Alena Pitvil



Incomplete | Detailed profile | Up to date | Last updated July 2017

Alena Pitvil

Alena Pitvil
elle•E•na, PIT•ville
4th of May, 15.C.774.
Physical Age
26 years; adult
Actual Age
58 years
Livian Demon
Hunter, traveller
July 2013


Alena is a traveling huntress searching for her younger sister she lost many years ago to finally bring her home again.

Born in an easy early life, war and the threat of the south's imperialistic dragons has driven her and her family away from their home several times over and made her lose her younger sister in the chaos. Unable to accept she was gone, she promised her mothers she would bring her back and travelled the country to find a sign of her and take her back home after so many years.

A kind and tolerant woman, Alena is proud of where she is in life and how she got there. She can still enjoy her life without her sister, even though it's a hard task thanks to the bond they shared. She's assured she'll one day march into her village with her sister again, and with the certainty that she's just a bit away from that one fatal clue believes her search is almost over.

Quickstats & Design Notes

  • Art status: only draw after asking me first
  • Alena is a travelling huntress searching for her sister she lost so many years ago
  • The clothing she's depicted with is her summer outfit; for colder weather she wears long sleeves
  • She is a hearty but boastful woman with a good heart
  • Her main income and food source on her travels comes from selling the meat and hides she gets from hunting


Colour palette


Height 172cm/5'8"
Weight 65kg/143lbs
Body build Average
Designer ElithianFox
Skin colour Light red
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Blonde
Horn colour Yellow

Alena is a Northerner with fairly saturated light red skin. She's 172cm or 5'8 in height, which is pretty tall for her family. She's a fairly skinny woman, only showing some muscle here and there, which shows in her weight of 65kg or 143lbs. Her shoulders and waist are fairly thin and she has a B-cup in breast size.


She had large, light brown eyes. Her horns are a light yellow in colour and are fairly large; they curve backwards only a little near the middle. Her face is youthful, displaying an excited smile, a thin bridged nose with a medium sized tip, and a thin chin with slim cheeks.


She has curly dirty blonde hair worn loose at mid-back length. She takes care to keep it clean, but this isn't always possible on her travels, so it's not uncommon for her to display greasy, dirty hair.


Her clothing is suited for the wild, containing a lot of fur and leather to protect against both the weather and rough terrain. In warmer climates she wears a sleeveless brown chestpieces, in colder weather this is replaced by a long sleeved thick woollen vest with its insides covered in fur. She wears a white fur mantle around her neck to keep warm, as well around the belt. Her leather gloves are filled with white fluff that also adorns their rim. She wears green wool pants, again dependant on the weather, and her legs are protected by two leather pads per leg; one on her outer thigh and one on her knee.

Her boots are made of sturdy leather and string to keep them together. Her tail has a small leather decoration at its end and when her arms are bare, she wears a leather ornamental piece on her left upper arm as well. On her forehead she always wears a partial helmet that covers her forehead and three lighter segments that go down a few inches one over her forehead and one over each temple going down to just beneath the ears.



Alena is a determined woman who works hard on achieving her goals. There goes nothing above those she cares about for her, in Alena's case meaning her family, and she's willing to give everything to make them happy again. She's a very focused woman, meaning she often is blind to what else is important around her. It was no issue to spend a large portion of her life looking for a lost sister she had only known for a couple of years, unable to accept that she most likely was gone and she should move on with life.

Likes & Interests

  • Hunting and tracking animals
  • Wildlife survival in general
  • The sound of rain and thunder
  • Spiced meats
  • Her family
Dislikes & Disinterests

  • Extended isolation that comes with longer travelling
  • Thunderstorms and heavy rain
  • Loud/excessive noise
  • Winter, snow, and cold
Strengths & Advantages

  • Experienced survivalist, both in the wild and in situations of famine
  • Can use the bow against animals and if needed against attackers
  • Good at socialising, open personality
  • Determined personality
Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Frail, no real combat experience
  • Academically not the strongest
  • Focuses on one goal only, no consideration for anything else


Kraye Pitvil ✦ Sister

Kraye is one of the most important people in Alena's life, even if she disappeared so early on. She was just three when she vanished, but since Alena was her prime caretaker for that time and the two were always together, the two bonded for life. While Alena didn't always have the time or money to go looking for her, her newer skills have enabled her to try to find her.




[ To be added. The long backstory is outdated and her current story changes up that she only went looking for Kraye much later ]

Home life

Alena was the first child of a newly wed couple in the coastal country of Marlurk on a warm Spring day in "774. Her mothers had been doing well financially and the country was slowly blooming again after being invaded years before she was born, so Alena's future looked bright. She grew up an easy childhood, helping out her parents with their work on the fields they co-owned with an acquainted family. Alena took great joy in being around nature and working with crops.

Things went well enough to allow Alena to enjoy education for two days of the week. It was basic but there the basic writing her mothers had taught her was improved upon and she became fully literate. She learned about mathematics, history, and sciences for a full four years, working the fields when she had the time to do so.

