Folders Sucessfully Reorganized

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by TheLadyAnatola

Well, I did it. My new folder system is now in place. It's all organized by what galaxy/realm the stories take place in, so it's a little more representative of how my large story universe is laid out as a whole rather than putting things into arbitrary "Primary/Side/Stand-Alone story" categories. The majority of the stories are located in The Eternity, but I'm sure the other ones will fill out over time as well once I slowly chug my way over to those stories folders/characters that I haven't uploaded yet.

I feel like this will make more sense in the long run and will probably be the permanent folder system I use, as far as I know now. There's still a lot of non-public folders floating around, so maybe it won't seem too different to most viewers, but I suppose a few things have been shuffled around. 

Some day I would like to make thumbnail images for all the folders to make it a little easier to see what the theme/aesthetic of the story might be to general viewers, but that's probably not going to happen anytime soon. Mostly because I don't know how to make those kind of graphics, nor do I have much interest in doing so, and it'll probably be an expensive endeavor to commission thumbnails for so many folders. ^^; I guess we'll see what happens down the road. If anyone actually does commissions for things like titles or little logos like that, you're free to let me know and I may consider it in the future.

But for now, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay organizationnnnnnnn


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