Person X



6 years, 1 month ago



Person X is a collection of multiple souls in one shell. He used to be the guardian of souls, guiding the souls of the deceased to the netherworld, but then he betrayed his deities. He killed one of them and took their power. Since then he’s made it his goal to destroy all the deities to receive their powers and have full control over the balance of the world himself. No one really knows what he’s become or how his powers work. He takes souls from people and adds them to his collection. He can shapeshift into the appearance of any soul he’s ever collected. 


His usual appearance is that of a black haired young man. He wears a plague mask that holds the power of one of the deities and one touch of it can drive someone insane. His eyes aren’t visible through the mask and appear as glowing red through the holes. When he doesn’t wear the mask, his eyes are light grey with ever twisting red spirals in them. This shows the eyes of all the souls he’s collected, changing every millisecond into another. When he doesn’t want people to recognize him off the bat, he wears glasses to hide his unusual eyes and appear as a plain normal guy. He can also take on the physical form of any person’s soul he’s collected.


    • Toying with people
    • Scaring people
    • Magic
    • Hunting for souls
    • Travelling the world and to other worlds


    • People
    • The deities

Person X, "Murder of Souls"
Travels everywhere
Personality type
Hogwarts house


  • Person X is many people collected in one body. He collects weak souls that can't put up a mental fight with him and stores them in himself. He can at any moment take on the shape of any soul he possesses, both physically and mentally.
  • Because he's multiple people, it's useless to try and kill him. Killing one of his possessed people will not kill him, only that one soul. The shell itself cannot be destroyed. The only way to kill him is to kill his original soul (possibly??).
  • He collects not only souls, but also all kinds of unusual things.
  • He has an eyeball that can point him into the direction to the thing he seeks. 
  • He has important books both about the Other World (Ra-aR world) and about Undead, which will both be used by Fiora, to lead humans into the Other World and to create Undead herself.
  • His clothes are always torn in multiple spots. He doesn't like wearing new clothes and would deliberately tear them.
  • He usually wears his mask and sometimes glasses (when he wants to blend in with normal people). If he doesn't cover his eyes with something, they become a strange blend of the eyes of all the souls he's collected, which will drive the people who look him in the eye crazy.

What’s Inside Their Bag?

  • The mysterious eyeball that leads him to whatever he wants to find
  • The Book of the Undead
  • A pair of glasses (maybe multiple?)


First life: Person X was born with the name Kurupae. He lived in the Black mage kingdom Farpic. He was a very normal man and liked to hang out in the woods. That's where he spotted Veva and Sirna, planning to take the Golden Chalice of immortality to both become immortal. He overheard Veva telling Sirna she would leave the Chalice in that very spot of the woods after she had used it. Kurupae was a man who longed for unusual things and was abnormally curious about anything and everything. He waited until Veva returned, took the Chalice for himself before anyone else could find it and used it to become immortal. After the war started between both mage kingdoms, he fled Farpic and travelled far away, taking the Chalice with him.

Second life: Using old magic books and lost knowlegde, he travelled to the Other World (the world inside Earth where the Ra-ar live). They changed him into someone like them, who could only experience positive emotions. He taught them many new things he had learned during his life in human world that helped them evolve their environment. Soon, the Ra-aR started to worship him. However Kurupae did not know his life was coming to an end quickly. He always believed he had become immortal, but did not know just drinking from the Golden Chalice wouldn't do the trick. He died amongst the Ra-aR and his soul travelled back to the human world. (There is a system that has sould travel between the two world after death to be reborn in the other)

Third life: Because Kurupae's soul travelled from human to the human world, some things didn't go quite right and his soul wasn't reset like it should be. He was born as a child with Ra-aR feelings (meaning he can still only feel positive emotions). His parents called him Ves. Ves grew up in a nice family, but the children around him always picked on him because he was such an abnormal child, who couldn't deal with anything negative in a normal way. He was bullied from day one he went to school and shut down entirely. He didn't speak to anyone, didn't express his feelings because people would give him strange looks for it. He became an apathetic child, which was more of a reason for more people to dislike him, because he wouldn't show the slightest bit of emotion, no matter what the situation. People kept on bullying him, pushing him out of society and looking down on him like he was worthless. Ves travelled all around the world but couldn't find a place where people would accept him. During his travels, he came across places he had visited during his previous life and he started remembering things from back then. He started showing interest in old and forbidden magic, trying desperately to find a way to prove to everyone that he wasn't worthless.

