is also opposite of Ester's attitude. When her condition remains good enough for longer time, Taris earns more than her husband, so they're definitely aren't poor anymore. They used to save money in the past, but now both of them are quite lavish, or rather, the money doesn't stick with them for some reasons, what at some points brings them some financial problems.

Taris might be seen as quite lazy now, but it's not always her fault, she is really sick and often doesn't feel strong enough. The doctors can't precisely say what's her disease, but they're suspecting that it might be some kind of cancer and they're sure that she won't live long. She's able to sleep for all day, or even a few days in a row if someone won't wake her up, she's literally unable to wake up by herself. She has quite unhealthy obsession about food since her youngest years and sometimes it's the only thing that can make her calm after mental breakdown. Her own cooking skills aren't the worst, but she prefers when someone other cooks for her. Due to everything that happened to her in the past, her mental health will be always quite messy and problematic. She doesn't have a chance to truly recover from it or get a therapy - and all the things in her life are still getting even worse. Sometimes she even gets panic attacks or becomes completely blank and silent, she also has a PTSD and claustrophobia. She has the strongest mental break after killing her fourth victim and even tries to cut her veins, but it happens only one time and she immediately starts to regret it. No matter what happens in her life, she wants to stay alive. The only thing that can make her calm in the worst moments is her husband. She rejected when it was proposed to her that she could go to psychiatric centre.

For long time she is completely okay with the halcylians community, she really likes the things they can do, she even tries to experiment with their Light and is very excited to make her own alhi-things. Of course it turns bad for her. REALLY BAD. She wants to run away from Braivada and give up on everything. Halcylian people start a revolution and she becomes one of the main reason of their rebellious actions. Even though she never did anything wrong. Later halcylians' actions drive her to madness - and then she really becomes guilty. She wants to stay away from halcylians and everything related to their powers.
Taris' life starts to getting worse again, because people from Braivada village uses her as a tool to provocate huge conflict in their area. She is accused for the crimes she never commited, halcylians hate her, people can't trust her anymore - though she did nothing wrong. Yes, she never got punished for her REAL crimes, but she is accused for things she neved did. Sometimes she thinks like it's her destiny, like the world wants her to finally get some punishment. At the end she doesn't even know if she commited these things or not. Everything gets worse for her after the accusations start - she is driven to madness and need medical help.

In the moment when the story starts, her health became so bad that she starts to spend more time in bed than usually. In fact - Taris is destined to die NOW, there's not much time left for her. She has horrible migrains, faints really often and is weak in general - and she can't even use morphine anymore because she became totally addicted to it. But Adam would never let her die. He really is able to do everything for her - and he really finds a way to extend her lifetime for next years. But the price is suprisingly high.
And, obviously, she doesn't know about anything. If she'll ever discovered the dark truth about WHAT keeps her alive, that would be the end.

+ elegant clothes
+ playing instruments and singing
+ being admired
+ men in general
+ learning languages
+ reading books
+ mysterious events
+ shopping
+ mint
+ spring
+ attention
+ new challenges
+ cats
+ sleeping
+ pasta
+ spending money
+ tidiness
+ long baths
+ theatre
+ morphine
+ calmness
+ dark magical stuff (in the past)

- being accused for something
- her mother's attitude, her mother in general, she hates her
- storm
- rodents, especially rats
- medicines and doctors
- vegetables
- strawberries
- too much artistry and pathos
- small rooms
- mess
- braids
- too many frequent performances
- her weak health
- traditional clothes
- too hot weather
- being called by her full name
- being ignored
- interfering in her life

