₀₀₁ Azrael (B3 Clones)



5 years, 9 months ago


Azrael's clone buddies that don't warrant a full profile of their own. Like Azrael, they are clones created from the B3 model either by the Adelphian military, or illegal organisations. They share the same appearance as Azrael, and some personality traits, but are pretty much independent characters. 

Age: 21

About: A B3 clone that never made it past the first stages of training. As a reject, he was used as a test subject for chemical weapons and drugs. Once the military lab was done with him, he was sent to be disposed of, but he managed to escape in a stolen pod, crash landing in the Undercity of Adelphus. The tests performed on him had turned him into a morphine addict, but fortunately for him, the drug trade was booming in the Undercity. He became a drug dealer of sorts, and for a long time, he was never discovered by the military. 
Age: 10

About: A T-class clone, a batch of clones illegally manufactured off the B3 model. Due to improper procedures and lack of proper genetic maps, there is high rate of defect among this batch, leading to the termination of most subjects. Three of the young clones survived the culling however and escaped to eke a life of their own. They were eventually discovered by Azrael and José, who felt too sorry to see them destroyed, so decided to adopt them recruit them into working for Adelphian planetary security.

As his name implies, Techie is skilled with technology and a genius hacker. He has a limp in one leg, however, and thus fares poorly at physical combat. He is the most outgoing of the bunch, and can be considered the friendliest and most well-adjusted B3 clone ever. He is José's favourite.
crow_by_gannetcloud-dch7bae.jpgCrowAge: 10

About: A T-class clone, a batch of clones illegally manufactured off the B3 model. Refer to above.

Crow is the leader of the group. Rebellious and headstrong, he trusts no one. He is the best at physical combat, and just wants to protect the others in his group. He holds strongly to the belief of "stab first, talk later". He does not get along with Azrael.
quiet_by_gannetcloud-dch7bns.jpgQuietAge: 10

About: A T-class clone, a batch of clones illegally manufactured off the B3 model. Refer to above.

As his name implies, Quiet pretty much never speaks. He is extremely shy and just a complete crybaby. He is a somewhat good spy, as no one even notices his presence half the time. When they do, however, they inevitably spoil him rotten out of guilt.