In the summer of "784. her parents decided they were ready for another child, but not long after that their town was evacuated at the threat of hostile dragon soldiers and they were forced to leave for a safer place only to learn their homes had been burned down and there was no returning there. For months they fled the area deemed endangered in the hopes of evacuating to the lands under protection of a contracted foreign army which was said to be invincible.

After four months of traveling they made it to a safe town far away enough from the border to get enough time should another attack happen. With the last money they had left from their former job they bought a very small home and immediately went looking around for work. They were in luck and were hired to work on the fields of a farmer who owned a large portion of all the fields surrounding the town. Alena was hired as well, though for less of a pay due to her age. She didn't mind no longer getting to go to school in this new town, the years she had gotten were enough to make her decently schooled.

Not much later, their second daughter was born, a girl they named Kraye. There was enough money for firewood and they got food at the time, so the baby wasn't endangered by the recent fleeing conditions. Alena immediately took it upon her to protect this baby and to take her of her so that her parents could do their job without being disturbed by Kraye's needs. She carried the child with her everywhere and quickly formed a bond with her baby sister. Alena made attempts to spread what she had learned at school to Kraye, but the child was too young to learn already.

Slowly life was rebuilt again and the family could stock up on money in the hopes of buying something larger than a two room home. Kraye could help out on the fields as well as she learned how to walk and talk. In "787., unexpectedly the guard withdrew from the safe zone and the village population massively fled the village as they were threatened by the ruins they left of every village they razed through. Alena's family fled too, joining the immense caravan heading north to the only known stronghold left in the country: the capital.

Camp after camp the food grew more scarce and the terror built up higher as stories did their rounds. They were holding out, but barely. Panic broke out about the camp being on fire and chaos ensued, prompting most people to just run. Alena managed to keep up with her mothers but suddenly they stopped going with the crowd and began searching around for Kraye, whose hand they had let go of by the cheer force of her being pulled along. They didn't find her when the chaos cleared out and panicked.

The news was just a rumour as the guards confirmed that there was no fire and the camp was safe. For days they kept searching around for Kraye and asking guards if they had found a lone child, but she couldn't be found. Most of the group of refugees had moved on and the camp was almost entirely gone, even the guards had gone home. In a hopeful thought, they accepted that Kraye might've gone with the rest of the crowd and they'd find her in the capital again.

When they reached the capital they immediately started searching the many refugee camps around it, but with people being sent to neighbouring villages they didn't stand a chance at finding her again. They wanted to try and find Kraye so badly but money didn't allow them to, so defeated they followed along to one of the villages.

Finding Kraye

When arriving they did their rounds just in case, but as expected didn't find her anywhere and didn't get any leads. Alena told her parents she would leave town to go search around for her in the villages the refugees were sent to, but they forbid her to leave them as they didn't want to lose yet another child to this conflict and she was far too young to leave on her own. Alena took this as a sign that she really had to go looking for her sister once she was old enough to do so and the money was available.

Her mothers were fearful and skeptical of their fearful life. Everything was about making sure that if another attack happened, they could leave without hesitation. With the many refugees finding work was hard even with all the extra fields that were in use to accommodate all these new citizens. For long did they live in a camp just outside the city. Famine got to a lot of people during the winter, culling many of the refugees who weren't strong enough to face the cold. Alena's family survived to see a Spring full of opportunities.

This year they did find work at one of the many farms, though one located pretty far out into the lands. The travel distance had an impact on their income, but things stabilised again over the next few years. It seemed like they would survive. The number of soldiers they saw increased by the month and eventually a year after their arrival they got to hear that the entire country had been retaken by demon forces and the dragons had been pushed back over the mountain pass.

For the first time in years did the family feel safe again. They took their time to rebuild, to find a place of their own again, to recover from all the terror, to grief. As she grew older, Alena took measures to prepare herself for her task ahead, paying skilled survivalists to teach her how to travel distances and be far away from home without dying. Most advised her to pick up the skill of hunting too, something she'd without a doubt need if she wanted to spend most of her time searching instead of working to stay afloat financially.

In "799., Alena was ready to depart on her trip to find out what happened to Kraye. Now that she handled the bow, owned a horse, and knew the ins and outs of the country's flora and fauna, even her parents accepted that they'd have to let her go on this trip on her own. She left the city and her familiar environment to head for the capital first. She spent many months there, scouring every district for even a lead of where Kraye could be but after a year returned empty-handed.

It didn't let her down. She continued searching every village known to have housed refugees so many years ago. Her survival training really came into play here, proving useful during the weeks where she couldn't find a village in sight. The game she killed proved to be a great food source and the villages gladly bought the furs she got from them from her.

Still, she didn't find any leads anywhere. For many years did she roam around, going from village to village back home, and though here and there signs of her showed up, they seemed to lead nowhere. It demotivated Alena to keep on searching, but at this point she had been doing it for so long that she couldn't just give up. The periods where she stayed at home lasted longer and longer each break she took, but she would never quit.

A recent lead made Alena her to believe that she finally may see a happy reunion. She trusts that this time she's on the right track and it won't be long until she can take Kraye home again.