Adam - Taris' husband, her only love. They met when they were children and never stopped being friends. When she was about 8, she ran away from home for the first time - and there they get to know about each other. At first they didn't like each other and argued a lot, but he immediately felt pity for her and asked her if she wants to stay with him for a moment. They were absolutely tsundere-ish during all their childhood, Adam was always teasing her and making fun of her, but he was also very caring; he quickly started to treat her as his sister. Or rather, a brother, as Taris told him she is a boy, and for some time he was believing this.
Their releations during their teen years weren't the best, they were arguing really often, but they still were staying quite close. They both hadn't have easy lives. Actually they stopped to think about each other as 'sibling' quite quickly, but they both were too shy to admit it. Adam had even tried to find other partner, but he realised that he can't imagine his life without Taris. She thought that he will be treating her like a sister forever and she started to became really envy, but instead of give him a sign, she just kept crying under the blanket. There was a time when they didn't even had friendly relations at all, but in fact, they were in love with each other since very long time. He decided to tell her the truth when they both were adults. She accepted it with tears and later they quickly went from cheeky friends to lovers. No one around them was surprised.
Now they have very very strong relationship, he's her biggest mental supporter and they couldn't live without each other. He loves her even when she does the worst things and would defend her in the worst times. He worries that in a few years she'll die, so he'd do anything for her. He won't let her make decisions that are bad for herself. She wouldn't admit it, but she actually needs a man who could always care of her and understands her bad moods and sickness, so he's just perfect for her. She is important for him more than the team and Braivada, probably even more than their children. But she also can do a lot for him. In contrast to Ester and Amaralf's relationship, there is no envy here. They always relied on each other and couldn't imagine life in separation, even in these messy teenage years. Adam is the only person in the world who is allowed to call her Tari. Of course they had their worse times too (especially around the time of Alva's birth), even though their bond may seem so perfect - but there is no thing that could break it. They are clearly obsessed with each other...and it leads to some really bad things. Taris kills two people just to save him and he feels like it really shouldn't be that way. Maybe he should finally kill someone for her as well.
After Adam discovers that Taris is terminally sick, he tries to do everything to save her. He finds some mysterious substance that helps even with the worst cases - it was originally found by Mrs Klover, an old apothecary working in Braivada, who tried to save her own lover. It doesn't heal, but it stops all the symptoms, numbs the pain and helps gaining energy. It is actually a forbidden substance produced by one of the most powerful halcylians - Silorind. When Adam runs out of his supplies stolen from Mrs Klover, he brutally forces Ester to tell him the whole truth about it, as he suspect that she has some informations about it - and that's how he becomes aware this medicament's production requires...killing people. And usage of halcylians' alheer element. It seems nearly impossible to create it, but Adam never gives up on this - because he finds out that Taris is already highly addicted to this magical substance and has to take it regularly, other way, she will die. Die because of him - he was not aware of this side effect when he started applying her this thing. He is able to do literally everything just to keep Taris alive. The substance won't make Taris healthy, though - it will only let her live longer. Taris has absolutely NO IDEA about what her husband secretly keeps giving her...either about what is he doing to possess it.

Ester - Taris' only female friend. Ester met Taris when she was still in Amaralf's team, but already more focused on her own life. However, she still was pretty sarcastic and cheeky, so she treated Ester without respect (and she was actually a bit afraid of her). She slowly started to change her mind about her when she discovered she is a very interesting being, not only random poor girl. She became interested about her more and although she couldn't admit it, she started to admire her quietly - just as Ester did about her. They still didn't want to get closer at this point. When they met, it seemed like they can rather become enemies than friends. One day Taris even shooted Ester in her arm - it was accidentally, but still, she could have killed her. Ironically, after this moment she started to care about her and they become more close to each other. Ester was enchanted by her from the beginning - actually their meeting in Hillade wasn't their first. Ester got a chance to see her performing something in other city. Ester helped her a lot when her health started to getting worse and she got pregnant - but later Taris helps her too. For a long time Ester is the only female that Taris lets be so close to her. Of course she doesn't like her so much only because she's a 'original magical being'. There is big respect between them and they both mean a lot to each other. Ester made Taris her own deputy in Braivada village, so she must have relied on her (though it wasn't really the thing Taris truly wanted to do). These both are really different and there are a lot of contrasts between them, their personalities seem to be just like fire and water, but there are also some things that they share.
Unfortunately, their relationship changes a lot after Ester discovers WHAT Adam wants to do to save Taris from death. She doesn't approve it at all because she is aware that it will require killing other people - and she - even as her best friend - claims that he should let her die. In the near future they will stop being so close, Ester will be treating her rather coldly, yet Taris won't be able to understand why it happens. Ester herself understands that it's not Taris' fault, as Taris is completely unaware about Adam's plan, but she just can't look into her eyes anymore. Ester also suspects a lot about Alfard's actions for her. Alfard literally released Arevalte from his eternal prison only because he wanted to be free from the curse, so he could save Taris from the punishment for her crime.

