


7 years, 3 months ago


balls off the walls fish girl. malar was born blind, but was raised along her fellow mawuusts as normal. however, this also meant that upon reaching adulthood, she would be expected to set off and find her own territory. truth to be told, spunky and daring malar had her life pretty settled. she only swam a little slower than others, and bumped her head a little more often, but she could eat and she could keep herself safe. that doesn’t mean that she didn’t appreciate zava’s concern, though, and let her old friend tag along with her.

ditzy as she may be, malar is the ‘leader’ figure of the two. she’s much bossier and snappier, and has far more guts than the average mawuust. but she also lacks self control, and can be rather impulsive. malar lives with her head in the clouds and a big toothy grin on her face, but will not hesitate to maul anything that ticks her off. make no mistake; serene and cheerful as she can be, she is part of a hostile and territorial species, and will not tolerate anybody trespassing her extremely cozy little waterfall cave. maybe if you bring her something to eat, though, she may reconsider…