Beekeeper (Vincent Fuchs)



7 years, 3 months ago


see those goggles? he’s taking them to the grave. a wannabe superhero, with the amazing ability to… drumroll, please… control bees. beekeeper (to never be referred to with his actual name) manifested this strange power seemingly entirely by accident as a child, and he completely let it get to his head. his entire life, entire image, became that of “bees”, and he became determined to use the power to fight evil like his childhood superhero idols. however… there aren’t particularly any supervillains for him to fight, and he doesn’t have political knowledge beyond “beating up the big bad and hoping it does something”. that would probably land him in jail, anyways, considering the big bads the real world has to deal with are CEOs and politicians. which SUCKS! so for now, he’s just… gonna sell honey, i guess.

a true enigma of sweetness and saltiness. while he genuinely has a good heart, he may also be the most annoying and entitled frat boy you will ever come across. and he’s never even lived in a frat house! a real chaotic neutral, who does what he wants, when he wants it, and he’ll complain about the consequences all the way. his ambition absolutely knows no bounds, but he’s stuck in a place where he can’t actually find a usage for his powers other than make a good amount of money. being technically a “magic” “”user”” (lame, he’d rather pretend it’s superpowers), he’s been recommended a move to the haven plane. he’s sure been having a good time zipping across the uncharted lands, using his powers to beat down dangerous beasts and whatever weird malicious people he comes across. it isn’t what he’s dreamed of, but… it’s a living!

currently, beekeeper lives in fogmere. he’s mostly settled here because he found a bunch of guys that look exactly like bees. he’s been latching on to poor hommes like glue, forcing him into an inevitable friendship. as annoying as this guy may be, hommes can’t lie… he’s taken a liking to this absolute weirdo. even if he does nothing but lay on the couch, play video games, and eat burgers. what can he say? he’s got the cuteness factor (he absolutely does not).