Adrianna -  her older daugher. Before giving birth to her, Taris miscarried multiple times, so it was a huge success for her when she finally managed to born a healthy child. For first 3 years she basically hadn't any contact with her, because Alisa kidnapped her, what made Taris heavily depressed. She got her back after 3 years, because some mysterious man found her and carried her to their house. Cares and worries about her, wants for her the best, never forces her to anything. She doesn't feel good when other persons besides Adam takes care of her. Taris often thinks she's not the best example of mother and feels like she should apologize Adrianna. She wants to be able to spend more time with her daughters and give them more attention. For a long time Adrianna never used to cause any troubles, but it slowly changes as she becomes aware of all the wild things happening around the adults. Adrianna can't forget the horrible views she saw, like her mother's suicide attempt or a dead body next to their house, moreover, she becomes furious when she discovers that the parents are planning to move out abroad, as she doesn't want to leave Tito. She starts to avoid Taris and becomes rebellious, sometimes being even more troublesome than Alva.

Alva - her younger daughter. Soon after Alva was born, some woman ALSO tried to kidnap her (it was Katerina, girlfriend of Ulrich, the ruffian who always hated Taris for personal reasons and it was his plan to kidnap Alva), what made Taris absolutely mad. Taris shot her immediately and it was her third crime. She knows Alva always needs her and tries to give her as much love as she can but it's not always possible, since she's either too busy or too weak. Taris feels very bad about it, but still tries her best. Can't forgive herself that she wanted to abort her at some point (as the doctors told her she just won't make it and she'll probably die during childbirth). She's the only one person that Alva has some respect for - but actually she does nothing to prevent her awkward behaviours. Spending time with her daughters makes her calm and comfortable, even when they do some horrible things, Taris is literally unable to give them any kind of punishment. Alva sees her mother as the most perfect figure in the world and always wants to follow her, but for some reason she seems to be excited with the accusations made about Taris - like she actualy would want her mom to kill someone, to feel even more proud of her. But that's how Alva is.

Alisa - her mother; she hates her all the time. It's pretty obvious because Alisa had ruined her life - and still does it. She was abused by her since she was born, both physically and mentally, in the worst ways. Alisa never loved her, she also doesn't even know who was her father because she got pregnant in the brothel. Taris is heavily traumatized because of everything that Alisa has done to her. Taris' relations with her are horrible and she never calls her "mother". It's impossible for her to forget about Alisa's actions. She's probably the thing that Taris is the most afraid of. She knows that Alisa tries to hurt not only her, but her husband and daughters too (Alisa kidnapped baby Adrianna and Taris got her back 3 YEARS LATER, though it was not Alisa who brought the child back to its parents). Taris doesn't even try to fight with her mother anymore. She destroyed her too much. When Alisa returns and forces the family to letting her live with them, Taris doesn't feel safe in her own house anymore.

Alfard - Taris' Great Guardian Devil, the pitiful man who sacrificed everything for Taris' freedom. In the past they used to be acquaintances, not even close friends - now she doesn't even know what happened to him, as he disappeared from her life about 15 years ago. She has no idea how much he sacrificed for her. She also doesn't know about his huge obsession and about that she is stalked by him since many years. Alfard is the reason WHY no one remembers about 3 of all the 4 crimes she committed. He and his magical Wheel which he isn't allowed to use for any people's matters. He pays horribly high price for protecting her, "erasing her sins from this dimension", yet Taris has no idea about it (until Talvi pays her a visit and gives her some hint about it). After Taris discovers the truth about Alfard's actions, she is absolutely broken and doesn't even know how to feel about this. She tries to find Alfard and meet him for the first time after these 15 years. She doesn't think she deserved for making her "innocent", even though she doesn't really regret her crimes. The awareness about Alfard's sacrifice changes her life a lot. She knows that she should try to enjoy the chances she got, but it's not that easy, especially that the fate is still very cruel to her.
Taris never discovered how many people have died because of Alfard and his Mission.

Talvi - Alfard's daughter. After Taris discovers her whole story, she is very touched and feels bad for her. Talvi shares a secret with her and tells about her father's sacrifice for her, however, she never states THE WORST facts (the curse, killing people for Arevalte etc). After Alfard commits suicide, Taris lets Talvi live in their house and wants to be a mother-like figure for her. She even feels obliged to take care of her when she gets the informations about all the things that Alfard has done for her. She tries to help her break the curse and release herself from Arevalte (as the bond between them was somehow "inherited" from Alfard in the moment of his death). In the end she turns out to be the one who can save her from tragic fate. Talvi never sees Taris as someone who could be a parental figure for her, she has a platonic crush on her and interacting with this woman is very problematic for her.