Fourth life: Ves started handling magic, found different types and combined them into something the world was not prepared for. He used this dealdy magic to take over other people's souls and collect them inside himself. The more people he took over, the more he lost himself. He became a multiple people identity called Person X. He kept on travelling far away to spread fear and make himself known and feared all across the world. Sometimes he would change back to his original soul, Ves, and he would forget what was going on with him. Over time, he started more and more losing control over himself. During one of his good moments, he met Nyzhit, a young girl working in a tavern. He took immediate interest in her cause he could sense something was wrong with her. When he found out she was an Undead, he tried to get more close with her. She started to like him, even fell in love with Ves, and wanted to help him when she found out what he truly was. He took advantage of her will to help and took her along to start a true empire. He used her to be able to wake the dead and create an army of Undead. He took over the city Sigtau, which is his current base, and from there, he started spreading more terror.


Person X in his current stage has forgotten all about family.


Nyzhit - Main ally

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Corra - New body

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Fi - Direct enemy in his mission

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Szorse (Fate) - Main enemy

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YX - Past self

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Stossyn - Replacement of his old function 

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Osztiom (Instinct) - Deity he killed

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Erzelet (Emotion) - Deity that changed him

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Idolck (Time) - Deity he hunts

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Serengszel (Prosperity) - Deity he killed

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Elenue (Life) - Deity he hunts

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Halcyn (Death) - Deity he hunts

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Fmure - One who's always in his way

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Other characters Person X is acquainted with.



The Alternate Universe is a set of worlds in a roleplay with Cuddens. Grim and Maiko travel through different worlds and meet many characters along the way. From time to time, worlds end and they start over in a new one. Only the two main characters keep their memories from the previous worlds, but the characters around them don't, which makes it an all new experience with every world. 

Person X is one of the important side characters who gets an entirely new life and role in each world. 

Throughout all the worlds, he's gained a bit of a reputation of being the "all-evil opponent". If this is true, is a mystery. Maybe in some worlds, maybe not in others? Who knows.. Certainly not the characters around him.

In the first world, he was the boss of a newspaper office, but rumor had it he did some secret shady business involving plushballs. Maiko started investigating what was going on and the two became fierce opponents.

On the cruis ship, he was the chief of police, causing Maiko and the others to get even more suspicious of him and the police in general. Most suspicious things he did might just have been in their heads though :P

In the horror theme park world, he was the host of the event, dressed in a creepy teddy bear costume. In this world, he was definitely suspicious, no doubt. The park was haunted and he was the one guiding everyone to these dangerous places. Not to mention the teddy bear had been the mascot of the park as long as it existed.


Ever his opponent, Maiko and Person X meet in every world. Since their encounter in the first one, Maiko always sees him as a dangerous person, that needs investigating to make sure he can do no evil. They have many tense, or outright weird, encounters. Person X loves to trigger Maiko's senses of suspicion and play mind games with her.


Soooon (maybe)

Artist Notes


  • You can draw him with or without his mask
  • If drawing him without, his eyes are very light grey with red spirals in them
  • If drawing him with mask, his eyes are glowing red
  • You can also draw him with hollow black-leaking eyes (reference to Yx) both with/without mask
  • You can also draw him with normal looking grey-ish eyes and glasses (his appearance when trying to look normal)
  • You can draw any outfit shown in his gallery or make up a new one you think fits him
  • It would be totally awesome to see him drawn with any characters listed in his relationships (AU included!!) >w<
  • Feel free to draw gore or creepy stuff (encouraged!)
  • You can draw him in either a fantasy setting or a modern setting as well as any setting listed in the AU tab
  • You can go crazy with interpretations of souls he's collected
  • Please no NSFW or sexual themes!
  • No genderbending/speciesbending or anything like that!
  • Don't draw him with any characters not listed in his relationships!

profile html by Hukiolukio, togedemaru & edited by myself