₀₀₆ Noor



7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info








Pure-blooded human


Bisexual, probably






17th April


Noor is a lieutenant in the Adelphus Military Police, as well as Azrael's number one rival and best friend during their time at the military academy. He's generally a pretty chill dude, but has a permanent poker face. On the other hand, his stoic appearance coupled with his ruthless efficiency results in him coming across as "cool and intimidating". He speaks very little and is highly secretive about his mysterious past, making him all the more intriguing to his peers.


Noor is a stoic and quiet individual who shows little emotion, preferring to let his action dictate his intentions rather than his words.  He comes across as having a rather laid back attitude when interacting with others, consequently earning himself the reputation of being a "cool" dude. Moreover, he appears effortlessly excellent even when it comes to more serious matters such as training, having the highest scores out of his batch at the military academy (until Azrael came along). Yet he doesn't seem ambitious, nor particularly competitive. Even as Azrael outperforms him in most areas, he displays only a slight curiosity and respect towards his rival, rather than any outward feelings of jealousy. The only hint of him even acknowledging their rivalry is his constant badgering of Azrael to be his training partner. His mentality is that he doesn't need to be the best --- he just needs to be good enough.

While Noor is rather popular among the other cadets for his combination of competence and friendliness, he actually cares very little for them. He considers himself a lone wolf of sorts and is highly independent. His only goal is to complete the task as quickly as possible by himself, thus he completely disregards any freeloaders as long as they don't slow him down.  

Noor has a rebellious streak, despising authority and following the rules. Of course, he does not outwardly express his distaste, maintaining a polite and respectful front while exploiting every loophole he can possibly find. His more mischievous side also comes across in such situations, as he frequently attempts to get away with all sorts of transgressions. 


Noor was born in the Undercities of Adelphus. His father died in an incident shortly after his birth, leaving his mother alone to take care of him. However, due to backbreaking and dangerous work she had to undertake to support the family, she quickly fell ill and perished as well, leaving Noor to fend for himself. Lost and confused, the young boy, who only 10 at the time, was left to live on the streets. 

He was eventually adopted by a gang, who took pity on the sickly and half-starved child. Despite the notoriety associated with gang members, they treated him kindly. While he was required to help them on occasion with their illegal dealings, they always ensured that he was kept out of dangerous situations. Nevertheless, they still trained him extensively in combat and weapons handling, skills essential to survival in the Undercities.

At the age of sixteen, Noor's time with his gang came to an abrupt end when the group ran afoul of the Adelphian military police during an illegal arms trading deal. Most of the gang members were killed during the confrontation; Noor and a few of the younger members who had been left behind were the sole survivors.

Devastated and vengeful, Noor, now the oldest of the group, set out on a suicide mission to retrieve the confiscated weapons (which would surely fetch a sum sufficient for them to subsist on)



  • He would never admit it, but he admires Azrael, just a little, and wanted very much to be friends with him. However, he never outwardly expressed this intention, choosing instead to bother Azrael at every opportunity, which caused Azrael to be extremely wary of him initially. Ironically, it was only when they held each others' secrets as blackmail that they started to trust each other, eventually becoming fairly close friends.
  • He never eats meat, stating that he is merely "taking a precaution", whatever that means.
  • He has top scores in everything except for marksmanship because of his depth perception, and because he doesn't care for standardized tests. He was forced to pin his fringe up once and subsequently attained a perfect score.
  • "Noor" is his legal name on all his official documents, but not his real name.
  • Noor strongly dislikes Adelphus, or rather its main sectors. On the other hand, he is fiercely loyal towards the Undercities and would much rather spend most of his time there.