Tilda - Fred's wife; she desperately wants to become Taris' friend, but she keeps rejecting her. Not really because she dislikes her attitude, she is just afraid of other women, but she is very grateful for all her help. They had better relations when Taris was pregnant because she was very excited about Tilda's newborn son. Their relations are still rather positive and they care about each other's children (Taris sometimes gives Tilda's children private lessons). Even though Taris is older than her, Tilda seems to treat her with a kind of motherly care; yet sometimes she gets envy about her carreer, husband and appearance. Taris often thinks that she wouldn't mind living such a simple life as Tilda does.

Tito - Tilda's son, her future son-in-law. She used to take care of him when he was a baby, preparing to become mother herself. She has a special liking for this boy, even though he's rude and quite cheeky.

Saida - Ester's rival who wants to get rid of Taris too; of course she can't stand her and thinks about her as a heartless bitch. She's really afraid of her. Saida does everything to accuse Taris for horrible things, as she thinks that it will help halcylians to unite and rebel against people (it's all for the greater good of course). Saida doesn't have a personal reason to hate Taris, she treats her more like a tool, however, the further the story goes, Saida starts to clearly enjoy torturing her. She makes up the evidences of her two "crimes", but in fact - for long time Saida DOESN'T KNOW that the story about Taris killing a halcylian woman (Efiel) is actually a fake thing too. It was the main reason she decided to use Taris in her plan. When she discovers it, she is absolutely shocked, but she never feels guilty about hurting Taris multiple times. When no one accuses Taris for anything anymore, Saida knows that she did too much and everyone sees her as mad and cruel bitch now, her whole plan was a whole mess which would have NEVER happened if Agata Lommen hadn't make a first move. Despite everything, Saida states that she finds Taris very attractive. Taris avoids even simple thinking about this woman because she gave her such a huge trauma.

Marta - wife of Adam's brother, Brandon; for a long time she dislikes Taris because she thinks her husband has a crush on her, but it changes later. Marta discovers that Taris didn't commit all the crimes that people think she did - and tries to save her from vindictive halcylians. Unfortunately it ends really bad for Marta, because she gets killed by Saida. Saida prepares fake evidences of this crime - and Taris quickly gets accused of killing Marta Froiland too.

Mrs Lommen - that halcylian woman who made up the story about Taris killing Efiel. This lady has always hated Taris for personal reasons (she suspected that Taris knows about her incest relationship) and got really envy when she became more important for Braivada. That's partly why she decided to ruin her life and accuse her for killing other halcylian. The other reason was implementation of Saida's plan. Agata Lommen regrets doing it only because people started to hate her when the truth finally came out. Finally, she provoked Taris to commit an actual crime on a halcylian person - Frans Lommen, Agata's husband. It wasn't intentional, Taris got so desperated to save her husband from Frans who tried to arrest him. Agata hates her for this even more, although she is perfectly aware of that it would never happened if she didn't start to lie about her. When the whole world magically forgot Taris' crime because of Alfard's actions, Agata was the only person who was never touched by the curse. She strives to prove that Frans was murdered by Taris, as everyone thinks his death was an accident, which is totally illogical for Agata.

Nana - Alisa's friend in the past, a prostitute who appears only in the prequel when Taris is a child. Nana always seemed to care about Alisa's daughter, even though she hadn't many opportunities to see her. After discovering the fact Alisa abuses Taris, she was trying to help her and save her from her mother. She took her to her workplace and let her live there for some time. Taris was very mistrustful at the beginning, but later started to appreciate her help. Nana is also the person who suggested the names Tarisa Viktoria for her when she was a baby.

Marko - her first papa ever, he was helping her when she was a child and let her live with him in his small wooden hut for some time. He found her after she almost got drown in a river, thrown there by her schoolmates. She treated Marko as her own father and loved him even though he was a murderer. He got caught and sentenced to death after Taris' mother discovered his small hut on the island. 12 years old Taris was the only person who felt sorry and cried for him. Even after so maaany years she still misses him.

