


5 years, 10 months ago



NameBenjamin Bleu 
BirthdateMarch 9
Gender Male
Sexual OrientationHeterosexual (Questionable)
Ethnicity Caucasian

Theme [TBA]

A well known professor in a university sitting within a bustling city. Students find it rare to find a professor who truly takes their time to their students and cares about their future more than themselves. Ben is one of these teachers, which makes him the popular figure, constantly surrounded and by students, no matter where he is in the campus. 

But because of how much he loves his job, he barely notices the growing distance between him and his child, James. He's known to have a keen eye with the concern of his students, but he fails to see the displeasure of his own son until it's too late. Despite that, he tries his best to make sure he enjoys his education as much as he does. 


  • Teaching
  • Comedy (Preferably sex jokes)
  • The color blue
  • Hanging out with the other dads


  • Homework
  • His bad knees


Ben is a talkative and (somewhat) mild-mannered, yet an eccentric analyst. He actively engages in debates to exercise his perceptiveness, always seeking knowledge to better himself in a specified. Though most of the time the debates are friendly and he enjoys listening to reason. While he appears confident and wise, talking to him in a very personal manner, he reveals that his sagacity is all he has to sustain himself before others. Benjamin purposely conceals his inner thoughts and true passions because he feels too insecure to honestly express them. Yet he hides it all with a happy, optimistic and yet somewhat of a crude personality.

He favors puns and verbal jokes, most of them leading to very sexual themes. His brilliance and empathy leads to his uncanny bonding with his son's friends' fathers. Ben senses that he can understand his own friends almost a similar level as his son's friends to Jackie and welcomes their criticisms for his assessments. Aside from friendship, the next he values is the potential future of the students that he educates on a daily. He often opens his office all the time to tend to the counseling of his students, sometimes he goes as far as keeping his office open until the late evening if he's concerned for them.

As for his way of socializing, his extroverted character allows him to talk to people of all kinds. He has an enjoyment of teasing many - by jokingly prying into their sex life or their desired interests. Most of his acquaintances always leave off flustered and embarrassed, yet still charmed or impressed by him that people would often come back to speak with him again.

  • There's always gonna be at least one dick joke in every lecture.
  • Ben doesn't mind being called Professor Bleu. But tells his students firsthand that he likes to be called Ben, to allow his students to open up more to him.
    > Benjamin is acceptable but he prefers not because his wife calls him that whenever he's in trouble.
  • Hates homework. He hates it to where he doesn't give it out in any of his classes unless it's necessary... which is a rare occasion.
    > His teaching methods are just lectures and exams. Many of his lectures are quite fun and interactive and they often hold more information better than homework assignments.
  • Is happily married to a beautiful woman (which he claims constantly). However, his way with words and actions makes everyone question his sexual preference.
    > Not afraid to kiss a man though.
  • Has heterochromia. His left eye is grey, while his right eye is light blue.
  • He loves to tease his students, but not to a point where they're miserable. As long as they're laughing in the end.
    > If he finds out that he has upset any of the students, he will literally go on his knees and apologize.
  • He is the father of Jackie... which is not his real name. In fact, Ben has two children, an eldest daughter, but he doesn't have as much concern for her as much as his second kid.
    > He was confused at first but after a brief explanation from his close friends, he only calls his son by his real name whenever his friends aren't there.
    > Jackie's best friend is actually one of Ben's longtime students. Ben knew Emery since she first entered college and hired her as Jackie's tutor. He's very appreciative that they became friends soon after.
  • Always makes fun of himself, especially with his bad knees.
    > Actually does have bad knees and curses whenever he has to take stairs or he has to run.
  • If he's not teaching, or out with family, chances he's probably hanging with one of the fathers of his son's friends.
    > Doesn't smoke but enjoys having a can of beer with them.


Benjamin Bleu was born in northern California, from a wealthy family. He is the middle child of four, and has been given the least attention (or so he believes) and often remains the individual child - even in school. His parents were known to be an aggressive, stern pair, hence why he has such a bright personality.

Growing up as an extroverted child, he never wanted his parents to pay his success by getting into a prestigious, private academy. Instead, he preferred the public school setting. Because of his sociable behavior, he was always the popular figure among classmates. Though he showed little interest in sports and dedicated his time as a student body member and in his academics. He easily was accepted into his desired University, majoring in humanities - there he met the love his life... and married her as soon as the two of them graduated. Despite he had plans working as a Psychology or a social worker, he found his calling in teaching before that. Thus, taking opportunities to become a professor at a young age.

