Constantine "Connie" Wytt



7 years, 3 months ago


a descendant of the carnite, a pseudo-alien parasite species that grows a second mouth in a random spot of its host. the condition is hereditary, and the host and parasite merge into one symbiotic being. connie is one of those people, and their mouth… surfaced in their crotch. as such, they lacked most crucial growth hormones that keep humanoids alive, and have been in quite the conundrum since. they didn’t come out of it all too happy, to be frank. they don’t see their family much anymore for a reason. 

connie is the opposite of sociable. they’ve been ducked behind their desktop pc since they decided to stop going outside in their early teens. they just simply don’t like people, or so they like to say. in truth, they love goofing around with others, and they always love going on the obligatory office outings. they just don’t trust most people not to take advantage of them, is all.

even then, connie is… generally just a scary person. after years of terrorizing skeevy forums, they‘ve gotten incredibly tech-savvy, and make perhaps more money than they should as a ‘security researcher’. perhaps because they do their job really well, or as a bribe of ‘please don’t destroy all our systems’. they get a smug sense of satisfaction knowing how easily they can get people to grovel before them, but… as for what to do with all that responsibility? that power? they really don’t have big plans. they live in a tiny apartment, and barely know how to cook. what are they gonna do?