Albrikt - In the past Albrikt used to treat her as his own daughter and helped her a lot. She and Adam came to his house when they were trying to find Adam's grandfather, a member of Albrikt's team. When Taris was a teen, Albrikt sometimes let her live in his house, but his wife really disliked her, so he had to change something about it. He told young Taris to live in his friends' houses for some time (basically she was homeless, but all the fighters from Albrikt's team let her living with them). Albrikt was also paying for her school after she decided to come back there. He never believed that she had murdered someone (besides Yngvar, the leader of evil ruffians). In the fact, by killing Yngvar, Taris saved Albrikt's life, because the leader of the bandits was planning to murder him next day. After many years he still cares about her and tries to help her when she becomes accused of horrible crimes that she never committed. Albrikt would NEVER believe that the Froilands are murderers, he refuses to suspect anything about them.
Actually, Taris hadn't always thought about Albrikt in a good way, because he - as the leader of the old team fighting with bandits - had found Marko - and somehow sentenced him to death. Albrikt was feeling a bit guilty about it, but he knew that it was the most righteous thing he could've done, because the whole city hated this man. And he had to be a hero after all. Taris accepted this fact after many years, but it was very hard for her and still misses Marko. Maybe that's also why Albrikt cared so much about her in the past, he tried to appease her somehow.

Amaralf - Albrikt's son, leader of the young team. In the past, when Albrikt let her visit his house, she was taking care of little Amaralf and helping him with homework. Currently they seem to have more neutral relations (Amaralf gets very embarassed when someone mentions that Taris used to be his nanny). Amaralf prefers to stay away from all the Froilands' issues. He isn't even aware of Taris' sickness, not to mention - of the things that Adam and Alfard have done to save her.

Amaralf's team - has good relations with almost all of these men; only the youngest members don't know her that much, but everyone seems to respect her, as she used to be a member of this team and did more things than anyone could've suspect.

Vivril - the new leader of the bandits' team. In the past (1878) young Taris was urged to pretend to be in love with him, just to gain his trust and force him to tell her about his teams' plans. Vivril actually fell in love in her and hoped that she'll become his partner, but well, she accidentaly broke his heart. 20 years later he no longer feels anything towards her, but still despises her a lot.

Lady Rita and Danhild - "cooperators", two retired opera queens, they helped her become more recognisable, would love to make her a true star someday; Rita usually treats her quite harsh but she really admires her, she's always ready to defend her from suspicious rumors.

Other info

- She gets sunburn really easy and is allergic to many plants, so her skin isn't always perfect. She's also allergic to strawberries. In the past she struggled with a lot of problems with her skin, but people still were find her pretty.
- Taris has slim, slender figure and it doesn't change very much during time even despite eating a lot, but she's definitely not as horribly skinny and bony as she used to be as young girl. She will always remain flat chested though. In combination with her spotless face it makes her look younger than she really is. She looks much healthier in her 30s than 20s and seems to get prettier with years, even despite her sickness.
- She can't drink any alcohols, but she smokes sometimes when she gets very nervous. Her favourite drink since childhood is mint with honey.
- Her father is unknown and will remain unknown forever.
- Taris was born in Norway, but none of her parents were Norwegian.
- Alva calls her Tis, other children sometimes tend to call her like that too.
- Taris got married exactly on 9th December 1882.
- She's addicted to morphine. Adam tries to stop her from using it, but it's really not easy for her.
- She's gonna sleep for 2 days in a row if someone won't wake her up. Even without morphine.
- She was pretty good at maths and enjoyed it, she also can speak three languages.
- Actually, she got pregnant for the first time with...Vivril.
- Her voice is lyric coloratura soprano.
- She used to have multiple scars after being abused by her mother, but enough time passed by to heal them. She has a c-section scar, but it's getting healed as well. Despite nowadays she is quite proud of how her face looks like, she still feels insecure about the rest of her body sometimes.
- She's a big fan of italian food. Definitely not a fan of vegetables, most fruits and eggs, besides that she is not picky.  
- She owns about 15 cats; her family have also two horses and some lambs). All her cats are named after demons. Her favourite one is the majestic old Lord Leviatan.
- In the nearly future she is going to travel a lot with her family, mainly because they will need to hide somewhere.
- She is absolutely afraid of rodents. She's gonna scream if you show her a rat. It's all because she was imprisoned by her mother in a small shed full of rats when she was a child.
- All her crimes were committed because she wanted to protect her friends and family. Well, maybe the fourth - the last one (?) is also a kind of revenge and expression of hatred.
- The most important thing. She's addicted to one mysterious magical substance and doesn't know about it. It's the only one thing that keeps her alive - Adam cares about it, it's all his merit. It is made by Silorind and only him and Arevalte know the receipt for it - but later Adam will get to know too. Unfortunately, to produce it, you must kill people.
- She's the one who is destined to completely save Alfard's daughter from the tragic fate.