But when he thought he found happiness, sudden tension appeared among his family. Especially between him and his strict parents, they loathed the idea of Ben moving down south and away from them. Wanting him to stay in their hometown after graduating, Ben refused and ignored attempts of contact while in the process of moving. Despite losing their support, he maintains good relations with his wife and her family to keep himself less guilty from the previous events. He claims he never saw eye-to-eye with his own father, but he never expected that it'd turn out a similar situation (or at least the feeling) with his second child, James.

(Story) The Prodigal

James's rising temperamental issues were now apparent in Ben's eyes and all attempts in trying to reason with him wasn't possible by himself. Especially when he focused more in his work as a professor, James believed he wasn't getting the attention he wished he had from his own father.
Benjamin knows how to hide his feelings quite well whenever he is at university, especially when he's been feeling discouraged by these events with James. But one of his students, Emery had seen right through his struggle. She didn't seem to know what the reason was, but Ben was caught off guard for the moment as she pointed it out. Espada offered to help his son to open up more. Not only to his classmates, but more importantly to his father.

Emery immediately befriended his child, as she was first introduced as his tutor in the beginning. Overtime, James (who has been lovingly called 'Jackie' by his newfound friends) opens himself up further... though the conversations between him and Ben still need to be worked on. But Ben is quite satisfied with the progress, and decides that he'd look for others for advice in reconnecting with his kid.

There, Espada introduces Ben with Arson, who had been already acquainted by a coworker, Konstantinov. A raggedy, gruff man who is in great terms with his only child (though it doesn't look like it). He is uncertain or in disbelief but the longer he spoke to Arson, he started to notice the best qualities. From them, Arson has been giving him advice about him and Jackie - in turn, Ben invites himself in with the group of fathers that hang around at least of their homes, watching time pass by.



Jackie (WIP)  [ Second Child ]

Benjamin has two children with his wife: an older girl who is now living her life independently - and then James, the second child who is currently struggling with school and his relationship with his own father. Ben becomes concerned with his rising temperament but it was already too late to fix as his position as a father - he ends up relying on one of his students to watch and care for Jackie since he is busy with students almost every single day.

He tries his best to have a good father-and-son conversation with him nowadays, but they usually end with awkward silence. Bleu hopes that his love and care for him will reach to James soon enough.


Viktor  [ Friend, Coworker ]

Viktor is a professor in the same University that Ben teaches in - just in a different department. Hence why they don't see each other a lot. Ben knows of Viktor even before they met in person, through the mouths of his students that adore Professor Konstantinov for the same reasons as why they adore Ben. But when he notices that Viktor treats Emery with such tender love and care... Ben becomes so curious about their relationship. As his suspicions were completely wrong, he leaves the Professor alone... until they met each other once again through Arson.

He first through Konstantinov was a harsh fellow, and never wanted to be with anyone who'd be so mean. Yet after a few conversations with him, Ben notices how... kind he was beyond the rough edges of his personality and words.


Arson  [ Friend ]

Arson was introduced by Emery, after he wanted to find advice as to how he could better reconnect with his child. At first Arson was a rough, hardheaded man but he trusted Emery enough to ask for his help. To Ben's surprise, Arson was quite a soft-heart and very intuitive when it came to children - or at least to his own kid. Beyond that, Ocampo is a wonderful man. And similar to Viktor as well - despite rough, he's actually a wonderful man to hang out with.

He's getting quite used to his punching as well and has managed to dodge every single hit he's attempted to make. It may be Ben's fault at the very beginning - who cannot stop teasing him about his lovely relationship with Alcott.


Emery  [ Student ]

Emery took Ben's class as an elective during her first year in college and since then, she's hooked and simply enjoys being in his presence. In fact, Ben considers himself as Emery's personal guidance counselor - in turn for her to help him with his son. She was the first of the students to notice that there was something going on in his personal life, and her kindness led her to offer help with his son's social behavior.

Beyond being a helpful individual, Ben could only see nothing but kindness in her heart. But Ben's intuitive nature of reading his students (like how she read him), he knows that something was going on in her personal life that Bleu could not poke into so casually....


Elois  [ Student...? ]

Continuing from his concern for Emery, she came in one day appearing... different despite nothing has changed physically. Through his own curiosity, Elois came to light and her appearance was something Ben took out of interest. What was her purpose? Her character? Her goals? All completely different to what Emery had. At first he assumed that this was Emery's "true" nature, but... she's actually a completely different person. Though, he demanded that they'd visit a professional to officially diagnose the suspicion of disassociative-identity disorder.

But Elois, as sour as she could be, is tolerable with Ben - even with his annoying teasing. Bleu tries his best to get to the good sides of both persons.

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