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3 Jul 2019, 8:20:17 am



luckily for you in my sleep deprived drunkenness ive accidentally deleted this from my notifications and will no longer feel the sweet euphoria of seeing it as i check my notifs daily. no longer will it clear my skin on dewy mornings. i will miss you, Baby Dabbie Saying MFW [My Face When] Fortnite 2 Is Announced, you will move onto better things and leave me behind, but that's ok, i've accepted it. change is good. even if it hurts. you brought me peace in times of war and i will always remember you. i hope you can do the same for me, Baby Dabbie Saying MFW [My Face When] Fortnite 2 Is Announced, i truly, truly hope so.

happy 30 day anniversary to this image:)

i saw this 2 hours after it was posted and i think you should know i will never delete this notifcation. every time i check toyhouse and see it and get a dumb smile on my face. it's energy is so powerful that it physically disabled my ability to even try to get rid of it, even if i wanted to, which i dont, because it's just that powerful. sometimes i check my one (1) notification and im like "oh boy i wonder what it could be!" it's this. it's always this. OF COURSE it's always this. what else could it be? you're right, absolutely nothing. some part of me truly expects to see some normal art, and then i make eye contact with this beautifully traced meme and i shed a tear as the captain k'nuckles demon in my head voices this out for me. but other times i go on toyhouse to my homely one (1) notification and KNOW, and click on it anyway, it's how i start off my day when i wake up at 7pm after a fortnite dabbie-induced lucid dream. anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk.