


5 years, 11 months ago


Full Name:  Milton Clarence Marotti
Alias:  Permafrost
Age:  19
Ability:  Cryokinesis
Pronouns:  he/they
Height:  5'10" / 179 cm
Birthday:  September 23
Orientation:  Bisexual

An ice manipulator, Milton has been with the R.S.H. (Regulation of Super Humans) for only a few months, and loyally follows them.

Power Description
His cryokinesis allows him to drastically drop the temperature of wherever he is. He always keeps the immediate air around him cool.
He can form all kinds of ice creations; shards, balls, or other projectiles and hurl them. Weapons of ice can be fashioned as well. For defense, he can put up walls of ice. It's also possible to trap something or someone within ice if the situation warrants it.

He can't stand anything too far above room temperature for long. Enough heat exposure can make him weak and ill.
His powers can be unwelcomingly activated by strong emotions.

Milton's powers were known from the very beginning since he was born with a body temperature quite below normal. He inherited it from his father, who trained him rigorously throughout the years.
Joining the R.S.H. was something his parents had pushed him to do. He accepted and saw it as something he was meant for - a sort of destiny. He knows everything there is to know about being a field agent, especially since his father used to be one too.

Physical Description
He has bluish black hair and blue eyes that stand out against his pale skin. His eyes turn a more vivid blue while his powers are active. With a thin frame, Milton isn't very strong or heavy.
Formal or semi-formal attire is his favorite. His glasses are non-prescription.

Milton prides himself on knowing and abiding rules. Being a part of a highly important authority such as the R.S.H. fills him with purpose.
He's very textbook smart and studies in his spare time.
He often comes off as a policing know-it-all, and wouldn't deny it. He's used to hiding his emotions, causing others to take him as indifferent and robotic. Due to being highly defensive, he has a tendency to act accusatory and avoids admitting mistakes.
Milton is strict when it comes to power use. He claims the safest measures are to limit powers to when it is absolutely necessary; even if he does fancy himself an ice sculptor. He's incredibly cautious about avoiding hurting others, even when they may be trying to hurt him. He constantly fears accidentally injuring anyone with his cold powers.
He suffers from OCD, which usually manifests in the form of intrusive thoughts and paranoia. (Note his general snobbiness and OCD are unrelated.) He does his best to keep himself constantly preoccupied to avoid idle thought.


Parents:  Martha and Maurice (and Indigo)

Seymour - His boyfriend - a fact which is somewhat of an open secret. They met through the R.S.H. when assigned as partners, and they clicked from the start. There are very few people in the world who Milton would bend rules for, and Seymour is one of them.

Markus - These two became close friends years ago, as children on the playground. He first saw Markus when he used his power to heal another kid, who'd fallen from the top of the slide. Impressed, this prompted a conversation. They've forged a bond through teaching one another - Milton helping as a scholarly tutor to him, and Markus about what it means to be affectionate. Though, over time Milton has confided less in him than he used to.

Brendon - They were close childhood friends until Brendon accidentally started a big fire at school because of his developing abilities. They only saw each other again when Milton joined the R.S.H. years later, and he still has too many mixed feelings about what happened before to truly reconnect. He won't get too involved with him since he's scared of what Brendon's capable of.

Maxine - With enough experience, every hero has the chance to become a mentor eventually; Maxine is Milton's mentor. He isn't sure how to talk to her outside of training sessions, especially since she's so close to Brendon.

Zakuro - An unlikely friend he doesn't mention to the others much, the two got to know each other after Zakuro inquired about commissioning Milton for his sewing and clothing design skills. He wasn't very sure about hanging around a villain, especially one as unapologetic and bold as Zakuro. But over time, they've created a bond through their mutual interest in fashion, and often meet to discuss clothing design projects.

Childhood (warning: child abuse mentions)

11195935_iPt34HIPRtgxL0i.pngMilton's mother Martha can't have children, so her husband Maurice went to Dr. Indigo at the R.S.H. Thanks to her expertise on DNA editing, she was able to give them Milton, who also shares DNA with herself. Because of this, Indigo feels like a mother to him. He isn't at all aware he was an experiment.

Maurice was impossibly critical of Milton throughout his upbringing. As a young child, he often endured abuse from his father for failing to reach expectations; sometimes he was hurt physically, and other times he would be locked in somewhere for hours, such as inside a closet. Once Martha found out, she put an end to it. However, the verbal abuse still continues.

When Milton was around 10, he accidentally burned Martha's hand while playing with his ice abilities. He hasn't truly trusted himself to stay in close proximity to anyone ever since.

Other children didn't like to get close to him due to his cold aura. He became used to being rejected for physical touch and began to distance himself from others preemptively.
Along with his fears of injuring others making his personal space area bigger, Milton learned to avoid going near other people.


•  His cat, Snowball, was a stray who followed him home. She loves it when he makes ice for her to lick.
•  Highly interested in fashion, he designs his own clothing as a hobby. He made his formal suit himself, and has worked on outfits for friends as well. Secretly, he'd much rather have a profession in clothing design instead of heroism.
•  Though not keen on a label, he'd define himself as gender-nonconforming or non-binary.
•  He has a negative body image and avoids showing skin.
•  Able to play both violin and piano, though has had much more practice with the latter.

Credit to Caramel-Caracal for ideas!