🕰️ Mimosa and the Clocktower 🕰️

Posted 11 months, 6 days ago (Edited 10 days, 21 hours ago) by Lilina


Toyhouse World / Discord server / Itch.io / Wiki

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(Originally copy pasted from my old devlog forum post over at Itch dot Io. If you have an Itch account, feel free to provide feedback there as well.)

Mimosa and the Clocktower is a project that I’ve been working on since 2022, and is currently in a mix between both concept stage and prototype stage. This game was initially developed to be a Metroidvania, but ultimately changed to an action-adventure platformer with some metroidvanialike mechanics. Most of the items and characters (i.e. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Hickory Dickory Dock) are themed after popular nursery rhymes and theme songs. Right now, I am currently working on making concept art for various mechanics and additional enemies, as well as writing the plot and script for it, but for now I’ll explain what the game has in store.


(Image featured is concept art)

The summary:

Mimosa, a baby dragon, hatches out of his egg, only to find himself on the planet of Timesea, where the water is filled with illusions of clocks. While confused at first, he discovers that Dock plans to reach the top of the ancient clocktower, and freeze everyone and everything in Timesea, so in order to stop this from happening, Mimosa starts his journey throughout the planet.
With his ability to triple-jump, age himself to become stronger, and change breathes by eating berries along the way, Mimosa uses these powers to save Timesea from the hands of Dock. However, the clock of fate will know if he’ll ever reach the clocktower…

Features (Not finalized)

(See here for further information of the rest of the mechanics)

  • The protagonist, Mimosa’s ability to change breaths and upgrade them. In this game, breaths are considered the only weapon Mimosa can use, and new ones are collected by eating berries. Right now, I have only completed eight of them, but I have more berries and breaths that will be made in the future, so it provides a bit more variety.
  • Rewinding time, which can undo either your last action or mistake by pressing and holding the ENTER key.
  • Stopping time, which allows Mimosa to freeze most enemies for a limited amount of time.
  • Plants, which provide temporary power-ups that could help Mimosa on harder areas.
  • Random events based on your system’s current time, which is normally cosmetic.

Update 4-15-2024: I am no longer updating OP with the most recent footage because it got too tedious. To compensate for this, you can watch all past footage here.

This game is being developed by me and me only (Historia-Q) and uses the GameMaker engine. However, since I’m still amateur with GameMaker, I greatly appreciate some feedback. Due to a learning disability, I mostly copypaste code from either tutorials, assistance from other people, or scouring in the GameMaker forums.


Updated op


This sounds like a very fun concept! Mimosa is adorable and so are the enemy concepts in the sketch. As a fellow aspiring developer I'll keep an eye out for how this progresses in the future! :o



Tysm! I've been focusing quite a lot on it, and hopefully I could continue to develop it as time goes on. For now, this is all I could offer, but I'll be posting more concept art soon.


Showcasing concept art I've made a few days ago. I don't know how to implement these.


Okay, just a bit of an update, I figured out how to make Mimosa triple jump! Triple jumping is one of his main abilities in the game, alongside breaths, so I'm glad that after getting a bit of help from the Gamemaker server, I managed to get it working.

Now, I still have a lot of things to do, i.e. implement his breaths.


New prototype footage!

This simply demonstrates how high Mimosa can triple jump, alongside new sfx and a falling animation.

I also managed to get Mimosa's breath ability to the game. I just need to tweak it a little and then add attack animation.


Hee hoo I forgot I never announced it here, but Mimosa now has its own wiki. It's a worldbuilding wiki, but it's hella unfinished, though I will hopefully get most of my content here, even if that will take a while.


I forgot to mention this, but here's new footage of the game so far. I am also in progress of editing the music because it's very grating atm.


Glad to see that the progress of your game is going well so far! Hope you can succeed with making it!



Aaaaaa ty!!!


No problem! What will you include next at this stage? The closest options are collectible coins or decorations, though the enemy collision would probably be the main priority.



Yeah the enemy collision is one thing that I'm planning on doing, but I don't have the HP bar set up yet. I'll get into that eventually.

Also, I have notes (as in, musical notes) as the game's collectables, though it will be added in the future. :o

As for the stage decorations, my issue with it right now is that they'll clash too much with the game's overall aesthetic. At this point, do you have any suggestions on making the decorations blend in properly?


Try and come up with ideas for decorations which you think will fit with the aesthetic, and choose the ones which you think fit the most. For example the caves may have stones or crystals inside, and should have some multiple layers for the background to give the illusion of depth.


Mimosa can now take damage. Health bar is still being designed. (warning for photosensitivity)

As for the backgrounds, I got too busy, so I wasn't able to find time to come up with ideas.